中国康复医学发展的回顾与展望 ………………………………… 李建军 1
专题 ICF在康复医学中的应用
为在中国康复工作中全面应用ICF而努力……………………………………………… Gerold Stucki,邱卓英,励建安,等 5
国际功能、残疾与健康分类:发展过程和内容效度 ……… A.Cieza,G.Stucki.……………………………………………………… 张静,陈迪,邱卓英,等译 11
基于ICF的功能分类和测量 …… G.Stucki,N.Kostanjsek,B.Üstün,A.Cieza.……………………………………………………… 张静,邱卓英,吴弦光译 17
运用ICF评定健康状况的影响……………………… Nenad Kostanjsek,Sara Rubinelli,Reuben Escorpizo,et al.………………………………………………… 张爱民,李沁燚,邱卓英,等译 26
如何将国际功能、残疾和健康分类应用于临床康复管理…………………………………… Alexandra Rauch,Alarcos Cieza,Gerold Stucki.……………………………………………………… 张霞,张静,邱卓英,等译 32
骨形态发生蛋白-4基因单核苷酸多态性与颈椎后纵韧带骨化症……………………………………………………… 赵伟光,谢延平,闫亮,等 39
帕金森病运动前期研究进展…………… 焦淑军,袁红综述,梁立武审校 42
经腰椎离断术后的康复……………………………………… 杨平,曹学军 45
不同频率经颅磁刺激对正常和脑缺血大鼠海马记忆能力的影响…………………………………………………………………… 栾玉民,胡中 48
胚胎干细胞移植治疗脊髓损伤的研究进展 … 徐乐勤,丁道芳,李晓锋,等 51
北京市三类残疾儿童3年随访研究 …………… 李勇,邵翠霞,施继良,等 53
泛素特异蛋白酶24基因内含子rs12138592A/G位点多态性与帕金森病的关系 ………………………………………………… 林智君,陈煜森,冼文川,等 56
躯干肌训练对脑卒中偏瘫患者平衡和运动功能的影响……………………………………………………… 廖亮华,潘洁,王淑芬,等 59
智能康复训练器对脑卒中患者综合康复治疗的疗效观察…………………………………………………… 刘翠华,张盘德,杨杰华,等 62
脑卒中后肩-手综合征的干预对运动功能的影响…………………………………………………… 李小六,邢晓燕,赵晓鸥,等 64
认知功能训练对脑卒中后失语症康复疗效的影响………………………………………………………… 代欣,李继来,杜继臣 66
针刺配合核心稳定性训练治疗脑性瘫痪………………………………………………………… 宋雄,林小苗,邹林霞 68
医院内强化康复训练对脑瘫患儿粗大运动功能的影响………………………………………………………… 童光磊,李红,张敏,等 70
感觉统合训练对痉挛型脑瘫儿童立位平衡功能的影响…………………………………………………… 张丽华,金彩君,王立苹,等 72
汉化版36项健康调查简表评估膝骨关节炎患者生活质量的信度研究……………………………………………………… 焦伟国,郭燕梅,瓮长水 75
膝骨关节炎患者下肢动静态位置觉的临床测试分析……………………………………………………… 陈蔚,郭燕梅,瓮长水,等 77
长期太极拳运动对绝经后妇女骨密度和平衡能力的影响…………………………………………………………… 邹军,林菲,张丽,等 80
康复治疗对首发精神分裂症患者心理健康状况的影响…………………………………………………… 方春霞,郑维芳,张丽君,等 83
盐酸文拉法辛在慢性疼痛治疗中的应用………………………………………………………… 郑亿,王玉华,姜长林 85
双(多)胎脑瘫患儿的病因学及临床特征分析………… 孙殿荣,候梅,高翔 86
神经连接与功能恢复……………………………………………… 朱镛连 89
康复工场活动对社区精神分裂症患者社会功能的影响………………………………………………………… 张献强,高云,徐炳聪 92
黑龙江垦区社区医疗康复服务的结构框架设计……………………………………………………… 刘大立,张荣国,张启新 94
社区精神分裂症患者家庭功能及家庭亲密度和适应性研究………………………………………………………………… 朱先文,陆燕英 96
脑卒中肩关节半脱位患者使用肩吊带的护理观察………………………………………………………… 冯洪,方玉美,李淑会 98
全科医师培训中康复医学的教学体会 ………………… 牛雪飞,苏辉棠 100
稿约…………………………………………………………………………… i
专题 基于ICF的康复评定工具开发与标准化研究
基于ICF的康复评定工具开发与标准化研究 …………… 邱卓英,荀芳 101
将临床测量表与ICF类目建立联系的规则:从研究实例说明规则的更新…………………………… Alarcos Cieza,Szilvia Geyh,Somnath Chatterji,et al.……………………………………………… 吴丽慧,李沁燚,邱卓英,等译 106
基于ICF核心分类集类目开发临床等级评定量表 … Eva Grill,Gerold Stucki………………………………………………………… 王朴,陈迪,田峻,等译 110
运用ICF评定肌肉骨骼系统健康状况的影响…………………… Nenad Kostanjsek,Reuben Escorpizo,Annelies Boonen,et al.……………………………………………………… 李晶晶,祝捷,邹智,等译 115
整合患者导向的测量工具项目编制等距量表实现ICF类目用于评定的可操作化 …………………………………………… CiezaA,Hilfiker R,BoonenA,et al.
