

中学生英语 2011年30期

华中师范大学翻译系 杨红 编译



This year marks thecentenary(百年)of the 1911 Revolution,theepoch-making(划时代的)event that hadfar-reaching(深远的)consequences for the fate of the Chinese people.It overthrew the Qing Dynasty,bringing an end to thefeudal monarchy(封建帝制)with a history of two thousand years in China and also represented the birth of Asia’s first republic.






The first decade of the 20thcentury was a time of greatupheaval(变动)in China.Following theabortive(流产的,失败的)BoxerRebellion(义和团运动)in 1900,the failure of many reforms such as theHundred Days’Reform(百日维新)andConstitutionalism campaign(立宪运动),Chinese people’s confidence for the Qing government has been severely damaged and their lives were thrown into infiniteturmoil(混乱),coupled with the majority Han Chinese’sresentment(仇恨)toward a government dominated by an ethnic minority:theManchus(满族).

Manypatriotic(爱国的)intellectuals began to advocate for a violent revolution tooverthrow(推翻)the Qing Dynasty and to establish a republic similar to those of France and United States.The earliestrevolutionaries generally gathered abroad,and the majority of them were young students and overseas Chinese,among them,Sun Yatsen(孙中山)is an outstanding revolutionary activist.He advocated a“three-in-one” revolution:a nationalist revolution with the goal of expelling the foreign,Manchu dynasty from China;a democratic revolution to set up a democratic Chinese republic;a social revolution to equalize land rights and wealth.

Wuchang Uprising

On October 9th,1911,revolutionariesinten(t热心的,决心的)on overthrowing the Qing Dynasty had built bombs and one accidentally exploded.As a result,the documents andbanners(旗帜,标语)for theuprising(起义)were taken away by the police.The command post was discovered by the Qing government and several members werearrested(逮捕)and executed on the morning of October 10th.The situation was urgent.Squad leader Xiong Bingkun and others decided not to delay the uprising any longer.Around 8 a.m.on October 10th,the first shot of 1911 Revolution was fired.The Wuchang Uprising had begun.The entire Wuchang wascaptured(占领)by the revolutionaries by the morning of October 11st.In the evening that day,they established atactical(战略上的)headquarters and announced the establishment of the“Military Government of Hubei of Republic of China.”

The success of the Wuchang Uprising on October 10th,1911 started a chain reaction,and in less than two months 14 out of the 18 provinces within China’s main borders had declared independence.


1911年10 月9日,决心推翻清政府的革命者在制造炸药时不小心炸弹发生爆炸。随后,起义的文件和标语被警察带走,指挥部也被发现,部分成员在10号早上被逮捕和处决。形势刻不容缓,班长熊炳坤和其它人当即决定立即革命。10号早上八点左右,武昌起义爆发,打响了辛亥革命的第一枪。到10月11日早上,整个武昌区已被革命军占领。当晚,革命军建立了临时总部并宣布建立中华民国湖北军政府。

1911年10 月10日武昌起义的成功引发了一系列的连锁反应,不到两个月的时间里,中国主要国土面积上的18个省中已有14个宣布独立。


Sun Yat-sen himself had no direct part in the uprising and was traveling in the United States at the time in an effort torecruit(募集)more support from overseas Chinese.He knew about the uprising by reading a newspaper report and returned to China quickly.After that,he was elected as theprovisional(临时的)president of the Republic of China.January 1st,1912 was set as the first day of the Republic.

In order to force the emperor to abdicate and avoid a civil war,Sun officially resigned.Yuan shihkai took over the president of the Republic on February 13rd,1912.

Although Yüan had declared himself a supporter of the Republic,hebetrayed(背叛)it as soon as he became the provisional president.Through the use of threats andassimilations(暗 杀),Yüan forced theParliament(国会)to elect him as president and became adictator(独裁者)after successfullyexpelling(驱逐)Kuomintang(国 民 党).In December 1915,Yüan officially became the emperor of China.What Yüan really didn’t know,however,was the depth and breadth ofanti-monarchical(反对帝制的)sentimen(t感情).He was quickly overthrown by the anti-monarchical forces.

Though the 1911 revolution did not make China a real republic,but theimperial(帝国的)regime(政权)had been overthrown and replaced by a republican system,and the idea for democracy has been deeply rooted in people’s minds,signifying a new era of modern China.




