中学生英语 2011年25期
湖北省武汉市 小丹供稿
1.A school needs some teachers.Hu Tu recommends himself as a science teacher.某校招聘老师,胡图自荐教自然。
2.The examiner asks,“Why can’t fish live on land?”“They have no feet.”Hu Tu answers.招聘者考他:“鱼为什么不能在陆地上生活?”胡图答:“鱼没有脚。”
3.The examiner adds,“A duck has feet,why can it swim?”“It has a long neck,so it can’t bedrowned(被淹死).”Hu Tu answers.招聘者又问:“鸭子有脚,为什么又能游泳呢?”胡图答:“它脖子长,淹不着。”
4.When the result is made known,Tu Hu looks for his name a few times,but he can’t find.张榜了,胡图看了几遍,不见自己的名字。