硫酸镁联合单唾液酸神经节苷脂对脊髓损伤大鼠运动功能恢复的影响……………………………………………………… 邱有波,袁梦郎,杨拯,等 137
实时荧光定量PCR微卫星分析技术检测少突胶质细胞肿瘤染色体1p、19q和10q杂合性缺失 ……………………………………… 苏江,江涛,孙振荣,等 141
失语症患者声调障碍的机制和表现 ……………………… 史泱,李胜利 148
汉语失语症诊治进展……………………………… 田野,林伟,叶祥明,等 151
血管内皮生长因子在脊髓损伤中的应用……… 李晓娇,呙金海,杨拯,等 155
临床研究………………………………………………… 叶祥明,朱根应,田亮,等译 129
Vitalstim神经肌肉电刺激对神经源性吞咽障碍的疗效观察……………………………………………………… 寄婧,王正盛,王建文,等 158
针刺配合冰刺激对脑卒中后吞咽困难的疗效观察 ……… 方针,何帮剑 161
辛伐他汀治疗短暂性脑缺血发作患者颈动脉粥样硬化斑块的临床观察…………………………………………………… 郝冬琳,陈晓南,王利惠,等 163
强制运动疗法对脑卒中亚急性期上肢运动功能的影响……………………………………………………… 何龙文,沈光宇,沈敏,等 165
气压循环治疗对髋关节置换术后下肢肿痛和血流速度的影响…………………………………………………… 李小六,刘启平,张晓阳,等 168
老年男性慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者的社会支持及相关因素分析…………………………………………………… 贾晓清,赵黎明,李凯燕,等 170
生物反馈联合盆底肌锻炼治疗女性压力性尿失禁的疗效评价………………………………………………………… 张琼,管玉涛,郑伟,等 173
胸腰段椎体骨折脊髓损伤65例康复效果观察…………………………………………………… 李志君,郭小志,王凯斌,等 176
社区脑卒中适宜康复技术对脑卒中患者社会功能活动的影响…………………………………………………… 江晓峰,胡雪艳,熊国星,等 178
社区康复对脑卒中后典型偏瘫步态的疗效观察 ……… 罗峰,马丹,秦宏 181
国际社区康复发展趋势及对我国社区康复工作的思考……………………………………………………………… 张金明,赵悌尊 184
山西省智力残疾抽样调查结果分析…………… 翟静波,张雯雯,曲成毅 187
康复治疗学专业临床阶段考试体系的构建与实践……………………………………………………… 李洪霞,张凤仁,赵扬,等 190
寓科研思路于临床康复医学教学之中……… 刘忠良,崔立晶,段晓琴,等 192
高等职业教育运动疗法技术课程改革的体会 …………… 黄先平,陈炜 195
神经递质与疾病和药物康复 …………………………………… 朱镛连 198
2011北京全国神经创伤专题研讨会暨首届天坛全国神经创伤学术研讨会(第一轮通知)(140) 第三届中国国际言语治疗学术大会通知(154) 第五届全国认知障碍评定与康复治疗技术培训班报名通知(157) 全国第40届康复技术(PT、OT)培训班预定名额通知(160) 第四届全国康复评定技术高级培训研讨班报名通知(180) 新书推介(194) 卫生部第十七届全国小儿脑瘫实用康复技术培训班通知(197) 北京听力协会成立暨第一次会员代表大会在京召开(200)
专题 认知功能与康复
物体的颜色知识和运动知识的独立性表征 …… 陈静,柳妍,刘方松,等 201
非言语声音和言语声音表征关系的研究………… 刘方松,王强,柳妍,等 204
汉语深层失读语音诱发和语义诱发的个案研究…………………………………………………… 郑秀丽,谢欲晓,宋鲁平,等 206
脑损伤患者语义记忆功能障碍及偏侧化研究… 柳妍,宋鲁平,杜晓霞,等 209
注意力训练对脑卒中后认知障碍的康复疗效… 杜晓霞,冯洪,何俊利,等 212
大鼠脊髓损伤后胶质瘢痕形成的病理学规律… 张海燕,杨朝阳,李晓光 215
甲基强的松龙对大鼠脊髓损伤后星形胶质细胞的影响…………………………………………………… 白旭东,李洪鹏,高杰,等 219
富含血小板血浆凝胶的超微结构 ……………… 马健,李放,任大江,等 223
胎鼠端脑神经干细胞原代单层化贴壁培养…… 梁军,宋晓玉,董建将,等 226
脂肪干细胞复合壳聚糖支架移植对兔退变早期椎间盘内肿瘤坏死因子α、白介素1β的影响……………………………………… 李进珍,李放,叶超群,等 229
大鼠脑多梗死性痴呆模型的建立…………… 武冬慧,胡金凤,李志鹏,等 232
吡咯喹啉醌对神经细胞氧糖剥夺损伤的保护作用及其机制郭青,吕国枫 235
脂多糖致新生鼠脑白质损伤后Bcl-2和P53蛋白表达的变化………………………………………………………………… 马庆春,李林 240
Wnt信号对神经发生和血管新生的调控………… 左玮,王起忠,季晖,等 243
复杂性区域疼痛综合征的诊疗研究进展 ……………… 衣培强,衣玉胜 247
眼动脱敏再加工与自我状态疗法在创伤障碍性疾病治疗中的整合…………………………………………………………… 单敬,田宝,冯孟哲 250
断指再植患者不良心理状况及心理干预的研究现状 ……… 苗平,贺加 253
军事应激下军人心理应激反应研究进展…… 赵名娟综述,张金涛审校 255
老年静态平衡功能定量测定及年龄相关性分析………………………………………………………… 张丽,瓮长水,彭楠,等 258
吞咽障碍对脑卒中康复患者营养状况的影响 …… 李冰洁,张通,赵军 262
手法治疗在维吾尔族构音障碍患者舌擦音中的应用 …………… 张虔 265
口肌训练对智力低下儿童语言康复的作用探讨… 邹林霞,宋雄,蓝颖,等 267
整合性心理治疗对脑卒中后抑郁患者日常生活能力的影响……………………………………………………… 姚惠侠,刘立,冯海霞,等 269
超声对股四头肌用力收缩前后形态测量的初步研究…………………………………………………… 范宏娟,王新北,史进军,等 271
脑转移瘤磁共振弥散加权像与原发肿瘤病理学相关性初步探讨………………………………………………………… 李晓夫,高颖,赵明,等 274
深圳市康复脑瘫患儿及家庭状况调查分析 ………… 干芊,周安燕,胡瑛 277
脑瘫1号治疗福利院脑瘫儿童临床疗效观察………………………………………………… 宋兆普,宋毅鹏,王爱萍,等 280
动态姿势平衡仪训练儿童小脑出血后重度平衡功能障碍1例报道……………………………………………………… 林夏妃,丘卫红,付奕,等 283
右侧额叶炎性脱髓鞘假瘤1例…………………………………… 郭文平 288
以主动运动为主的社区康复训练对脑卒中恢复后期患者日常生活活动能力的影响 ………………………………………………………………… 高萍 289
特勤疗养人员社会适应特点调查 ………… 单守勤,赵晓晶,周锡芳,等 290
重组人表皮生长因子与生理盐水湿敷对脑卒中患者Ⅱ~Ⅲ期压疮疗效观察……………………………………………………………………… 曾海涓 292
家庭随访对脑梗死患者治疗依从性的影响 …………………… 吴新凤 293
中年男性晚期肿瘤患者家属的心理状态调查 … 陶连珊,吴桂梅,潘丽萍 295
目标健康教育对精神分裂症患者疗效观察 ……………………… 张莉 297
Web Quest模式与运动学教学……………………………………… 李林 298
刮痧点线面位结合是临床获效的关键 …… 杨金生,王莹莹,屈建峰,等 300
