Medical Aphorisms
Medical Aphorisms
■ Good judgment comes from experience;experience comes from bad judgment.
——Dr.Kerr L.White
■ It is much more important to know what sort of patient has a disease than to know what sort of disease has a patient.
——Dr.William Osler
■ The greatest ignorance is the conceit that a man knows what he does not know.
——Dr.William Osler
■ Specialist:a person who knows more and more,about less and less.
——Dr.William J.Mayo
■ One of the essential qualities of the clinician is interest in humanity,for the secret of the care of the patient is in caring for the patient.
——Dr.Francis W.Peabody
■ In teaching the medical student,the primary requisite is keeping him awake.
——Dr.Chevalier Jackson
■ There is no more contradiction between the science of medicine and the art of medicine than in the science of aeronautics and the art of flying.
——Dr.Francis W.Peabody
■ If your only tool is a hammer,everything looks like a nail.
——Dr.William Halstead
■ Confidence and hope do more good than medicine.
■ The lesser the indication,the greater the complication.
——Dr.William Halstead
■ Life is short,and Art long;the crisis fleeting;experience perilous,and decision difficult.The physician must not only bepreparedtodowhatisrighthimself,butalsotomakethepatient,theattendants,andexternalscooperate.
■ It is much more important to know what sort of patient has a disease than to know what sort of disease has a patient.
——Dr.William Osler
■ No disease that can be treated by diet should be treated by any other means.
■ The practice of medicine is an art,not a trade;a calling,not a business;a calling in which your heart will be exercised equally with your head.
——Dr.William Osler
■ There is no more contradiction between the science of medicine and the art of medicine than in the science of aeronautics and the art of flying.
——Dr.Francis W.Peabody
■ There are some patients whom we cannot help;there are none whom we cannot harm.
■ The most valuable payment a patient can offer a physician is trust.
■ Eat not to dullness;drink not to elevation.
——Benjamin Franklin
■ If you want to help your patients deal with their stress,you're going to have to learn to handle your own.
——Dr.Matthew Budd