Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(TSE,Transportation Science &Engineering)originated from Journal of Wuhan Transportation University which started in 1959,with its Issue Number ISSN1006-2823/CN42-1382/U and Publication Code internal 38-148/external JNSC-62.
Journal of Wuhan Transportation University was renamed as Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(TSE)in 2001after the amalgamation of three universities,and a new editorial board has been set up since then with Vice President,Prof.Tao Dexin as its Chairman and Porf.Li Layuan as the editor in chief.
The editorial board consists of thirty-seven well-known experts and professors:among them are Zhou Chaochen,Jing Fuqian,the members of the Chinese Academy of Science(MCAS);and Wu Yousheng,Yu Yongfu,Xie Youbo and Go Jingkun,the members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering(MCAE);who serve as advisers or members of the Board.The Journal is arranged in international standards,and each issue has its English copyright page,index,abstracts.The articles which have been published are from famous universities and institutes or academies all over the country.
·Disciplinary Advantages of the Journal
The Journal is a National Chinese Core Periodical,which was honored in 1992;a Chinese Key Periodical in the degree and postgraduate education of the State Council.P.R.China;a Core Periodical assessed by the Chinese Scientific Paper Statistic Office,and meanwhile,the Journal has been admitted to the Chinese Academic Periodicals(disk edition),the Chinese Periodicals Web and Wanfeng Database(China Info).This Journal is indexed by Elsevier Scopus,AJ,INSPEC,CSA,BMT,Ulrich PD,CSCI,CSTA,and so on.
The Journal has a wide coverage of modern transportation science and engineering as well as of other related disciplines and inter-disciplines.Mainly,the articles published are academic papers on the achievements of scientific researches in Mathematics,Physics,Chemistry,Ships and Marine Engineering,Mechanical Science and Engineering,Marine Mechanicals,Marine Engineering,Port Machinery,Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITS),Vehicle Engineering,Railway Transportation Engineering,Electricity-powered Vehicle Research,Lord-carrying Tool,Internal Combustion Engine,Aviation Engineering,Information Science,Computer Science,Automatic Control,Measuring and Controlling Techniques,Electronic Navigation System,Mobile Telecommunications,Electrical Engineering,Shipping Techniques,Civil Engineering for Transportation,Resources and Environment Protection,Material Science and Engineering,Biomedical Engineering,Life Science,Logistics Engineering,Transportation Management Science and Engineering,and so on.
Our Marine Engine was ranked as the first among the similar disciplines in ten different universities by the national evaluation on university courses in 2003.In the same year,Marine Engine,Ship Structure and Material Science were assessed as national key disciplines.
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(TSE)has been deeply influencing the internal and external transportation trade.Its authors and readers are all from key universities and academies,and the most articles are concerned with the researches sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation,the Tenth Five-year National Scientific Plan for Tackling Key Problems,and the National“863”Project.
The Journal has won several important prizes,which are the National Outstanding Periodical(awarded by the Propaganda Department of Central Committee of the CPC,State Science and Technology Commission and State Press Publication Administration)in1997,the Outstanding University Journal for Natural Science(awarded by State Ministry of Education)in 1995,the Outstanding University Journal and Outstanding Scientific Periodical(awarded by State Ministry of Education)in 1999,respectively.