

传动技术 2012年3期

Dipl.-Ing.(BA)Sabrina Broschat,ZF Friedrichshafen AG Dipl.-Ing.(FH),Dipl.-Math.(FH)Timo-Bastian Konkol,ZF Friedrichshafen AG

目前很多OEM决定将双H杆操纵系统改成为单H杆操纵系统以应用到手动变速器上(例如ZF公司的ECOSPLIT或ZF ECOMID)。



图1 双H操纵杆式Fig.1 Double-H Shift Pattern

1 Introduction

Currently many OEMs2decide to change from double-H to single-H gear shift systems regarding their applications with manual shifted range gearboxes(for example ZF ECOSPLIT or ZF ECOMID).

The reasons behind this decision are a reduced amount of space needed for the shift knob and its movement within the driver’s cabin and especially improved shift ergonomics(see Figure1/Figure2).

Simultaneously this new approach may increase the probability of unintended miss-shiftings that can lead to overload or in worst case to destruction of the synchro-units within the gearbox.Therefore the need to introduce a defined protection-mechanism arises.

ZF developed a system that-based on the com-bination of a TCU,a valve box and the pneumatical connection to the gearbox-is able to support avoidance of miss-shiftings depending on the driving situation of the vehicle.

图2 单H操纵杆式Fig.2 Single-H Shift Pattern





因此,一方面信号界面很小(见图6)硬件成本(包括TCU)便宜。另一方面TCU软件提供一个完整的系统诊断、与CAN-bus(SAE J1939)的连接和UDS诊断协议。其中最新、最尖端的ZF软件部分被用来产生协同作用和提供现代化技术。

2 单H操纵杆手动变速器


· 双H操纵杆式(图1)

· 单H操纵杆式(图2)




除了档位切换机构之外,ZF Ecosplit可增加一个与换档模式无关的副变速器(GVL/GVH)。该副变速器被用来细分原有的8档以实现16个级差接近的前进档。它由操纵手柄上的预选开关激活。通常,这些变速器都安装称作为ZF Servoshift的气动辅助换档装置。


Based on several position switches within the gearbox,the input-shaft-and the output-shaft-revolution speed and different signals connected to the driver’s demand,the EST117Bsystem is able to release or inhibit the shifting of single gearbox components.In detail this means that by defined(de-)activation of one or more solenoid valves the shifting of the range(gears 1to 4or gears 5to 8)and the splitter(splitted gears)is allowed and executed or that this shift-process is prohibited and therefore will not be performed.

Additionally this system is able to activate a valve to lock single gates to avoid selecting agate if the current vehicle speed is too high.In this case the driver gets immediate haptic feedback from the shift knob.Optionally a warning buzzer can be activated if the system intends to prohibit an intended gear shift.

To satisfy the requirements of emerging markets like China,Brasil,Russia and India,ZF tried to find the correct balance between costs and stateof-the-art techniques and helpful features.

Therefore on one hand the signal interface is small(see Figure6)and the hardware costs(including the TCU)are cheap.On the other hand the TCU software provides a complete diagnostic of the system,a connection to the CAN-bus(SAE J1939)and the diagnostic protocol UDS on CAN.Internally the newest and most sophisticated ZF software components were integrated to use synergy effects and to offer state-of-the-art technology.

2 Manual Transmissions with Single-H

The manual range change transmissions(ZFEcomid[Figure5]and ZF-Ecosplit[Figure4])are available with two possible gearshift patterns:

· Double-H [Figure1]

·Single-H [Figure2]

The Double-H shift pattern represents the traditional gearshift system.The low range group (GPL),which comprises gear 1to 4,and the high range group(GPH),with gear 5to 8,are placed in line.

图3 单H杆换档转塔Fig.3 Single-H shift turret

图4 单H杆Ecosplit 4变速器Fig.4 Ecosplit 4with Single-H

图5 带缓速器的单H杆Ecomid变速器Fig.5 Ecomid with Single-H and Intarder

This positioning requires a long select travel.Nowadays this characteristic does not fulfil the requirements of each customer.Increasingly the vehicle manufacturers replace the Double-H gearshift system by a Single-H gearshift system.

The Single-H shift pattern improves the ergonomic of shifting and needs less installation space in the driver’s cab.Reason is the superimposition of shift patterns of low range group(GPL)and high range group(GPH).

Besides the range change group an additional splitter group (GVL/GVH)is available for ZFEcosplit transmissions which is independent of the gearshift pattern.The splitter group can be used to sub-divide the 8speeds once again to a total of 16 closely-stepped forward speeds.It is actuated by a pre-select switch on the shift knob.Generally these transmissions are equipped with a pneumatic shift assistance known as ZF Servoshift.

To ensure a comfortable shift sequence of manual transmissions with Single-H and to protect the synchronizers against miss-shiftings several additional components are required.One component is a valve block,called E13module(Figure3).The E13module contains five solenoid valves,which are used for the actuation of range change group,splitter group (ZF-Ecosplit),servo power and several protection functionalities.

3 EST117B-Protection Functions

The transition from Double-H to Single-H gearshift system may increase the risk of unintended miss-shiftings by the driver.

