

中学生英语·中考指导版 2012年7期


Enthusiastic Pattaya Beach, Thailand


Sand, sun and fun make Pattaya (芭堤雅海滩) one of the most popular destinations (目的地) for visitors to Thailand. Pattaya offers every imaginable form of water sports, plentiful and affordable golf courses. Pattaya, on the eastern coast of the Gulf of Thailand, is a cosmopolitan city (国际大都市) dedicated to the pursuit (追求) of excitement, pleasure and adventure (冒险). It has boisterous go-go bars, clamorous discos and tumultuous nightclubs. Visitors seeking quiet and unpolluted beaches and a laid-back (悠闲的) atmosphere should go elsewhere.


Monument of Love—Taj Mahal

爱情的丰碑—— —泰姬陵

The Taj Mahal is a monument (遗迹) located in Agra in India. On 17th June, 1631, Mumtaz Mahal died during childbirth. Her husband, Mughal emperor (皇帝) Shah Jahan I, then spent more than 20 years to build her tomb, the Taj Mahal. It was constructed between 1631 and 1654 by a workforce of 20,000.


Seattle’ s Coffee Culture


People in Seattle love coffee. Some say it’s because Seattle has many rainy days and people need coffee to be happy. Others say coffee shops are popular because Seattle people are very laid-back and relaxed. Coffee shops in Seattle are a lot like teahouses in China. In Seattle, people go to coffee shops to talk to friends, read, play games, work on the computer, or relax. Coffee is an important part of people’s day. The world’s largest coffee shop chain, Starbucks, first opened in Seattle in 1971. But Starbuck is not the only popular coffee shop in the city. There are other large chains, like Seattle’s Best Coffee, Caffe Ladro, or Tully’s. Seattle also has many small neighborhood coffee shops. Everyone has their favorite.

西雅图人喜爱咖啡。有人将这归之于西雅图气候多雨,因此人们需要咖啡来保持心情愉快。也有人认为咖啡馆之所以风行是因为西雅图人生活闲适、惬意。西雅图的咖啡馆和中国的茶馆很像。在西雅图,人们到咖啡馆与朋友交谈,在那里读书、做游戏,携带电脑工作,或者休息、放松。咖啡是大家一天生活的重要组成部分。星巴克,这个全球最大的咖啡连锁店,1971年首先在西雅图开张。不过西雅图知名的咖啡馆不止星巴克一家。还有其他大型连锁店,比如西雅图极品咖啡,Caffe Ladro和Tully’s。另外这里也有许多小型社区咖啡馆。每个人都有自己的最爱。

斐济群岛被称作“南太平洋的十字路口”, 斐济群岛共由332个岛屿组成,面积18,333平方公里,分布成马蹄的形状,斐济大部分是珊瑚礁环绕的火山岛,斐济是个多种族的国家,斐济族与印度族是两个主要民族,其他的有罗图马岛人、欧洲人和华人。斐济的国饮叫“卡瓦酒”。初到斐济的外国游客,如果能受到当地人为他举行的卡瓦酒的仪式,则被认为是受到了最隆重的接待而感到无尚光荣。

The Islands of Fiji, South Pacific Islands

斐济群岛—— —南太平洋国岛

Do you know something about the islands of Fiji? The islands of Fiji are in the South Pacific Ocean.

Fiji is a fascinating country. The view in Fiji is very beautiful. It’s full of attractions that can be found nowhere else. You can float in the calm, quiet waters at sunset or walk alone through lush (茂盛的) rainforest in Fiji. It is where the sun shines almost every day and when it rains, people rush outside for a rain-bath in the warm, brief downpour (倾盆大雨) of a tropical shower which ends as quickly as it began. This is where life is lived for the joy of it all, where rushing is rude, and the name of a new friend is never forgotten. Fiji is where people wear flowers hid in their hair, not to impress visitors, but because they like to.

The fishermen of Fiji live in small villages near the sea. These villages are very beautiful. Happy children play under the palm trees(棕榈树). The islanders build their houses on big stones and do not go into the houses. They also build their houses on the water. The islanders make their roofs with coconut (椰子) leaves. They cover their floors with mats (垫子). The fishermen make their canoes (独木舟) from tree trunks (树干). They go from island to island and collect turtle eggs (海龟蛋). They catch their fish with nets or with spears (矛).

Read the passage and judge whether the following sentences are true (T) or 1 (F).

True (T)False (F)

1. The islands of Fiji belong to Asia. T F

2. The islanders make their roofs with coconut leaves. T F

3. The fishermen of Fiji cover their floors with mats. T F

4. The islanders don’t build their houses on big stones. T F

5. The islanders of Fiji can make their canoes. T F