2011 北京全国神经创伤专题研讨会暨首届天坛全国神经创伤学术研讨会(第一轮通知)(214) 第五届全国认知障碍评定与康复治疗技术培训班报名通知(222) 第四届全国康复评定技术高级培训研讨班报名通知(239) 第三届中国国际言语治疗学术大会通知(242) 卫生部第十七届全国小儿脑瘫实用康复技术培训班通知(264) 书讯(211、228、234)
专题 头穴丛刺结合康复治疗的机理和应用研究
头穴丛刺与康复治疗的有机结合 ………………………………… 唐强 301
头穴丛刺结合康复治疗脑卒中研究进展………… 邢艳丽,王艳,朱路文 304
针康法对局灶性脑缺血大鼠学习记忆能力及海马基质细胞衍生因子-1αmRNA的影响……………………………………… 赵振峰,王芳,刘宏光,等 307
缺氧缺血性脑损伤后针康法对幼鼠学习记忆能力及海马微管相关蛋白-2表达的影响……………………………………………… 孔妍,唐强,朱路文,等 310
针康法对免疫抑制大鼠细胞免疫功能的影响…… 朱志中,唐强,颜培宇 313
头穴丛刺结合认知训练对脑梗死患者认知功能障碍的影响………………………………………………………… 王艳,张立,李淑荣,等 316
针康法对脑卒中运动性失语患者抑郁的影响…… 张慧敏,唐强,朱路文 319
早期针康法干预对脑瘫高危儿预后的临床观察… 吴云鹏,唐强,张春燕 322
针康法对脑卒中后痉挛状态的影响 …………… 关莹,张立,邢艳丽,等 325
延髓性麻痹的针康法治疗:1例报道 ……………………… 边静,全成福 327
壳聚糖-碱性成纤维细胞生长因子载体诱导骨髓间充质干细胞向神经细胞分化 …………………………………………………… 段红梅,杨朝阳,李晓光 329
电刺激大鼠上矢状窦旁硬脑膜后血浆降钙素基因相关肽和P物质的变化…………………………………………………………… 董钊,姜磊,于生元 334
大鼠颈段红核脊髓束损伤后炎症反应相关基因表达谱……………………………………………………… 王超,孙天胜,姜京城,等 337
国内脑性瘫痪早期预测工具综述 ………………………… 龚春丹,杨红 340
全膝关节置换术后持续被动活动的疗效:一项基于26个随机对照试验的系统评价………………………………………………… 王朴,田峻,张淑琴,等 344
脑卒中患者坐位站起速度与动静态平衡的相关性研究……………………………………………………… 周禹馨,张通,刘惠林,等 352
太极拳对早期帕金森病运动控制的影响………… 朱毅,李建兴,李凝,等 355
石蜡疗法配合作业疗法对痉挛型脑瘫患儿拇指内收的效果观察…………………………………………………… 邓庆先,李晓捷,李晓红,等 359
指针推拿治疗脑瘫患儿精细运动障碍40例临床研究…………………………………………………… 牟宪慧,李晓捷,赵发文,等 362
重度颅脑损伤急性期后甲状腺激素和生殖激素变化的初步研究…………………………………………………… 王晓艳,迟茜茜,孙新亭,等 365
马来酸桂哌齐特联合文拉法辛对卒中后抑郁的临床研究……………………………………………………… 黄欢捷,邵蓓,殷为勇,等 368
醒脑开窍针刺法联合康复训练治疗脑卒中的临床观察………………………………………………………… 甄君,欧建英,张雷,等 370
听障儿童听觉言语能力影响因素的研究 ………………… 王娜,杜巧新 372
补中益气汤对卒中后疲劳的疗效观察………… 冯玲,何玲燕,茹文亚,等 375
腧穴热敏化艾灸治疗面神经麻痹的临床观察 刘翠华,张盘德,容小川,等 377
高负压劈核技术在硬核白内障复明手术中的效果观察 ……… 卢建民 380
双侧髋关节离断假肢交互步态行走机构的研究……………………………………………………… 蔡丽飞,曹学军,杨平,等 382
小腿残肢负重压力取型系统的设计及应用… 魏晨婧,曹学军,宋佳佳,等 386
康复专业人员慢性阻塞性肺病知识调查 ……… 张雯,陈文华,余波,等 390
康复专科医院麻醉医师规范化培训……………… 赵欣,王强,王增春,等 393
与神经递质有关疾病的药物治疗 ……………………………… 朱镛连 395
第二届全国智力与语言障碍儿童康复培训班招生通知(303) 2011年中国医师协会第五届康复医学论坛(324) 2011年首届全国脑外伤治疗与康复学术大会(336) 第23届全国脊柱脊髓学术会议通知(343) 2011年江苏省物理医学与康复医学学术会议(385) 书讯(306、315)
专题 心理康复
脑瘫患儿家长常见心理问题及干预对策的研究现状 ………………李林 401
2型糖尿病认知功能损害的相关因素及发病机制…………………………………………………朱向阳,王亮亮,周永,等 404
分析:影响我国心理康复研究文献增长的主要因素………………………………………………张爱民,邱卓英,蔡飞鸣,等 408
RELN基因单核甘酸多态性与儿童孤独症临床特征的相关分析……………………………………………………孙颖,盛昭明,刘明远,等 411
北京市成年智力残疾人职业康复效果及影响因素……………………………………………………李勇,陈耀红,邵翠霞,等 415
头针结合语言训练治疗智力低下儿童语言迟缓的临床观察…………………………………………………邹林霞,宋雄,林小苗,等 418
艾司西酞普兰治疗惊恐障碍的临床研究 …………徐静波,郑珣,刘振静 420
心理支持疗法对脑卒中后因疼痛导致焦虑的影响…………………………………………………徐胜林,蔡娴颖,沈敏,等 422
围造血干细胞采集术血液病患者的心理干预 …吴玉娟,马迎春,唐菊英 424
肥胖大鼠心肌细胞内游离钙浓度的变化 …………郝艳坤,何志鹏,魏韬 426
同体非血管化游离骨移植中骨形成的实验研究……………………………………………………尹禄,潘慧,韩泽民,等 430
人脑胶质瘤中转化生长因子β2、Smad3蛋白表达及临床意义…………………………………………………苏伟,刘福生,朱贵东,等 433
建立新西兰白兔深静脉血栓模型的实验研究…………………………………………………郑玉江,汤庆,邓方阁,等 437
基质金属蛋白酶-2与脑缺血损伤及修复……………………马跃文,强琳 440
磁共振弥散张量成像对脑出血的临床应用………………………………………………王娜娜,徐建民,王仲朴,等 443
进行性核上性麻痹头部磁共振的神经影像学特点 ………朴英善,冯涛 446
重复注射A型肉毒毒素对脑卒中后下肢痉挛状态的影响………………………………………………陈奕雄,倪莹莹,邱承尧,等 449
充气式肩吊带对偏瘫后肩关节半脱位的疗效………………………………………………毕研贞,郑志雄,李康增,等 452
老年高血压患者不同心室构型与氮末端B型脑钠肽前体的相关性…………………………………………………高鹏,朱启伟,杜瑞雪,等 454
高血压患者动态血压及踝臂指数与左室质量指数相关性研究………………………………………………刘傲亚,余振球,章新新,等 456
持续被动运动在膝关节置换术后早期康复治疗中的作用…………………………………………………王东,魏更生,宋华伟,等 459
青年缺血性脑卒中并发卵圆孔未闭1例 ……胡雪艳,刘丽旭,杨凌宇,等 428
超声乳化手术在葡萄膜炎并发白内障中的康复效果 ……………卢建民 462
乙状结肠膀胱扩大术治疗神经源性急迫性尿失禁的临床研究………………………………………………黄邦高,徐智慧,王彦彬,等 465
运动训练结合生物反馈对盆底功能障碍性疾病疗效的观察………………………………………………………于洪燕,苏丹,李丽,等 467
