

科技传播 2012年9期



Specialist in geotechnical engineering and hydraulic structure.Born in Shanghai.Graduated from the Central University in 1929.Received MS in 1935 and 1937 from the University of Michigan, USA.Professor, Tsinghua University.

Huang has the special ability of finding key scientific problems in the production practice and doing creative and essential research.He developed the grid analysis method of arch dams and triaxial dynamic loading apparatus for the investigation of various factors affecting the liquefaction of sound.Besides, he also paid great attention to the introduction and popularization of advanced technologies, such as the consolidation of soft soil foundation by using sand well and precompression method, the prevention of ground foundation of sluices and dams from leakage failure by using inverse filter layers and drainage well, the building of sluices according to complement foundation principle, the blocking of sand foundation leakage by casting concrete cut-of walls on the spot, etc..He participated in some scientific research and construction work of sluices and dams in harnessing the Yellow River and Huai River, and the projects in Fozi Ridge,Meishan, Banqiao, Yuecheng, Xinfeng River and Maojiacun dams.He consulted and gave vigorous proposals on the protection of river channel erosion and foundation settlement of many projects including Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge, Shanghai Baoshan Steel Factory and other.

He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1955.




Electric engineering expert.Born in yinxian, Zhejiang Province.Receive BS from the University of Newcastle in 1927 and MS from the Institute of Science and Technology, University of Manchester, UK in 1929.Professor, Department of Electric Engineering, Tsinghua University.

Zhang participated in mapping out of Long-Term Scheme for the Development of Science and Technology(1956~1967) in China and was engaged in the teaching of electric engineering for a long time.He complied ‘’Electrical Machinery”, ”Electrical Machine Design ” and “Application of Electro-Magnetic Fields in Electrical Machines ” as teaching materials.His main academic treatises include “General Theory of Magnetic Fields”, “Capacitor Motors”, “Synchronous Induction Motors”, “On the Damping Coefficient of Synchrodynes During Periodic Oscillation”,“Comment on the ‘DC Motors’ Written by A.C.Lanzsdorf”, “The Theory of Single-Phase Induction Motors and Tensor Analysis”,“Schraze Electrical Motors”, “Short-Circuit Current in Single-Phase Synchronous Machine”, “Transient Current of Three-Phase Generators”, and “Performance and Theory of Induction Motor in Series Connection with A Compensating Frequency Converter”,In addition, he published a monograph entitled “Electromagnetic Fields of Electrical Machines ” and translated “The Effects of Harmonic Magnetic Field in Asynchronous Machines”.

He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1955.




Architect.Born in Xinhui, Guangdong Province.Graduated from Tsinghua University in 1923.Received MS from the University of Pennsylvania, USA in 1927 and honorary literature from Princeton University in 1947.

Liang founded the Architecture Department in Northeastern University when he returned to China in 1928.In 1931, he joined the Institute for Research in Chinese Architecture, and academic organization for ancient Chinese architecture study.He founded the Architecture Department in Tsinghua University in 1946.He devoted his whole life tu the education and research on the history of ancient Chinese architecture.Since the 1930s, he directed and participated in the survey on more than 2,000 examples of ancient architecture, accumulated a large number of valuable materials,and studied systematically and thoroughly the development,features and achievements of ancient Chinese architecture and ancient art.After 1949, he participated enthusiastically in urban projects of Beijing, which include the design of national emblem of the People’s Republic of China, the Monument to the People’s Heroes and 10 grand buildings in Beijing.He was the dean of Architecture Department of Tsinghua University, where many excellent architects have been trained.

He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1955.




Machinery expert.Born in Yihuang, Jiangsi Province.Received BS and MS from Purdue University, USA in 1913.Professor and chairman, Transport and crane Department and vice president, Jiaotong University.

Cheng was highly learned in railway engineering and had rich practical experience in manufacture, maintenance and utility of locomotives and vehicles, especially the performances and operation of locomotives.He led an expert delegation to survey Japanese railway factories as well as their related technical divisions, applied their experience after coming back to China to the Jinpu Railway Line and achieved outstanding records.He set up the Zhuzhou Locomotive Factory in Hunan Province and succeeded in developing double-use trucks for both railtracd use and filed use.His research and experiments on retrofitting the tenwheel big truck as a simple and light locomotive on the railways provides the orientation and method for solving the trailing power problem on the only railway ling in Chine as well as developing trailers for railway service use.

He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in1955.


Historical Architecture: A Paradigm of a modern city’s development