云南省丽江市 石小涵供稿
It is about 20 kilometers between Waterloo and Brussels,the capital of Belgium.Like many other European towns,Waterloo is quite ordinary,but its name is world-famous.In 1815,the French army led by Napoleon had a fierce battle in Waterloo with the Prussian army.And the French army suffered a disastrous defeat.Then,Napoleon abdicated and ended his political career.Since then,Waterloo is used to refer to painful failure.滑铁卢镇距比利时首都布鲁塞尔大约二十公里。与欧洲其他国家的许许多多小镇一样,它并无多少特色,但它的名字却是响彻世界。1815年,在比利时的滑铁卢,拿破仑率领法军与英国、普鲁士联军展开激战,法军惨败。随后,拿破仑以退位结束了其政治生涯。滑铁卢从此被用来比喻惨痛的失败。
The Waterloo Old Battlefield滑铁卢古战场
The Waterloo battlefield is 2.5km to the south of Waterloo.As the most important tourism spot,it has not been cultivated at random.Apart from a few small memorial halls,there is no private or public service there.在距滑铁卢城镇以南2.5公里的地方就是著名的滑铁卢古战场,虽然它现在是比利时最重要的旅游景区,但并未随意开发。现在的古战场除了有几座规模很小的纪念馆之外,