郝乐伟 王 琪 廖 朋 唐 俊 张功成
(1.中国科学院油气资源研究重点实验室 兰州 730000;2.中国科学院研究生院 北京 100049;3.中国海洋石油研究中心 北京 100027)
郝乐伟1,2王 琪1,2廖 朋1,2唐 俊1,2张功成3
(1.中国科学院油气资源研究重点实验室 兰州 730000;2.中国科学院研究生院 北京 100049;3.中国海洋石油研究中心 北京 100027)
根据砂岩薄片、铸体薄片、扫描电镜的分析,研究区内发育大量的粒间和粒内溶蚀孔。在大量实测物性参数统计分析的基础上,发现了白云凹陷第三系储层存在两个次生孔隙发育带,主要分布在2 750~3 500 m和4 100~ 4 600 m两个深度段。通过同位素示踪的方法,证实了形成次生孔隙的原因主要是有机质成熟时释放的有机酸和成岩过程中有机质脱羧作用产生的CO2形成的酸性水对长石、含长石火山岩屑、早期碳酸盐胶结物和生物化石等的溶解。影响次生孔隙的地质因素还有烃源岩的分布和类型,沉积相内砂体的分布和砂岩类型,构造活动产生的断裂。另外次生孔隙还受控于烃源岩成熟时间与断层、砂体和古构造脊组成的输导体系之间的匹配关系。综合各种地质因素分析后,将有机酸形成的次生孔隙模式概括为“生、运、匹、溶”,该模式对研究区优质储层的预测具有一定的指导意义。
白云凹陷 次生孔隙 有机酸 包裹体 输导体系 优质储层
1 地质概况
珠江口盆地位于中国南海北部,华南大陆的南缘,呈北东-南西向展布,是中国近海含油气盆地中一个重要的盆地。该盆地东西长约800 km,南北宽100~300 km,面积约17.8 X104km2。盆地的演化在中-新生代经历了裂前、裂谷、沉降和断块升降4个阶段[11]。盆地可分珠一、珠二、珠三等3个坳陷和北部断阶、神狐暗沙隆起、东沙隆起、南部隆起及番禺低隆起8个二级构造单。番禺低隆起和白云凹陷位于珠江口盆地中、南部地区,二者相邻,分属于盆地的中央隆起带和珠二坳陷(图1)。白云凹陷是珠江口盆地面积最大、第三系沉积厚度最大的凹陷,最大沉积厚度超过10 km。番禺低隆起和白云凹陷的第三系自下而上发育有文昌组、恩平组、珠海组、珠江组、韩江组、粤海组、万山组,其中珠海组、珠江组和韩江组是主要的油气储层,发育的古近系文昌组、恩平组烃源岩,是该区主要的油气来源[12]。
图1 白云凹陷构造位置示意图和地层结构图(据王福国[13],2004,修改)Fig.1 Tectonic location and sequence stratigraphic division of Baiyun sag(modified from Wang Fuguo,et al.2004)
2 次生孔隙类型及演化特征
根据对研究区实际孔隙度数据与埋深的关系,孔隙度在2 000 m时偏离了理论孔隙度的变化曲线,这种偏离一直延续到5 000 m。不考虑次生孔隙发育和早期碳酸盐胶结,孔隙度和承载压力之间是存在良好的线性关系的,按照理论推断孔隙纵向演化可以划分为3段,即:①高孔锐减段;②稳定下降段;③缓慢减缩段,理论孔隙度演化是逐渐降低的,不会出现回返[14,15]。从孔隙度曲线的变化上可以说次生孔隙在研究区较为发育,在各个层位几乎都存在,但孔隙明显回升的层段主要分布在2 750~3 500 m和4 100~ 4 600 m两个区间(图2):第一区间,此带是此间矿物颗粒和碳酸盐胶结物发生了溶蚀,粒间溶孔和粒内溶孔大量形成,次生孔隙开始大量发育,孔隙在本期具有一个明显的增大过程,属混合孔隙发育带。主要是由于烃源岩中有机酸的注入,形成酸性成岩环境产生大量溶蚀孔,从而形成了次生孔隙发育带。珠海组主体位于此带,此带以粒间溶孔+粒内溶孔+粒间孔组合为主。第二区间,随着埋深和成岩作用的加深,有机酸逐渐被消耗,酸性环境降低逐渐向碱性环境过渡。由于主要烃源层已先期进入成熟阶段,珠江组下段和珠海组的砂岩表现出早期溶解作用的成岩特点,早先形成的部分次生孔隙被其后的硅质增生所缩小,使深部难以保存大规摸的孔隙回升现象。此带孔隙度和渗透率的相关性比较差(图3),主要由于此带多为粒内溶孔,多见火山岩屑溶孔。珠海组下部、恩平组主体位于此带,以粒内溶孔+粒间溶孔+粒间孔组合为主。
图2 孔隙度随深度的变化Fig.2 The variation of porosity with depth
3 次生孔隙形成的条件与主控因素
图3 第二区间孔隙度和渗透率相关性Fig.3 Relationship between porosity and permeability in the second interval
本次通过研究区内碎屑岩的氧、碳同位素进一步证实了前人的认识和研究成果。研究区内碎屑岩中δ13C值变化在-11.8‰ ~-3.4‰之间,δ18O为-17.8‰~2.4‰(表1)。由于大气水中溶解CO2的 δ13C值为-7‰,湖相原生碳酸盐的δ13C值为-2‰~ 6‰[17].rwin的研究表明[18]有机酸 δ13C值为-20‰,δ18O值为-3.5‰~-7‰。由上面各种成因碳酸盐同位素特征值的对比可见,仅仅由沉积时保存的孔隙水是不能形成如此低的δ13C值。在深埋过程中干酪根热脱羧形成有机酸并加入碳酸盐胶结物而致。这样,依据同位素资料就可以确定白云凹陷碎屑岩储层次生孔隙的成因主要是有机酸的溶蚀作用。
表1 碳、氧同位素分析数据Table1 The data of carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of carbonate cements
图4 研究区典型的溶蚀现象a.LW3-1-1-3,SEM,3 136.00m,岩屑颗粒表面发生强烈溶蚀形成溶蚀孔分布特征;b.LW3-1-1-11,SEM,3 191.00m,长石颗粒发生强烈溶蚀形成溶蚀残骸;c.PY34-1-2-15(X100)(3 386.00 m N zj)岩屑石英细砂岩中长石沿解理缝溶蚀;d.PY33-1-1-21(X50)(4 299.85 m E ep)强压实岩屑细砂岩中火山岩屑粒间溶孔;e.PY33-1-1-14,(X25)3 438.20 m,E3 zh,粒间白云石胶结物溶蚀及生物化石内部选择性溶蚀现象;f.PY33-1-1-14(X50)(3 438.20m Eh)弱压实钙质岩屑中-细砂岩中生物化石体腔孔Fig.4 Typical dissolution events in the study area
