

武汉船舶职业技术学院学报 2011年5期


(湖北职业技术学院外语学院,湖北孝感 432000)


1 信号词的分类

在英国语言学家Halliday和Hasan的Cohesion in English中,信号词被称为连接词语。语言学家Geoffrey Leech曾指出:“无论在口语还是在书面语中,这些起连接作用的词语以其特有的方式来帮助人们理解语篇,标示出一个观点是如何从一方面表达到另一方面的。它们的这种连接作用如同旅途上的路标,为旅行者指路导航。”(Geoffrey Leech,1974)


(1)表示同义重述的信号词,如:that is,namely,or rather,to wit,to be more exact,to put it another way,in other words等。

(2)表示并列列举的信号词,如:first,second,third,for a start,for one thing,for another,to begin with,next,then,finally,in the first place,last等。

(3)表示转折让步的信号词,如:however,nevertheless,yet,still,though,anyhow,even so,,in any case,anyway,after all,in spite of that,by the way,all the same,incidentally等。

(4)表示意思递进的信号词,如:beside,also,furthermore,then,in addition,moreover,above all,additionally,in particular,at most,even more important,not in the least,apart from,等。

(5)表示空间方位的信号词,如:above,next to,below,between,close to,beyond,under,beneath,behind,alongside,across,inside等表示空间方位的介词或介词词组。

(6)表示时间先后的信号词,如:first,next,finally,then,eventually,previously,later,at first,in the end,meanwhile,after that,since then,in the mean time,from now on等。

(7)表示总结归纳的信号词,如:then,therefore,in conclusion,all in all,to sum up,in brief,in short,in sum,on the whole,in a word,in that case等。

(8)表示具体示例的信号词,如:for instance,for example,such as,take for example,from A to B,to illustrate,and so on,in this case,to demonstrate,as a case in point等。

(9)表示因果关系的信号词,如:because,because of,since,due to,in view of,for this reason,hence,therefore,so,consequently,thus,subsequently,accordingly,as a result等。

(10)表示比较对比的信号词,如:similarly,equally,likewise,in comparison,just as,instead,in the same way,nevertheless,however,on the contrary,in contract,on the other hand等。

2 信号词的作用


2.1 信号词为找出难词、生词的意思提供线索

在英语听力学习中,生词、难词是学生学习过程中的一大障碍,利用信号词传递的语言信号引导学生在听力过程中分析、思考推测关键词义,从而解决生词、难词引起的问题。如在The highland is cold and dry but the coast areas are hot and humid.一句中,借助信号词but,我们可以推测humid为dry(干燥的)的反义词“潮湿的”。从而知道此句意为:高山地区寒冷而干燥,海岸地区炎热而潮湿。

2.2 信号词提供线索来确定中心思想

很多学生对中心思想的确定把握得不够好,然而在许多篇章中,信号词会直接或间接地暗示文章的主旨,从而让学生在短暂的听音过程中迅速确定中心思想。如以下段落:There are things that parents can do at home to encourage creativity.They can involve children indecision-making if the problem is appropriate,asking the children for suggestions.Parents can help their children to understand the consequences of various decisions.Parents should also encourage their children to talk out loud about things they are doing.(见《新编大学英语》)

从“They can involve children in…”,“They can encourage their children to…”以及“Parents should also encourage their children to…”这几个句型,特别是信号词also,读者便可断定它连接了鼓励小孩发挥想象力的三个具体做法,从而往前推移便可确定该段的首句There are things that parents can do at home to encourage creativity即是中心思想。

2.3 信号词提供线索来正确推论作者的意图


下面以外研社出版的朗文《当代大学英语》教材Comprehensive English 3中Unit 4Rising Sea Levels一文(part 1)为例,来说明在我们的英语教学中,重视语言信号词的分析对于帮助学生厘清句子与句子之间和段落与段落之间的层次、逻辑关系,把握全文主旨,猜测个中细节,预测下文内容,提高学习速度的重要意义。