表面电刺激引导下吞咽功能训练治疗舌运动失调吞咽障碍3例报道…………………………………………………李小霞,李梅,杨海芳,等 469
局部脑组织发育不良继发癲痫1例 ………………………………郭文平 471
3种社区康复服务模式对恢复期脑卒中偏瘫患者的影响…………………………………………………………罗峰,曹卫星,马丹 473
试论康复机构如何培育核心竞争力 ………………程军,李建军,密忠祥 476
美国康复法及其对我国的启示 ……………………………肖菊英,郑俭 478
智障儿童进行乒乓球康复锻炼的应用价值 ……苗新见,朱唯唯,刘英梅 481
护理干预对颈髓损伤后低钠血症的影响 ……夏艳萍,魏丽巍,杨威,等 483
游离拇趾腓侧皮瓣修复手指指腹缺损术后的康复护理………………………………………………吴小英,沈培根,金耀峰,等 486
辅助技术高等职业教育课程设置探讨 …………屠其雷,方新,龙华,等 488
高等职业教育“临床作业疗法”考核办法初探 …刘启雄,陈炜,陈璇,等 491
多元化教学在高等职业教育传统康复治疗技术教学中的应用 …张立峰 493
PBL教学法在康复医学教学中应用的研究……刘曦,郭声敏,段小东,等 495
“金属材料与热处理技术”教学难点分析及解决策略 ………………宋伟 498
康复专业和临床医学专业心肺复苏教学的区别与联系………………………………………………………赵欣,王强,王增春,等 500
第四届全国康复评定技术高级培训研讨班报名通知(414) 第五届全国认知障碍评定与康复治疗技术培训班报名通知(417) 第三届中国国际言语治疗学术大会通知(485) 书讯(499)
世界残疾报告(概要)……………………………世界卫生组织,世界银行 501
国际社会有关残疾发展的重要文件——世界卫生组织、世界银行共同发布首份《世界残疾报告》……………………………………………………邱卓英 508
专题 基于研究证据的认知康复
基于研究证据的认知康复…………………………………………恽晓平 512
汉语版日常注意测验在中国大陆正常人群的信度、效度研究………………………………………………………………王科英,恽晓平 515
脑损伤患者的知觉型启动效应的研究 …………………卢利萍,恽晓平 519
EC301计算和数字加工成套测验汉语修订版的信度和效度研究……………………………………………………张新,恽晓平,张慧丽,等 523
记忆障碍康复训练的疗效研究 ……………高明明,恽晓平,张慧丽,等 527
脑损伤后失算症的康复疗效观察 ……………张新,恽晓平,高明明,等 531
注意障碍康复训练的疗效观察 ……………张慧丽,恽晓平,高明明,等 535
缺血缺氧性脑病致部分图画失认症1例报道 ……………………郭华珍 538
缺血性脑卒中与认知功能障碍 ……………………………张卫,恽晓平 540
空间型失算症 ………………………………………………张璞,恽晓平 543
不同脑区突触体内单胺类递质水平与惊厥发作和症状严重程度的相关性研究 ……………………………………………………………吴浪龙,李祖荣 546
应用专家咨询法制定四肢瘫日常生活能力评定量表…………………………………………………周红俊,康海琼,李建军,等 549
偏瘫痉挛的中医推拿治疗现状……………………李惠兰,李大鹏,郑涛 557
200 7 ~2010年北京市新生儿听力筛查结果分析……………………………………………………张晚霞,袁雪,陈雪辉,等 560
改制Biodex等速肘关节配件的效度和信度研究………………………………………………………朱燕,丁莹,杨晓伟,等 564
胸腰椎椎弓根与横突对应关系及其变化规律的放射学研究…………………………………………………杜良杰,李建军 566
头部CT定位围针长留针法治疗脑梗死性痴呆的临床研究………………………………………………刘磊,伦新,王翊沣 569
脑功能生物反馈治疗脑瘫伴注意障碍的临床疗效观察…………………………………………………李雪梅,姜志梅,郭岚敏,等 572
针刺治疗痉挛型小儿脑瘫的临床研究 ……………………司同,张素洁 576
基于Web的残疾人状况监测系统的设计与开发研究…………………………………………………………………陈迪,邱卓英 578
康复工程和辅助技术的发展历程、内涵和理论基础 ……………张济川 581
中国残疾人辅助器具服务体系的构建 ……………………………陈振声 583
辅助器具及服务模式的发展动态 …………………………………朱图陵 586
加拿大残疾人辅助技术保障中的法规政策与政府的作用 …………郑俭 589
韩国老年人辅助器具与标准化………………………………Kyuyeoun Lee,Hyun Kyoon Lim,Mie Choi,等 592
康复工程研究与新进展教学分析及探索……………………………宋伟 594
高等职业康复治疗技术专业康复评定学课程教学改革………………………………………………………王丽岩,王晓臣,李凌雁 596
大脑两半球的解剖、功能与障碍 …………………………………朱镛连 598
第五届全国认知障碍评定与康复治疗技术培训班报名通知(563) 第四届全国康复评定技术高级培训研讨班报名通知(580) 第十四届全国脑瘫康复技术研修班暨第三届山东省小儿脑瘫学术会议信息(588)
专题 当代社区康复理论与实践
现代残疾康复理念、政策与社区康复体系研究 ……………邱卓英,李多 601
整体推进“人人享有康复”创新导向——广西柳南区整体推进“人人享有康复”实践 ………………………………………………………………邓敏杰 606
残疾人社区康复的认知与实践 ……………………………刘林,郭悠悠 609
社区康复与“人人享有康复服务”目标的实现 ………吴弦光,陈迪,张静 613
社区康复矩阵应用探讨 ……………………………………………付克礼 617
国际社区康复理念在我国农村社区康复合作项目中的应用实践…………………………………………………银芳,付克礼,池俊常,等 619
电针对佐剂性关节炎大鼠足跖肿胀度和炎性细胞因子的影响………………………………………………………艾坤,武丹,常小荣,等 622
针刺对抑郁症睡眠障碍大鼠行为学和海马5-羟色胺受体表达水平的影响……………………………………………………甄君,范建中,姚晓黎,等 625
一种可提高和改善步行功能的装置:动力下肢外骨骼系统的设计及应用………………………………………………………………王一吉,李建军 628
260 例外伤性脊柱脊髓损伤患者致残程度因素分析…………………………………………………李建军,邬盈盈,刘松怀,等 632
Tetrax平衡测试系统用于老年人平衡功能测试的重测信度……………………………………………………张丽,黎春华,瓮长水,等 637
低频重复经颅磁刺激治疗半侧空间忽略的临床研究…………………………………………………何静杰,刘丽旭,公维军,等 640
低频电刺激治疗脑卒中后吞咽障碍疗效观察 代欣,王培福,李继来,等 644
肌电生物反馈对肝豆状核变性患者下肢肌张力障碍的影响…………………………………………………韩永升,毛玉强,韩咏竹,等 646
主动抗阻运动疗法治疗慢性颈部疼痛的临床研究 ……杜良杰,李建军 649
康复训练对A型肉毒毒素治疗痉挛型脑瘫长期疗效的影响…………………………………………………刘建军,纪树荣,吴卫红,等 654
穴位埋植蛋白线疗法对脑性瘫痪患儿运动功能的影响……………………………………………………赵兵,满宜刚,袁嫣然,等 657
脑瘫高危儿家属对疾病与早期干预相关知识、态度和行为的调查……………………………………………………彭光阳,彭晓芳,周德,等 659
