潘鸿海在2012年1月完成的新作前 Pan stands in front of his newly completed oil painting in January 2012.
笔下的油彩也始终流淌着那一份让人倍感亲切、纯净而又浓烈的江南情韵。“那时,常看到村里的姑姑婶婶穿着红肚兜乘凉,也常看到她们端着木盆举着木槌到河边洗衣,这些小时候的记忆,整个地贯穿在我的创作生命中,我创作这些作品只是想最真切地反映自己的家乡情怀。 ”
正如潘鸿海先生所说,最初只是抱着对故乡的眷恋而创作,无法预料这一切终将给他带来什么。自1986年潘鸿海的油画《囡囡》参加全国展览并被中国美术馆收藏之后,系列作品《姑苏行》《江南行》相继问世,广受好评,奠定了他自己的艺术风格并逐渐受到收藏家们的热捧。然而,面对扑面而来的赞美和盛誉,潘鸿海没有任何张扬和自满,一直孜孜不倦地探索表达清旷怡人江南风景、灵秀温婉江南风情。面对关于创作动能的各种追问,他只有简短而有力的几句话:“我喜欢画画,我喜欢画江南!画了几十年,还是画江南!江南永远也画不完! ”
水乡晨雾 Morning Mist at a River Town, a painting by Pan Honghai
又回外婆家 A Visit to Grandma, a painting by Pan Honghai
This is Pans painting about Liangzhu, a suburb of Hangzhou, where a civilization once prospered. This painting is part of a provincial project to visualize the provinces history.
自幼酷爱绘画的潘汶汛,没有因为父亲的盛誉而循着江南油画路子走,她选择的艺术创作门类是中国画。她说,创作之中,她所追求的是线条与笔墨赋予可见形象联想之外那更深沉的意味。作为感恩,也作为祝贺,她将自己最新创作的新水墨系列40余幅作品组成一个展览,为“江南忆”添上一抹空灵、神秘和美妙的清气。正如潘汶汛曾撰文描述的那样:“不确定的交换沸腾才是美妙。 ”于是展览中便飘散着中国艺术的清气,由江南油画中来,在当代水墨里弥漫。而我们有理由相信,这一场美妙的展览,是潘鸿海先生和他的女儿奉献给江南大地一段可以铭记的佳话。□
Master Paints Dream Scenes
of South
By Ah Tong
A dream of natural and cultural beauty of the south of the Yang-tze River Delta is now on exhibition from February 18 through 26, 2012 at Shanghai Art Gallery. Pan Honghai is the dreamer and the 60-plus oil paintings on display are the dream stuff.
The 70-year-old Pan is the honorary president of Zhejiang Paint-ing Academy and a master of oil painting who works heart and soul to painting the legendary beauty and culture of the river area in the south of the Yangtze River Delta. Born in a river village in a suburb of Shanghai in 1942, Pan studied in Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts (the predecessor of present-day China Academy of Art) from 1962-1966 after studying at the affiliated middle school of the academy. Upon graduation, he entered a publishing house in Hangzhou and later he joined Zhejiang Painting Academy.
As he has been embraced by the beauty of rivers and ponds of the south all his life, he embraces the beauty in return. It is only natural that his art focuses on the scenes he is familiar with all his life.
In 1986, his painting “Little Girl” received very good critical re-view at a national exhibition and it later went into the collection of China National Art Gallery. This prize-winning artwork became the first of his later successful artistic explorations, which have become popular with audience and collectors.
Pan started painting women in the south of the Yangtze River Delta very early his career. In 1973, he painted portraits of a mother and a daughter. The memories of childhood years in villages and towns became alive in his artistry. In January 2009, he created a huge painting that traced the roots of Liangzhu, prehistoric remains of the 6,000-year-old ancient civilization in a northern suburb of Hangzhou.
His daughter Pan Wenxun, an artist with a PhD degree, does not follow her fathers oil painting style. Instead, she chooses the tradi-tional Chinese painting as the means. She is enamored of the same natural and cultural beauty of the south of the Yangtze River Delta. Her solo exhibition runs in parallel with her fathers solo at the same gallery, featuring the same regional idyllic dream stuff. Her paintings are a series of 40 plus portrayals of the region, dream and reality and a lot of beautiful things between them. □