Zhaolou Peony Park
Zhaolou is renowned for its peony at home and abroad.It stands at the center of“Caozhou Peony Park”.With a long history of planting peony.it was well-known throught the country in the Ming Dynasty.Zhaolou Peony Park has an area of 1500 mu and more than 400 varieties.It is a scientific research,planting,selling base with the largest area,the most colours in the world.It is also a centre for enjoying the sight of peony at home.
英国翻译理论家彼得·纽马克(Peter Newmark)借用德国语言学家卡尔·比勒(Karl Buhler)的语言功能理论将文本分为三大类:表达型文本(expressive texts)信息型文本(informative texts)和召唤型文本(vocative texts)。他认为,大部分文本是以一种功能为主同时兼具其他两种功能,因此译者必须首先确定文本的主要功能,以便采取相应的翻译策略。根据纽马克的划分,召唤型文本的核心是目标语读者,此类文本“号召读者去行动、去思考、去感受”,其译文侧重目标语,译者应充分考虑译文的可读性。根据纽马克的划分标准,旅游文本属于召唤型文本。它的目的在于吸引游客,激发他们游览的兴趣,并增强对异国文化的了解。
在Christiane Nord(2001)的目的性行为—功能翻译理论中提出:粗略地比较原语文本和目标文本,清楚的看到:哪些原语的信息和语言要素需要保持不变,哪些根据翻译目的的要求不得不被调整,也就是结合翻译的目的和译文读者的特殊情况,从原作所提供的多源信息中进行选择性的翻译。翻译并非1=1的语言转换活动,1≠1,而是1+1>2。
Tourism texts information can be roughly generalized two kinds:background introduction and scenic description.In Chinese,the first sentences of the text tintroduce background information,the subsequence often apply abundant adjectives and four-word phrase,as well as quite a few hyperbole and contrastive rhetonic methods,description information is far more than the background function information.Although in part of tourism texts or guidance,background function rise,from the whol,description parts occpy more percentage.
Chinese tends to center scenery areas and are used to expressing in the third person.The Characteristics of English tourism texts stand out,You-attitude,in form,you-form is applied.From reader’or potential tourists’position,viewpoint is stated.
大雁塔简介:大雁塔耸立于西安南郊大慈恩寺内。唐代高僧玄奘法师历尽千难万险,从印度取经回到长安后,于贞观二十二年(公元648年)任新落成的大慈恩寺首任上座住持.永徽三年 (公元652年),玄奘法师为了藏经,奏请朝廷,建造了雄伟的大雁塔.
Big Wild Goose Pagoda Profile in English:
Big Wild Goose Pagoda:Dayan Pagoda is situated in the Great Ci’en Temple to the south of the city of Xi’an hence also the name Ci’en Temple pagoda.It was built in the 3rd year of Yonghui reign of Emperor Gaozong of Tang Dynasty. (A.D.652)and served as the Place for the Monk Xuanzang to translate Buddhist scriptures.The original Pagoda had only five storeys,and was rebuilt during Changan Reign of Express Wu Zetian.The present Dayan Pagoda has seven storeys and is 64.5 meters high in the shape of a square pyramid.
The item is personal in Chinese:the subjects of the several sentences are the monkXuanzang.In contrast,the tourist ticket has opposite feature,which is impersonal in English:the subjects of several sentences are Dayan Pagoda,It(also Dayan Pagoda)-substitution,the original Pagoda and The present Dayan Pagoda.Chinese often adopts active sentences,while English sentences are more expressed by passive patterns.Conversion is gained by changing Chinese verb-object order.The text properly reflects the characteristic of scientific English.Actually for this text,translation is a process of modulation,i.e.switching the speaker’s perspective.
[1]Newmark,P.2001.Approaches to Translation[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.
[2]Nord,C.2001.Translating as a Purposeful Activity[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.