3.1 丰富的可溶物质
3.2 活跃的烃源岩
烃源岩是一种富含有机质、水和多种无机矿物的沉积体.urdam等[21]认为,有机酸主要生成于烃类开始大量生成之前。但经过后来学者做的实验表明,有机酸的生成过程似乎可以持续到整个烃类生成过程。陈传平等[22]和曾溅辉等[23]的实验研究结果表明在300℃条件下,干酪根热解可以大量生成有机酸.arth等[24]研究表明,在热解温度范围内最高温度为350℃都有有机酸的产出,且产率随温度的升高而增加。袁佩芳等[25]对济阳坳陷古近系烃源岩的热解实验结果表明,至450℃都有有机酸的生成。因此在干酪根成熟过程中,一直存在着有机酸的生成,可以伴随整个烃类生成过程。珠江口盆地存在始新统文昌组、始新统-渐新统恩平组、上渐新统珠海组和下中新统珠江组4套烃源岩。文昌组和恩平组为已证实的有效烃源岩。文昌组烃源岩在白云凹陷分布面积达1 900 km2,厚度最大达3 000 m;恩平组烃源岩在白云凹陷分布面积达2 860 km2,厚度最大达2 300 m[26]。并且文昌组已进入成熟、过成熟阶段,Ro最大达3.0%,恩平组烃源岩进入成熟阶段,Ro值为1.0%~1.5%[27]。近期研究成果表明,白云凹陷钻遇珠海组泥岩TOC值大多介于1.10% ~1.15%,属于中等烃源岩;珠江组泥岩绝大部分样品TOC值小于0.6%,属于差烃源岩。珠江组Ro值为0.30%~0.43%,处于未成熟阶段;珠海组Ro值为0.43%~0.53%,处于低成熟阶段[28]。由此可知,研究区主要烃源岩均进入产酸、产油和产气阶段,可以为油气储层溶蚀作用提供大量酸性流体。
图5 研究区砂岩类型三角图Fig.5 Ternary diagram of sandstone types in the study area
3.3 有利的输导体系
图6 珠江口盆地烃源岩有机质类型分布(据朱俊章等,2008,修改)Fig.6 The types of organicmatter in source rock of Pearl River Mouth basin(modified from ZhuJunzhang,et al,2008)
流体包裹体是流体活动的直接证据,它直接记录了流体活动期次、温度范围和压力条件。根据前人对流体包裹体的分析,番禺低隆起珠江和珠海组砂岩储层中发育两期油、两期天然气充注。第一期和第二期以原油充注为主,温度范围89.1~132.3℃,大致发生在12.8~5.8 Ma;第三期和第四期以气态烃充注为主,温度范129.8~171.3℃,大致发生在5.8 Ma至今[31,32]。在这四次油气充注时白云凹陷北坡和番禺地隆起,均有断层的活动和砂体的存在(图7),有机酸注入储层时具有非常好的匹配关系,砂体输导层与断层相互切割,为油气长距离侧向运移提供了输导通道。陈红汉等对各期次有机流体包裹体检测平面分布特征表明,第一期流体充注是以SW-NE一个方向充注;第二、第三和第四期均为SW-NE和SE-NW两个方向充注(图8)。通过从有机流体包裹体的分布,可知有机酸进入番禺地隆起后,沿着古构造脊运动,沿途溶蚀储层形成次生孔隙发育带。
图7 番禺低隆起-白云凹陷北坡油气演化与输导体系匹配关系(据王斌,2007,修改)Fig.7 Oil-gas evolution matching relation with migration system in Panyu low uplift to north slope of Baiyun Sag(modified from Wang Bin,2007)
4 有机酸形成次生孔隙模式
图8 四期有机流体包裹体平面分布特征指示的流体运移方向(据陈红汉等,2004,修改)Fig.8 Planar distribution of fluid inclusion in four times showing the pathway of fluid migration (modified from Chen Honghan,et al,2004)
图9 有机酸形成次生孔隙模式Fig.9 Formingmodel of secondary porosity caused by organic acid
5 结论
(1)研究区第三系碎屑岩储层内含有两个次生孔隙发育带即:2 750~3 500 m和4 100~4 600 m。发育带内含有大量溶蚀孔,以粒间溶孔+粒内溶孔+粒间孔组合为主。
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Form ing Mechanism of Secondary Porosity in Tertiary Reservoirs in Panyu Low Uplift and North Slope of Baiyun Sag
HAO Le-wei1,2WANG Qi1,2LIAO Peng1,2TANG Jun1,2ZHANG Gong-cheng3
(1.Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Lanzhou 730000; 2.Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049; 3.Research Center,CNOOC,Beijing 100027)
