

中学生英语 2011年30期

武汉大学 陶杏供稿

Every day,a farmer went to the city to sell flowers andfarm produce(农产品)and then went home after selling all his things.One day,he left home very early.When he arrived at the city,the gate was still closed.So he lay down totake anap(睡觉).When he woke up,he found that thebin(储物箱)containing(装着)his farm produce was empty.And there was a gold coin in the bin.He thought that maybe someone had taken his things and left thepayment(付款)there,and went home happily with the money.


The next day,the farmer went out to sell his things again.But he arrived too early again.So he slept outside the city gate.And the sameincident(事件)happened again.All the produce that the farmer had brought disappeared,and there was a gold coin in the bin again!At that time,gold was veryvaluable(值钱的).One gold coin had a value many times higher than the farmer’s produce.


One day,the farmer’s father asked him,“Where have you gotten so many gold coins lately?Where did the money come from?”The farmer told his father what had happened.After listening to his story,the father thought,“I’ll follow my son as he goes out one day,and see who has taken his things and left the money in the bin.”


So one day,after the farmer went out,his father quietly followed him.When the farmer was sleeping near the city gate,his father saw a snakecrawl(爬)up to his bin and eat his produce.Having finished eating,the snake once againspat(吐出)a gold coin into the bin as payment to the farmer before leaving.Seeing this,the farmer’s father thought,“If I kill the snake,I’ll be able to get all its gold coins!”He then picked up a stone and cut the snake into two parts.


At that time,the head and body of the snake were already in itsden(窝),and only the tail was outside.The father thought that there must be a big treasure in the den,so he told his son to reach inside for it.Butunexpectedly(没想到地),when the farmer put his hand into the den,the snake bit him and killed him!Even though it had been cut into two parts,the snake could still bite!


Seeing his son was killed,the father criedbrokenheartedly(心碎地)next to the son’s dead body.Then he asked the snake,“You snake!Why did you kill my son?Why did you bite my son and kill him?”Instead of answering him,the snake asked,“Why did you break my back with the stone?There was noanimosity(仇恨)between us.I had never done anything bad to you,nor had I done you any harm.If you had been more patient and waited,I will give the entire treasure here to you.However,because you struck me,I bit and killed your son.If I have killed you,you would not be in such deep sorrow.I killed your son so that you’d live the rest of your life inagony(极大的痛苦).”


This story tells us that we shouldn’t be sogreedy(贪婪的).We shouldn’t hurt others to get their things.Or we willensure(承担)the bad result ourselves.


