编者注: 愚人节到了,大家有没有想尽办法整人呢?这天各种笑料不断,不仅我们自己爱开些小玩笑,各国的新闻媒体也爱与大家一起过愚人节哦。
On the fool’s day in 1957, BBC news said, the Swiss Spaghetti had a good harvest. Farmers were harvesting spaghetti on the tree. A large number of audiences were deceived, and called for the method of planting spaghetti tree. The BBC’s response is: put a noodle inserted in tomato sauce, and then wait.
On the fool’s day in 1992: American Public Radio’s Talk of the Nation program announced that Richard Nixon was running for President again. His campaign slogan was, “I didn’t do anything wrong, and I won’t do it.” Accompanying this announcement were a section of Nixon’s speech. The angry and surprised listeners called to question it one after another. After that the host revealed that the announcement was a joke. Nixon’s voice was imitated by a comedian.
On the fool’s day in 1998, Burger King published a full page advertisement in USA Today introducing a new item of their menu: a “Left-Handed Hamburg” specially designed for the left-handed people. But all the changes were rotated 180 degrees. (I was so surprised. Was there any difference?) Thousands of customers went into restaurants to taste the new sandwich, and many people requested right-handed version.