A Monkey in Empty Talk说空话的猴子


中学生英语·中考指导版 2012年12期

1. A monkey watches the farm cattle working in the field, and says, “Cattle, let me help you.” After a while, he feels tired and leaves with some excuses. 猴子见黄牛耕田,说:“黄牛,我来帮你耕田。”耕了一会儿,猴子嫌累,借口有事走了。

2. The eagle is making the nest. The monkey says, “Eagle, I can help you.” After picking some brunches, he feels back-breaking and leaves with some excuses again. 老鹰在树上筑巢。猴子说:“老鹰,我来给你帮忙。”拣了几根树枝,猴子觉得腰酸,又借口走了。

3. The rabbit is digging the hole. The monkey says, “Rabbit, I can help you.” After digging for a while, he has some sweat and leaves with some excuses again. 兔子在打洞,猴子说:“兔子,我来助你一臂之力。”挖了几锄,猴子出了点汗,又借口走了。

4. It is autumn now. A good harvest of grain is in sight in the cattle’s field. The monkey says, “It was I who ploughed the field for the cattle.” 到了秋天,黄牛田里的谷子丰收在望。猴子说:“这块田是我替黄牛耕种的。”

5. The eagle finishes the nest. The monkey says to everyone he meets, “I almost broke the back for making the nest.” 老鹰的巢造好了,猴子见人就讲:“为了筑这个巢,我差点累弯了腰。”

6. The rabbit finishes his hole. The monkey says, “I don’t know how much effort and sweat I put in it.” 兔子的洞打好了。猴子说:“为了帮助兔子打洞,我不知出了多少力,流了多少汗!”

7. The cattle, the eagle and the rabbit understand everything the monkey did. They are not willing to talk with him. 黄牛、老鹰和兔子对猴子的表现看得一清二楚,谁也不愿理他。

empty talk说空话 excuse借口


plough 耕种 effort力气