For instance if the driver intends to shift from 4th gear into 5th gear,the range change group has to be changed from GPL to GPH.But if the driver forgets to operate the GP preselection switch,which is placed on the shift knob,no range change will take place.The transmission stays in GPL and without protection functions4this shifting procedure would lead to a miss-shifting from 4th gear into 1st gear(instead of intended 5th gear).Thereby the synchronizer might be damaged by too high friction speed,and even worse overspeeds of the engine and clutch disk could occur.

To avoid these unintended miss-shiftings ZF provides special protection functions.

Gate interlock:Above defined output shaft speed of transmission the access into gate 1/2(GPL)or gate 5/6 (GPH)is not allowed and therefore locked.

Range interlock:Above defined output shaft speed of transmission the access into low range group(GPL)is not allowed and therefore locked.

Servo air cut off:As long as the clutch pedal is not pressed completely the air support for Servoshift is deactivated.

3 EST117B-保护功能







4 EST117B-界面示意图


4 EST117B-Interfaces Diagram

The following picture(Figure6)shows the interface diagram of the EST117Bin the current available configuration.

图6 界面示意图Fig.6 Interface diagram

5 117B-软件




表1 车辆功能界面Table1 Vehicle functional interface

信号界面简单易懂并且能够将物理信号直接与TCU相联或通报给SAE J1939CAN总线(见图6)。

5 EST117B-Software

One of the most important targets was to develop a system that is able to compete in emerging markets like the BRIC5-states.Therefore specific requests to system roughness and technical simplicity arise:compared with Europe there is no dense service net available and geographical respective geopolitical reasons require high vehicle availability.Simultaneously the provided functionality shall directly support the driver and the system itself and is available at an acceptable price.

These requests directly influence the system architecture.The following table(Table1 )displays the needed signals and the current responsible party:

The signal interface is straightforward and can be provided either by physical signals directly connected to the TCU or by messages on SAE J1939 CAN bus(see also Figure6).

The small amount of necessary signals makes it easy for an OEM to integrate this system into his vehicle.For ZF it means-combined with the request formulated in the beginning of this chapter-to develop a high-sophisticated diagnosis that on the one hand recognizes each possible failure(and therefore protects the driver and the system)but on the other hand ensures a high vehicle availability.

Figure7shows the software architecture of this system.

Below a short description of the visible design elements(Table2 ):

图7 EST177B软件体系结构Fig.7 Software Architecture EST117B


表2 部件功能Table2 Design Elements


Despite the fact that the safety classification(according to IEC61508)for this system resulted in SIL0,the software is structured close to safety-relevant systems.A diagnostic monitor software component exists for every incoming signal.Task of this component is to perform a plausibility check for its assigned signal.This check is executed either based on a redundant signal or on defined plausibility logic.Additionally these diagnostic monitors are connected within a prohibition matrix to solve the problem of signal interleaving.The resulting output of the protection function software component is a request to activate valves of the valve module.The activation is checked by an additional software unit called substitute functions.This unit evaluates-based on the results of the protection and plausibility functions-if a valve is allowed to become active or not and therefore becomes one of the central software parts.

The combination of ZF Errorhandler and the diagnostic protocol UDS6(or diagnostic messages according SAE J1939-73)allows the OEM to communicate directly with the TCU to gather deeper informations about emerged errors.

Substitute functions(that means:the reaction of the system in case of a failure)try to find the balance between a high vehicle availability and the possibility to protect the system of damages.

Due to the high flexibility of the implemented software architecture customisation to new customer requests are possible.Currently the software recognizes 45different errors,supports 11diagnostic monitors and 10different substitute functions that are also evaluated by means of two different prohibition matrices.

As mentioned above,regarding the protection functions a special approach was taken(also mentioned above).In the last years a new software creation process definition called Model Based Software Engineering became more and more important to current projects.

In this project the MBSE process was used to implement the protection functions.Reasons why it was used in EST117B:

ZF Errorhandler和UDS诊断协议(或根据SAE J1939-73诊断信息)的结合可使OEM直接和TCU通讯,从而获得有关故障的深层次信息。



正如上述所及,对于保护功能而言具有一个特殊的途径。去年新开发的Model Based Software Engineering软件对于目前方案正变得越来越重要。



·Common development language that allows both developer of functions and software developer to discuss about the same topic on a common base

·Possibility for rapid prototyping to evaluate new functionalities directly in a SiL7simulation environment

· Flexibility to add new customer-related requests into the protection functions

The implemented model currently consists of approximately 1800modelling elements.The following picture(Figure8)shows an excerpt(functional layer)of the MBSE8-model.

6 Summary

This ZF development proved that all requirements for emerging markets(like robustness,flexibility and price awareness)can be fulfilled.

图8 EST117B功能模块Fig.8 Excerpt of EST117Bfunctional model

· 能够利用快速原型直接在SiL仿真环境中评价新功能。



6 结论


With the completion of the one year lasting field test,which included also slight optimizations for the EST117Bsystem,the series start-up of the system lead customer will be launched in July 2011.

iOriginal Equipment Manufacturer

2Original Equipment Manufacturer

3Transmission Control Unit

4Corresponding to described example the gate interlock would avoid miss-shifting into 1st gear


6Unified diagnostic services(ISO 14229-1)

7Software in the Loop:closed simulation loop that is driven by a vehicle/track model

8Model Based Software Engineering:model driven software development including autocode-generation