难治性癫痫患者智力、个性及心理健康状况的临床分析……………………………………………………尹昱,李卫泊,闫桂芳,等 662
早期高压氧治疗婴幼儿外伤后基底节区脑梗死疗效分析…………………………………………………张红霞,于秋红,刘亚玲,等 665
遗忘型轻度认知损害患者认知功能水平与其中医证候的相关性探讨……………………………………………………房立岩,田金洲,时晶,等 668
针灸结合盆底肌训练治疗产后压力性尿失禁 ………………韩红,黎明 671
中药早期介入对脑外伤后患者认知功能的影响………………………………………………………汪春,郭知学,李鸥,等 673
听障儿童语言功能评估的应用研究 ………王丽燕,孙喜斌,吕明臣,等 676
斑蝥酸钠对中晚期肝癌患者生活质量的影响 ……………………张爱萍 679
家庭-社区-医院康复管理模式对社区精神分裂症康复的作用…………………………………………………周玉英,张紫娟,王学庆,等 682
骶髓下脊髓损伤患者尿动力学特点与处理 ……吴娟,廖利民,李丹,等 685
65例功能性构音障碍儿童训练效果分析 …………………吴萍,李丽华 688
北京市2010年新生儿听力筛查状况及影响因素分析…………………………………………………………张晚霞,袁雪,陈雪辉 691
康复治疗学专业物理诊断学课程设置探讨 …陈思远,孟申,张凤仁,等 695
神经康复专科医师培训体系的建立 …………………杨红宾,张蓉,冯涛 697
中医康复治疗学人才培养模式探讨 ……………余瑾,刘春龙,谢芹,等 699
第三届中国国际言语治疗学术大会会议纪要(616) 第十四届全国脑瘫康复技术研修班暨第三届山东省小儿脑瘫学术会议信息(631) 书讯(609、643、656、661)
专题 脑卒中及其并发症的机制与治疗
GAS6基因344-35C/T多态性与脑梗死的相关性研究…………………………………………………………陈军,赵斌,陈煜森 701
应用影像学方法探讨类似运动性和感觉性的传导性失语发病机制………………………………………………张红霞,赖宗力,陈红燕,等 705
平衡评价量表在临床中的应用 ………………杨雅琴,王拥军,冯涛,等 709
椎基底动脉病变超声、CT及MRI检查的现状及进展……………………………………………罗沛霖 综述,王海林 审校 713
64排容积CT三维重建在重型颅脑损伤中的临床应用…………………………………………………袁进国,冯斌,曹藏柱,等 717
运动表象训练结合作业疗法对脑卒中偏瘫患者上肢和手功能的影响…………………………………………………张裴景,任亚峰,李硕,等 719
表面肌电生物反馈对脑卒中偏瘫患者下肢运动功能的影响………………………………………………吴玉玲,林建强,吴立红,等 722
早期吞咽功能训练在预防脑卒中相关性肺炎中的作用……………………………………………………戴兴珍,吴桂梅,陶连珊 725
持续康复对脑干梗死的疗效观察 ………………………高淑凤,焦丽琴 727
神经肌肉电刺激和吞咽训练对脑卒中后吞咽障碍的影响………………………………………………朱士文,江平胤,党红梅,等 730
不同时期介入针刺和康复训练对脑卒中后吞咽障碍疗效的影响…………………………………………………武平,梁繁荣,于白莉,等 733
踝足康复牵引器对脑卒中偏瘫患者踝关节活动范围及平衡功能的影响…………………………………………………闫桂芳,王中立,尹昱,等 737
条斑紫菜多糖对糖尿病大鼠脑组织的保护作用 ……杨旭东,张杰,林峰 739
孤独症儿童血浆多不饱和脂肪酸水平研究 …庞伟,康倩倩,郭岚敏,等 742
二苯乙烯对2型糖尿病大鼠降血糖作用的实验研究………………………………………………杨青平,俞发荣,车红霞,等 745
慢性疲劳综合征的心理疾病特征及推拿治疗的运用………………………………………………………张昊,房敏,姜淑云,等 748
带髂胫束股前外侧皮瓣游离移植修复手背组织缺损…………………………………………………陈立科,陈四华,吴波,等 751
脊髓损伤患者和医护人员对脊髓二次损伤知晓的现状调查………………………………………………唐小慧,肖树芹,邬盈盈,等 754
脊髓损伤并发尿路感染的菌群分布及药物治疗 …………卢守四,高钧 758
A型肉毒毒素治疗痉挛型双瘫患儿疗效的表面肌电分析………………………………………………周平秋,张惠佳,王跑球,等 761
颈椎后纵韧带骨化症临床表现与影像学特点相关性研究………………………………………………赵伟光,李晓蕾,谢延平,等 764
综合康复治疗防治老年卧床不起及其并发症的疗效 …陈雪丽,刘玉湖 767
丙泊酚联合舒芬太尼在肩周炎手法松解术中的应用 ……………孟秀荣 770
工伤工人回归工作的个案管理模式研究 ……罗筱媛,唐丹,杨晓姗,等 773
个体化康复护理指导对脊髓损伤患者康复积极性的影响……………………………………………………魏丽巍,夏艳萍,方玉美 777
康复中心护士长应具备的素质与管理方法探讨 ……………………王波 780
三维目标教学模式在康复医学教学中的应用 …宋鲁平,刘华,王强,等 782
临床医学专业神经病学方向七年制学生培养体系的重点分析 ……冯涛 785
康复医学专业本科生教育现状与探讨 …………………何静杰,杨祖福 788
浅谈高等职业教育康复治疗技术专业神经康复学的课程建设和实践…………………………………………………徐琳峰,石君杰,沈晴,等 790
卫生中职康复治疗专业运动疗法技术学教学中注意的几个问题……………………………………………………………朱红华,蒋迎春 792
医学研究生循证实践影响因素的调查分析 ……………钟招明,陈建庭 794
浅谈康复推拿的学科发展 ………………………王志刚,范永春,刘大立 796
老年脑卒中患者平衡功能障碍特征分析 ……………宋桂芸,张璞,杨明 798
第十四届全国脑瘫康复技术研修班暨第三届山东省小儿脑瘫学术会议信息(704)《实用骨科杂志》征订启事(741) 中国康复医学会第八届全国康复治疗学术年会征文及会议通知(第二轮)(753) 书讯(763、787、789、791、795)
专题 Bobath理论与脑卒中康复
Bobath理论与历史的变迁 …………………紀伊克昌.刘畅,常冬梅,译 801
针对脑卒中患者的Bobath治疗方法………………古澤正道.陈立嘉,译 805
Synergy:从Bobath法出发的认识 ………古澤正道.何静杰,常冬梅,译 810
脑卒中后遗症的步行功能康复 ……………寺澤健.常冬梅,李德盛,译 813
脑卒中后遗症患者上肢、手的恢复 ………铃木三央.陈晓梅,李晏龙,译 818
脑卒中后遗症患者的日常生活活动指导…………………………………………立松さゆり.陈晓梅,李晏龙,译 825
脑卒中后进食吞咽障碍的Bobath理论的应用…………………………………………長谷川和子.常冬梅,卫冬洁,译 830
地塞米松对内毒素休克大鼠脑组织细胞因子含量的影响………………………………………………王新芳,张宇忠,任丽薇,等 834
肝气郁结模型大鼠正电子发射脑功能成像研究………………………………………………刘子旺,赵海滨,张秀静,等 837
人脑多形性胶质瘤细胞系BT325对5种抗肿瘤药物敏感性的研究……………………………………………………韩明,袁芳,董丽萍,等 840
电刺激对大鼠脊髓损伤后神经胶质纤维酸性蛋白与白细胞介素-1α表达的影响 …………………………………………………张莹莹,李俊岑,饶莹,等 844