As theworld's deep water oil and gas exploration continue to strengthen,the deep-water basin has increasingly become the new areas to gain growth in oil and gas reserves.The deep-sea oil and gas exploration has developed the inevitable challenges.Therefore,tomake related research about the deep exploration and development in particular characteristic of the reservoir is a necessary requirement to find deep water oil and gas and also the direction of ocean exploration.Pearl River Mouth Basin is amajor basin in China's offshore oil and gas basinswith low level of exploration and the lacking comprehensive research on the variation law and influencing factors of reservoir properties.Deep reservoir with high porosity has been increasingly developed the concern problem with oil exploration performing to deep zone by petroleum geologists.The formation mechanism and controlling factors of the secondary porosity are reasonably explained or not,which directly impacts on the establishment of oil and gas basin clastic reservoir quality predictionmodel and serious impacton the objective evaluation of the reservoir.In this paper,the constraints of the factors of the secondary porosity in the study area are discussed systemically by isotope geochemistry,organic geochemistry methods combined with sedimentology.The study area contains a large number of grains and grain dissolution pore,according to sandstone sheet,cast thin sections,scanning electron microscopy analysis.Based on reservoir property data,two secondary porosity zones can be found in the Tertiary reservoirs,Baiyun Sag,mainly in the 2 750~3 800m and 3 500~4 600 m.Mineral grains and carbonate cementare dissolved forming large of intergranular dissolution pores and dissolution pores.By isotope tracingmethod,it is found that the formation of secondary porosity is caused by the organic acid.Organic maturity and acidic water in which CO2is released by decarboxylation of organicmatter in the process of diagenesiswere themain reason.The feldspar particles,containing feldspar volcanic debris,early carbonate cements and fossils in the reservoir are dissolved by organic acid.The distribution of oxygen and carbon isotope of clastic rocks in the study area is that the value ofδ13C changes in between-11.8‰and-3.4‰andδ18O value changes in between-17.8‰and 2.4‰.f13C in carbonate cements is only from the depositional pore water,δ13C value can not be so low.So,organic acids from kerogen decarboxylationmust join in the process of the formation carbonate cements in the deep burial.Affecting the secondary porosity of the geological factors include the distribution and types of hydrocarbon source