Facing up to sea rise(part 1)Living by the sea has many advantages.They include a mil-der,less extreme climate;access to a wide variety of fish and shellfish;and an easy means of transport and communication,both inland via rivers,and along the coast in sheltered waters.These factors have meant that most coastal sites were developed early in human history.In addition,most fertile agricultural land is found at low altitudes,in coastal plains and river valleys,with the result that now over 60percent of the world's population lives within 150km of the coast.At present,as much as 80percent of the world's fish come from within 19km of the shore,and for many developing countries this forms the sole source of protein in the diet of their rapidly growing populations.Furthermore,small tropical islands and coastlines such as those of the Mediterranean annually attract millions of visitors.This means that the coastlines of the world are important not just for survival,but also for tourism.How great is the threat?Standing on a high cliff overlooking the sea,a rise in sea level of a few centimeters per decade does not appear to be a serious threat.However,when viewed from a low-lying delta such as that of Bangladesh,or a small coral island in the Maldives,the threat becomes very real.A number of estimates have been made as to the level of future sea rises as a consequence of climate change.The most recent estimates suggest that by the year 2050,global sea levels will rise by an average of 38cm,although this could be as low as 24or as high as 52cm.

在这段文字中,我们加入了一些信号词。在处理这一部分之前,可首先给学生泛听全文,然后了解文章大意,接着引出语言信号词对其把握全文主旨的意义。文章第一段即以Facing up to sea rise Living by the sea has many advantages.开头,接下来的句子里出现的语言信号词“they include”,“and”,“these...have meant that”属于“详述”部分,对advantage的补充说明;同样,第二、三段开头出现的语言信号词“in addition”,“furthermore”,“this means that”属于“延伸”的“增补”部分,暗示着接下来的两个段落还在进一步说明advantage有哪些。显然,文章的一、二、三段大致表达相同的内容,即第一段的topic sentence“Living by the sea has many advantages.”(住在海边有很多好处。)接下来第四段,语言信号词“however”提示就很明显了,作者话锋已转,因为有“threat”(威胁)一词。“however”表转折意味,也就是说后面所述内容与前面所述相反。可见这篇文章通过把握两个核心词“advantage”与“threat”,再通过分析文中所出现的语言信号词所承接的逻辑关系,即可把握全文的主旨,即:住在海边有很多好处,但同时也给人类带来威胁。而且由此可以进一步预测下文:什么样的威胁?把握了全文的主旨,还有助于学生在文章整体的理解方面能沿着正确的方向,同时在具体细节的猜测、把握方面也有正面影响。

3 在教学中提高学生对信号词的意识

(1)教师应该详细讲解每种信号词的功能,让学生对此类概念形成全面的认识并且对信号词尽可能的熟悉,引导学生有效的学习,理解所听文段句子的意思。如:In short,we must be prepared.一句中in short暗示作者通过意图通过总结来结束篇章。而First of all,you should decide how much you are willing to spend.则预示作者将会列举出更多的内容,且当前所说的内容是最重要的。



4 结 语


1 Halliday,M.A.K.and Hasan,R.Cohesion in English[M].London:Longman,1976.

2 Geoffrey Leech,Jon Svartvik,Communicative Grammar of English,1974.

3 Wenden,A.Metacognitive knowledge and language learning[J].Applied Lingustics,1998:19:515-537.

4 蒋祖康.学习策略与听力的关系—中国本科生素质调查分报告之一[J].外语教学与研究,1994,(1):51-58.

5 牟金江.辨别信号词提高英语阅读效率.牡丹江师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)[J],2000,(4):58-61.

6 唐 斌.英语信号词与篇章理解[J].华东交通大学学报,2004(6):133-136.

7 胡壮麟.语篇的衔接与连贯[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1994

8 李 蓉,罗佳.语篇分析与当代大学英语听力教学[J].外语研究,2007(14):43-45.


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