慢性炎症性脱髓鞘性多发性神经病的治疗进展……………………………………………………矫毓娟,张伟赫,许贤豪 848
脑桥中央髓鞘溶解症的临床特征及其康复预后………………………………………………杜晓霞,宋鲁平,徐建民,等 852
膝骨关节炎患者动静态跌倒风险测试的临床应用价值…………………………………………………郭燕梅,陈蔚,焦伟国,等 856
伴或不伴糖尿病脑梗死患者的临床比较 ……张鸣,张金声,毕嘉璥,等 861
3种常见住院精神病自测健康状况比较…………………刘晓梅,胡春凤 863
综合康复干预对急性脑梗死患者功能恢复的影响…………………………………………………甄君,王俊峰,范建中,等 865
一氧化碳中毒迟发性脑病高压氧治疗剂量与疗效………………………………………………张红霞,刘亚玲,于秋红,等 868
经络导平在脑瘫患儿语言障碍治疗中的疗效 赵红英,罗佳美,刘敏,等 872
中西医结合强化理疗方案治疗选择性脊神经后根切断术后肌力下降的疗效分析 ……………………………………………………曹旭,俞兴,徐林,等 874
电刺激小脑顶核治疗抑郁症的临床观察 …………………………杨丽霞 876
面肌操辅助治疗周围性面神经炎疗效观察 ……林子玲,周小军,赖家盈 878
橄榄体脑桥小脑萎缩康复训练效果初探 ……刘依凌,胡西,孟庆芳,等 880
200 8 年~2010年神经康复科住院患者用药分析…………李春艳,卢守四 882
舒血宁注射液治疗脑梗死疗效的Meta分析 ……闫婧,王献伟,周娟,等 884
远程家庭康复指导对脑梗死患者日常生活活动能力和运动功能的影响…………………………………………………李迥,吴莉青,尚淑玲,等 887
两省一市残联及卫生系统康复治疗师现状调查…………………………………………………尚跃宏,熊国星,刘娟,等 889
康复医院护士生活质量和应对方式相关性研究 …唐小慧,魏娜,肖树芹 892
急性心肌梗死患者的中西医综合康复护理 ………………………周霄云 895
基于网络环境下以问题为基础的学习在康复治疗学专业教学中的应用…………………………………………………念红,宋宝辉,徐秋玲,等 897
物理治疗学教学法改革初探 ……………………………………杜平 899
专题:Assistive Technology and Rehabilitation:Policy and Development in Italy
专题说明 ……………………………………………Agati MT,GiustiniA 901
意大利政府对残疾人的优惠政策及立法架构……………………………………Agati MT,GiustiniA,ASolipaca,et al.903
辅助技术:终端用户与技术的桥梁……………………Andrich R,Besio S 913
意大利辅助用具免费供给残疾人体系………………………………………Agati M,GiustiniA,MazzocchiAGM 925
意大利辅助用具免费供给残疾人体系:未来发展 …Agati MT,GiustiniA 931
康复和辅助用具未来发展 ……Avellis M,PellegriA,CazzanigaA,et al.935
残疾、驾驶证和驾驶技术:意大利现状 …………………………RidolfiA 946
克服建筑障碍的辅助用具的标准、费用承担及优惠:意大利政府为改善残障者融入社会而大力改造建筑障碍………………………Turina E,Belletti C 956
脊髓损伤神经学分类国际标准(2011年修订)…………………………………………美国脊髓损伤协会,国际脊髓损伤学会………………………………………………………李建军,王方永译 963
针康法对局灶性脑缺血大鼠前肢运动功能及缺血区突触素和生长相关蛋白-43表达的影响 ……………………………………唐强,刘宏光,王艳,等 973
应用中医和心理学理论编制特勤人员社会适应度量表的初步探讨……………………………………………单守勤,薛蓓蕾,周锡芳,等 977
大学生体力活动水平对脊柱胸腰椎矢状面曲度和活动度的影响………………………………………………………………………罗曦娟 980
感觉系统障碍对脑卒中平衡能力的影响 ……付奕,谢丽君,丘卫红,等 983
肌电生物反馈电刺激治疗偏瘫型脑瘫下肢运动功能障碍的疗效观察…………………………………………………颜华,张惠佳,李惠枝,等 986
尼可地尔对慢性充血性心力衰竭患者心脏功能及血糖的影响………………………………………………………………………李跃艳 990
脑卒中住院康复患者尿路感染病原菌的分布及其耐药性………………………………………………孟祥博,刘元标,陈丽娜,等 993
温针灸结合关节松动术治疗肩周炎的临床研究……………………………………………………林子玲,周小军,赖家盈 997
脊髓损伤专业方向研究生的文献阅读教学 ……………………张正丰 999
专题 脉冲射频在疼痛治疗中的价值
脉冲射频在神经病理性疼痛治疗中的作用 ……………于晓彤,樊碧发 1001
脉冲射频和射频热凝术对臂丛神经损伤的病理学观察…………………………………………………公维义,苏建生,陈华,等 1003
脉冲射频治疗慢性疼痛的国外实验研究进展…………………………………………………李多依综述,许忻审校 1007
脉冲射频治疗慢性神经病理性疼痛的临床新进展…………………………………………………马芸综述,刘延青审校 1010
螺旋CT引导半月节脉冲射频治疗三叉神经痛的远期疗效观察………………………………………………………孟岚,程灏,王保国 1013
脉冲射频配合针灸牵引治疗神经根型颈椎病的临床研究………………………………………………钟大勇,姜金玉,丁晓宁,等 1015
脉冲射频治疗三叉神经痛时射频电压与疗效的关系………………………………………………………罗芳,高淑琴,季楠 1018
水冷射频治疗头面部带状疱疹后神经痛的护理……………………………………………………陈瑞霞,刘文敏,许忻 1020
疼痛学科科研设计质量管理 …………………任佩娟,张琳,王伊龙,等 1023
28醇对6-羟基多巴胺致帕金森病大鼠模型行为学的改善作用…………………………………………………王涛,刘亚静,刘雁勇,等 1025
地黄苏合香合剂对早期肝性脑病大鼠一氧化氮、一氧化氮合酶、肿瘤坏死因子-α的影响 …………………………………………刘赫,刘雁勇,杨楠,等 1028
CD14mRNA的表达在急性脑出血肠-肝轴紊乱中的作用及星蒌承气汤的干预研究 ………………………………………………赵海滨,唐杰,马立华,等 1031
丘脑在舒芬太尼中枢镇痛中的作用 …………刘晓媛,李欢冬,张磊,等 1035
丘脑在经皮穴位电刺激镇痛效果中的作用 ……张磊,罗芳,李欢冬,等 1039
神经内科急诊头痛患者的流行病学研究 ……………………凤玉,周衡 1043
神经阻滞联合普瑞巴林治疗带状疱疹后神经痛的研究………………………………………………………申颖,罗芳,王云珍 1046
脊髓炎性脱髓鞘病疼痛症状的病因分析及治疗对策…………………………………………………石磊,阎桂琴,宋建聪,等 1049
老年膝骨关节炎患者生活质量影响因素分析…………………………………………………朱才兴,郭燕梅,陈蔚,等 1052
脊柱三扳法对早中期强直性脊柱炎胸腰椎活动的影响……………………………………………………陈民,高彦平,张晓,等 1056
慢速活动平板训练对脑卒中偏瘫患者下肢功能的影响……………………………………………………李立,刘建华,张辉,等 1059
