

中学生英语 2011年5期

华中师范大学 凯文 供稿


华中师范大学 凯文 供稿

编者注:本年度汪小菲和台湾著名艺人徐熙媛的婚礼可以说是引起了众多媒体和人士的广泛关注。如今婚礼已经告一段落了。今天我们就一起在 《人物》中来一起重新认识婚礼的主角——我们的汪小菲先生和徐熙媛女士。

中文名(Chinese Name):徐熙媛(Xu Xiyuan)

外文名(English Name):Barbie Hsu

民族(Ethnic Group):汉族(Han)

出生地(Place of Birth):台湾台北市(Taipei,Taiwan)

出生日期(Date of Birth):1976 年 10 月 6 日(October 6th,1976)

职业(Occupation):演员、歌手、主持人、作家(actress,singer,host and writer)

身高(Height):163 厘米(163 cm)

体重(Weight):44 公斤(44 kilograms)

血型(Blood Type):B 型(B)

Barbie Hsu,whosenickname(绰号)is Big S,started her career when she was seventeen years old.The songTen Minutes of Lovemade her very famous then.Later,she cohosted the program Entertainment Hundred Percent with her younger sister—Little S.This hadpaved the way for(为……铺平道路)her development in the entertainment circles.Till now,she has been a singer,host,leading actress,film star as well as writer.She has become the real popular female star in the entertainment circles.


Meanwhile,it is known to all that Big S likes to be beautiful.She is the representative of the fashionable stars and many people follow what she wears.She represents various brands.


During the early hosting period,Big S was in thedominant(主导的)position.At that time,Little S didn’t know how to drive the atmosphere and what to say.And during the interview Little S was always absent-minded.As a result,the elder sister Big S was in charge of the present atmosphere,rhythm and humor.And Little S made faces,dressed herselfin strangeclothesormade some strange voice to catch others’attention.


But after years of hosting,Little S was more and more quick-responded and creative.While there were morerestrictions(限制)on Big S since she has chosen the way of elegance(优雅).As a result,Little S was in the dominant position instead.


Big S says that she doesn’t like the person who does something very slowly.Since it could be finished within one minute,why is it delayed to 10 minutes?Therefore,a busy Big S has been seen everywhere,even at the free time during the film making period,afterreciting(背诵)all the lines,she will read a magazine while getting some facials.


As for her,shopping is full of tasks.What she will buy will be planned ahand of time.Then she will go directly without visiting other counters.For other women,it is good to finish one shopping mall in a day,but for Big S,she could finish four or five and carries various bags rushing home.

对大S来说,就连逛商场也是有任务的,要买什么就事先计划好,然后直奔而去,很少流连于其他柜台。别的姐妹一天能逛完一家商场就不错了,大S却像打仗一样,风风火火地一口气能逛完4、5 个,然后提上大包小包飞快冲回家里。


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