rocks,sandbodies distribution in the sedimentary facies and sandstone types,fracture resulting from tectonic activity.In Pearl River Mouth Basin,there are 4 sets of hydrocarbon source rocks including the Eocene Wenchang Formation,the Eocene-oligocene Enping Formation,upperthe Oligocene Zhuhai Formation and under the Miocene Zhujiang Formation.As the types of organicmatter aremainlyⅠandⅡin these 4 sets of hydrocarbon source rocks,the research area's hydrocarbon source rocks are suitable to produce the acid and have strong ability to produce the sour fluid.Wenchang source rocks in which the value of Ro is up to 3.0%has been inmature or even overmature.Enping source rocks has dnter themature stage,Ro=1.0%to 1.5%.he Rovalue of Zhuhai source rocks is0.43%~0.53%.hemain hydrocarbon source rocks enter the stage of producing sour fluid,which can provide themassive acidic fluid for dissolving the oil gas reservoir.The reservoir clastic rocks aremain the silicarenite and the debris silicarenite which have the high constitute and structurematurity.Therefore,it is advantageous that the organic acid enters the reservoir to form the secondary pores.The development of faults and sandstone layerwhich act as the bridge between source rocks and reservoir tomake a steady stream of organic acidsmigrating from the lower strata to shallow reservoirs in the Panyu lower uplift-Baiyun Sag North Slope.In addition,secondary porosity is also controlled by thematching hydrocarbon source rock maturity time with migration pathway system which includes faults,sand body and ancient structural ridge.When the organic acidsmigrate into the study area,there are the active faults and sandswhich can provide the long-distance lateral migration of oil and gas.Formation of secondary porosity is a systematically geological processes.Its formation and preservation are relevant tomany aspects such as basin heat flow,tectonic evolution,sedimentation,diagenesis,fluid nature,and fluid migration and so on.After comprehensively analyzing various geological factors,the model which describes the organic acids forming secondary porosity can be summed up as“production,transportation,matching,and dissolution。”Only the geological factorsmatchingwith each other can the secondary porosity be produced.These cognitions have good guidance for predicting high-quality reservoir in the studied area.
Baiyun Sag;secondary pores;organic acid;inclusion;migration pathway system;high-quality reservoir
郝乐伟 男 1985年出生 博士研究生 储层沉积学 E-mail:haolewei66@163.om
王琪 E-mail:qiwang@lzb.ac.cn