本体神经促进技术预防脑卒中患者膝过伸的疗效观察…………………………………………………金冬云,谭同才,叶祥明 1062
综合康复治疗对脑卒中患者肢体运动功能的影响……………………………………………………韩旭,盛夏,韩宝昕,等 1064
“引导式教育-脑瘫康复韵律操”的创作与应用…………廖洪波,张晓霞 1065
引导式教育在脑瘫康复中的价值 …………张国勋,成莲英,陈乐云,等 1068
技能训练对精神分裂症衰退期患者社会功能的影响…………………………………………………彭丽,张瑞霞,朱凤英,等 1070
强制性运动疗法治疗脑裂畸形伴灰质移位1例报道……………………………………………………杜晓霞,刘华,王强,等 1073
森林脑炎康复治疗1例报道 …………………杨宇琦,张通,刘丽旭,等 1076
感应电疗法联合盆底肌训练治疗女性压力性尿失禁………………………………………………陈天笑,刘元标,杨丹丹,等 1078
经皮内镜下胃造口在老年吞咽功能障碍中的应用…………………………………………………张锋良,高飞,陶连元,等 1081
头部屈伸角度对正常青年人静态坐位平衡的影响 …………王萍,戴东 1083
心理干预对脑卒中后抑郁的影响 ……………林子玲,郭永谊,赖家盈 1085
国际脊髓损伤心血管功能基础数据集………………………………KrassioukovA,Alexander MS,KarlssonAK,et al.……………………………………………卫波,周红俊,李建军,等 译 1086
残疾人辅助器具筹资的国际经验与启示 …………………朱坤,栗成强 1090
跨专业团队整合模式运用于脑瘫儿童干预的个案研究……………………………………………………………孙美丽,张文京 1093
康复训练对住院精神分裂症阴性症状疗效的影响 ………………丁烨 1096
假肢矫形器教育“双师型”教师培养的探讨 ………………熊宝林,方新 1099
专题 康复评定
韦氏儿童智力量表第4版(中文版)六分测验简版及其在智力残疾评定中的作用……………………………………………………李毓秋,张厚粲,朱建军 1101
中国人四肢瘫日常生活能力评定量表的信度研究………………………………………………康海琼,周红俊,李建军,等 1105
电视透视下吞咽能力检查在口咽期吞咽障碍中的应用……………………………………………万萍,Ding Ruiying,祝乐群,等 1107
脑瘫粗大运动功能分级系统修订扩展版(中文版)的信度和效度研究…………………………………………………李初阳,史惟,周美琴,等 1112
社区康复肢体残疾功能评定表对脑卒中偏瘫疗效的评定…………………………………………………桑德春,纪树荣,张缨,等 1116
电刺激小脑顶核对缺氧缺血新生大鼠睫状神经营养因子蛋白的影响………………………………………………张丽华,陶德双,杨本利,等 1118
地黄苏合香合剂对早期肝性脑病大鼠脑内外周型苯二氮 受体的影响……………………………………………………刘赫,刘雁勇,杨楠,等 1121
组织芯片技术在脑胶质瘤研究中的应用 …………崔云,张伟,袁芳,等 1124
儿童发育迟缓监测研究进展 …………………梁爱民综述,王惠珊审校 1128
经颅磁刺激与经颅直流电刺激的比较 ………杨远滨,肖娜,李梦瑶,等 1131
乳腺癌术后的上肢功能障碍 …………………张锋良,陶连元,高飞,等 1136
磷酸钙骨水泥在骨缺损修复中的应用 …………………殷桂华,韩泽民 1139
短暂性脑缺血发作进展为脑梗死的危险因素评估 …………薛嫱,马欣 1142
脑卒中偏瘫患者水中平板步行训练疗效的初步观察………………………………………………………吴琼,丛芳,金龙,等 1145
利伐沙班和低分子量肝素钙在人工关节置换术后预防深静脉血栓形成的效果比较………………………………………………张开放,郭忠卫,宋焕瑾 1148
颈椎后纵韧带骨化症术中体感诱发电位变化与术后近期疗效的关系………………………………………………赵伟光,李晓蕾,刘振武,等 1152
老年人下肢肌力、协调性和反应时的年龄特征相关性…………………………………………………王娜,瓮长水,朱才兴,等 1155
综合疗法对老年膝骨关节炎患者本体感觉的影响…………………………………………………李晓瑛,郭燕梅,陈蔚,等 1158
经颅多普勒超声诊断脑梗死患者卵圆孔未闭的价值…………………………………………………黄小钦,樊春秋,华扬,等 1162
强制性诱导运动在偏瘫型脑瘫患儿作业治疗中的应用……………………………………………………左月仙,李爱霞,杨花芳 1165
经颅磁刺激结合穴位注射早期治疗智力低下幼儿疗效观察…………………………………………………………金妍,冉平,陈树立 1167
注意缺陷多动障碍的抽动障碍患儿主观生活质量与家庭环境特征研究……………………………………………………吴媛,匡桂芳,夏颖,等 1170
冠状动脉支架植入患者的心理评估……………董效信,任晓敏,董雅妮 1173
L1爆裂骨折并发单纯圆锥损伤患者术后膀胱功能的相关因素…………………………………………………唐和虎,洪毅,张军卫,等 1175
脊髓损伤患者孤立性直肠溃疡综合症28例报道…徐青,高飞,远丽,等 1179
脑桥旁正中梗死的误诊分析 ………………………………田沈,徐传利 1183
脑卒中恢复期肺部感染的临床原因分析 ……谢家兴,芦海涛,魏娜,等 1185
以语音障碍为特征的语言发育迟缓学龄前儿童语言治疗1例报道……………………………………………………………王如蜜,张长杰 1187
西安市流浪精神疾病患者调查 ………………张露莹,谢聪明,李悦,等 1189
农村家庭病床在精神分裂症治疗康复中的作用 …………魏保华,张桢 1191
残疾人与非残疾人工作疲劳感比较 …………熊国星,徐文磊,孟月,等 1193
老龄化脑……………………………………………………………朱镛连 1196
巨刺法治疗偏瘫的神经生理机制及其临床应用策略探讨……………………………………………………姜劲峰,王欣君,张建斌 1198
《中国康复理论与实践》2011年第17卷总目次 …………ⅲ
Greetings from Famous Scholars for Chinese New Year Advance in Rehabilitation Medicine in China:Review and Prospects…………………………………………………………………………1
LI Jian-jun
Towards the System-wide Implementation of the ICF in Rehabilitation in China……………………………………………………………5
Gerold Stucki,QIU Zhuo-ying,LI Jian-an,et al.
The International Classification of Function Disability and Health:Its Development Process and Content Validity ………11
A.Cieza,G.Stucki.ZHANG Jing,CHEN Di,QIU Zhuo-ying,et al.trans.
ICF-based Classification and Measurement of Function………17
G.Stucki,N.Kostanjsek,B. Üstün,A.Cieza.ZHANG Jing,QIU Zhuo-ying,WU Xian-guang trans.
