

英语学习 2012年5期

In six years of studying economics, not once did I hear the word “ecology”. So if it hadnt have been for the chance purchase of a video called Gandhi in the final term of my degree, Id probably have ended up earning a fine living in a very respectable job. The little chap in the loincloth taught me one huge lesson—to be the change I wanted to see in the world. Trouble was, I had no idea back then what that change was.

After managing a couple of organic food companies made me realise that even “ethical business” would never be quite enough, an afternoons philosophising1 with a mate changed everything. We were looking at the worlds issues—environmental destruction, sweatshops2, factory farms, wars over resources—and wondering which of them we should dedicate our lives to. But I realised that I was looking at the world in the same way a western medical practitioner3 looks at a patient, seeing symptoms and wondering how to firefight them, without any thought for their root cause. So I decided instead to become a social homeopath4, a proactivist, and to investigate the root cause of these symptoms.

One of the critical causes of those symptoms is the fact we no longer have to see the direct repercussions5 our purchases have on the people, environment and animals they affect. The degrees of separation between the consumer and the consumed have increased so much that were completely unaware of the levels of destruction and suffering embodied in the stuff we buy. The tool that has enabled this separation is money.

If we grew our own food, we wouldnt waste a third of it as we do today. If we made our own tables and chairs, we wouldnt throw them out the moment we changed the interior decor. If we had to clean our own drinking water, we probably wouldnt contaminate it.

So to be the change I wanted to see in the world, it unfortunately meant I was going to have to give up cash, which I initially decided to do for a year. I got myself a caravan6, parked it up on an organic farm where I was volunteering. Cooking would now be outside—rain or shine7—on a rocket stove; mobile and laptop would be run off solar; Id use wood I either coppiced or scavenged to heat my humble abode.8

Food was the next essential. There are four legs to the food-for-free table: foraging wild food, growing your own, bartering, and using waste grub, of which there is loads. On my first day, I fed 150 people a three-course meal with waste and foraged food. Most of the year, though, I ate my own crops.

To get around, I had a bike and trailer, and the 34-mile commute to the city doubled up as my gym subscription. For loo roll Id relieve the local newsagents of its papers; its not double-quilted, but I quickly got used to it.

What have I learned? That friendship, not money, is real security. That most western poverty is of the spiritual kind. That independence is really interdependence. And that if you dont own a plasma screen TV, people think youre an extremist.

People often ask me what I miss about my old world of lucre and business. Stress. Traffic jams. Bank statements. Utility9 bills. Well, there was the odd pint of organic ale with my mates down the local.10











2. sweatshop: 血汗工厂(工作条件恶劣而工资低微的小企业、工厂等)。

3. practitioner: 执业医生。

4. homeopath:〈主英〉=homoeopath,使用(或提倡)顺势疗法的医生;“顺势疗法”(homeopathy)是1796年哈内曼提出的一种有别于传统西医的治疗学方法,其理论基础是“同样的制剂治疗同类疾病”,意思是为了治疗某种疾病,需要使用一种能够在健康人中产生相同症状的药剂。

5. repercussion:(尤指不好的)持续影响,反响,后果。

6. caravan:(带有食宿设备的)旅行拖车。

7. rain or shine:〈口〉在任何情况下,不论天气好坏。

8. coppice: 修剪(树木)以助生长;scavenge:(人)在废弃物中寻找(可食或可用的东西);abode: 住所。

9. utility: 公共事业(如煤气、电力等)。

10. pint: 品脱(美国和英国的液量单位,尤用于啤酒或牛奶);ale: 麦芽啤酒。


Pen Holder
顺势而导 灵活调控