山东省临清市 林楚 供稿
山东省临清市 林楚 供稿
Rolling Iron Beads滚铁珠
Three iron beads are in the middle of the movable box(as in the picture).If you have a magnet,make the beads roll to the corner of the three-triangled box at the same time.(Don’t touch them with your hands.)有三颗铁珠如图所示放在活动木盒的中央。如果给你一块磁铁,你能否想个办法,使三颗铁珠同时向三角形木盒的角上滚去。(手不许接触铁珠)。
Take Out the Anchor Cleverly巧取纸锚
The paper anchor is on the bigger paper ring.The smaller ring interlinks with the handle of the anchor.Try to take the anchor out of the 2 paper rings.(Don’t break them,but you can only fold the bigger one.)如图“纸锚”挂在大纸圈上,锚柄上又套着一小纸圈。现在请你设法把纸锚从大小两个纸圈里取出来。注意不能破坏任何一个纸圈,但可以折叠大纸圈。
A Lost Monkey小猴迷路
The monkey is lost on the hill.Little friends,please find the shortest way to the foot of the hill for the monkey.The monkey can only jump onto one step,not over every other one.小猴子在山上迷路了。小朋友们请帮助小猴找出最近的一条路。注意小猴每次只能上下一个台阶,不能跳跃。
A Puzzle in the Circus.马戏团的奇题
Three rabbits,bears,dogs and monkeys are in the big cages.The same kind of animals can’t be in the cage next to each other.Please have a try.马戏团有兔熊狗猴四种小动物,每种各有3只,把它们关进大笼子里。相同的小动物不能关在相邻的小笼子里,请你试试看。