误译:A netizen revealed that the young woman who had flaunted wealth on the web was the rich second-generation.
正译:A netizen revealed that the young woman who had flaunted wealth on the web was the daughter of a first-generation wealthy man.
解释:“富二代”是“富一代的子女”,可以指全体人,也可以指个别人。但是generation 的意思是 all the people who were born at about the same time,指“一代人”,而不指“一个人”。rich second-generation的意思是“富裕的二代”,指一个群体。这句话的“富二代”指“一个人”,不能译为 the rich second-generation。
“二代”的第一个意思是“第二代”,表示序列。英语可以译为second- generation。例如:
1. 最近走红的超级球星林书豪是个成功的二代华裔美国人。Basketball superstar Jeremy Shu-How Lin, who has recently become popular, is a successful second-generation Chinese American.
“二代”的第二个意思是“第一代人的子女组成的群体”。“富二代”、“穷二代”、“官二代”和“星二代”,英语分别译为the rich second-generation, the poor second-generation, officials second-generation, celebrities second-generation。例如:
2. “贫二代”无权无势,是社会的弱势群体。Being without power and influence, the poor second-generation is a social vulnerable group.
“二代”的第三个意思是“特定群体的人的个别子女”。“富二代”、“穷二代”、“官二代”和“星二代”,英语分别译为 offspring of a rich man/a poor man/an official/a celebrity。例如:
3. 有些“富二代”不思进取,游手好闲,坐吃山空,结果破产了。Some offspring of the rich people are not eager to make progress, but just idle about and spend without earning, thus ending in bankruptcy.
4. 这个“星二代”因吸毒而被拘留数日。The offspring of a film star was held in custody for a few days for taking drugs. ▲