Assessing the Impact of Health Conditions Using the ICF……26
Nenad Kostanjsek,Sara Rubinelli,Reuben Escorpizo,et al.ZHANG Ai-min,LI Qin-yi,QIU Zhuo-ying,et al.trans.
How to Apply the International Classification of Functioning,Disability and Health(ICF)for Rehabilitation Management in Clinical Practice ……………………………………………………………32
Alexandra Rauch,Alarcos Cieza,Gerold Stucki.ZHANG Xia,ZHANG Jing,QIU Zhuo-ying,et al.trans.
Bone Morphogenetic Protein-4 Gene Polymorphism Associated with Ossification of Posterior Longitudinal Ligament in Chinese Patients…………………………………………………………………39
ZHAO Wei-guang,XIE Yan-ping,YAN Liang,et al.
Premotor Phase of Early Parkinson Disease(review)…………42
JIAO Shu-jun,YUAN Hong,LIANG Li-wu
Rehabilitation for TranslumbarAmputation(review)…………45
YANG Ping,CAO Xue-jun
Effects of Different Frequency Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Memory Ability Associated with Hippocampus in Rats(review)…………………………………………………………………………48
LUAN Yu-min,HU Zhong
Embryonic Stem Cell Transplantation for Spinal Cord Injury(review)…………………………………………………………………………51
XU Le-qin,DING Dao-fang,LI Xiao-feng,et al.
Outcome of 3 Kinds of Disabled Children in Beijing:A 3-year Follow-up………………………………………………………………………53
LI Yong,SHAO Cui-xia,SHI Ji-liang,et al.
Association of Intron rs12138592 A/G polymorphism of Ubiquitin Specific Proteases(USP24)Gene with Parkinson Disease 56
LIN Zhi-jun,CHEN Yu-sen,XIAN Wen-chuan,et al.
Effect of Consolidated Trunk Muscle Training on Balance and Motor Function in Patients with Hemiplegia after Stroke……59
LIAO Liang-hua,PAN Jie,WANG Shu-fen,et al.
Effect of THERA-vital Movement Therapy System on Hemiplegic Patients after Stroke …………………………………………………62
LIU Cui-hua,ZHANG Pan-de,YANG Jie-hua,et al.
Intervention for Shoulder-hand Syndrome on Motor Function in Stroke Patients……………………………………………………………64
LI Xiao-liu,XING Xiao-yan,ZHAO Xiao-ou,et al.
Effect of Cognition Training onAphasia after Stroke…………66
DAI Xin,LI Ji-lai,DU Ji-chen
Effect of Acupuncture Combined with Core Stability Therapy on Cerebral Palsy……………………………………………………………68
SONG Xiong,LIN Xiao-miao,ZOU Lin-xia
Effect of Intensive Rehabilitation Training on Gross Motor Function in Children with Cerebral Palsy…………………………70
TONG Guang-lei,LI Hong,ZHANG Min,et al.
Effects of Sensory Integration Training on Balance of Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy ……………………………………………72
ZHANG Li-hua,JIN Cai-jun,WANG Li-ping,et al.
Reliability of 36-item Short Form Health Survey(Chinese Version)in Assessing the Quality of Life in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis……………………………………………………………………75
JIAO Wei-guo,GUO Yan-mei,WENG Chang-shui
Analysis of Clinical Trials about Lower Extremities Static and Dynamic Proprioception in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis……………………………………………………………………………………77
CHEN Wei,GUO Yan-mei,WENG Chang-shui,et al.
Effect of Long Time Taijiquan Training on Bone Density and Balance Function in Post-menopause Women ……………………80
ZOU Jun,LIN Fei,ZHANG Li,et al.
Effect of Rehabilitation on Psychological Health in First Schizophrenic Patients……………………………………………………83
FANG Chun-xia,ZHENG Wei-fang,ZHANG Li-jun,et al.
Application of Venlafaxine for Pain Management………………85
ZHENG Yi,WANG Yu-hua,JIANG Chang-lin
Etiology and Clinical Features of Cerebral Palsy in Twin or Multiple Pregnancies………………………………………………………86
SUN Dian-rong,HOU Mei,GAO Xiang
Neural Connections and Functional Recovery……………………89
ZHU Yong-lian
Effect of Rehabilitation Workshop on Social Function of Patients with Schizophrenia in Community……………………………92
ZHANG Xian-qiang,GAO Yun,XU Bing-cong
Community-based Rehabilitation in Heilongjiang Agricultural Reclamation:AStructural Design ……………………………………94
LIU Da-li,ZHANG Rong-guo,ZHANG Qi-xin
Family Function,Cohesion and Adaptability of Community Patients with Schizophrenia…………………………………………………96
ZHU Xian-wen,LU Yan-ying
Effect of Shoulder Sling in Stroke Patients with Shoulder Subluxation…………………………………………………………………………98
FENG Hong,FANG Yu-mei,LI Shu-hui
Instruction of Rehabilitation Medicine Courses in General Practice………………………………………………………………………100
NIU Xue-fei,SU Hui-tang
Development and Standardization of ICF-based Measurement in Rehabilitation Medicine ……………………………………………101
QIU Zhuo-ying,XUN Fang
ICF linking rules:an update based on lessons learned ………106
Alarcos Cieza,Szilvia Geyh,Somnath Chatterji,et al.WU Li-hui,LI Qin-yi,QIU Zhuo-ying,et al.trans.
Scales could be developed based on simple clinical ratings of International Classification of Functioning,Disability and Health Core Set categories ………………………………………………………110
Eva Grill,Gerold Stucki.WANG Pu,CHEN Di,TIAN Jun,et al.trans.
Assessing the impact of health conditions using the ICF ……115
Nenad Kostanjsek,Reuben Escorpizo,Annelies Boonen,et al.LI Jing-jing,ZHU Jie,ZOU Zhi,et al.trans.
Items from patient-oriented instruments can be integrated into interval scales to operationalize categories of the International Classification of Functioning,Disability and Health …………129
Cieza A,Hilfiker R,Boonen A,et al.YE Xiang-ming,ZHU Gen-ying,TIAN Liang,et al.trans.
Magnesium Sulfate Combined with Monosialoganglioside on Recovery of Motor Function after Spinal Cord Injury in Rats……………………………………………………………………………………137
QIU You-bo,YUAN Meng-lang,YANG Zheng,et al.
Loss of Heterozygosity in Oligodendroglioma by Real-time Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction-based Microsatellite Analysis………………………………………………………………………141
SU Jiang,JIANG Tao,SUN Zhen-rong,et al.
Traumatic Spine and Spinal Cord Injuries in Geriatric Population(review)…………………………………………………………………145
LI Qiang,LI Jian-jun,GONG Hui-ming,et al.
Mechanisms and Performance of Voice Disorders in Aphasia(review)………………………………………………………………………148
SHI Yang,LI Sheng-li
Advance in Diagnosis and Therapy for Chinese Aphasia(review)……………………………………………………………………………151
TIAN Ye,LIN Wei,YE Xiang-ming,et al.
Application of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Spinal Cord Injury(review)………………………………………………………155
LI Xiao-jiao,GUO Jin-hai,YANG Zheng,et al.
Effect of Vitalstim Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation on Neurogenic Dysphagia……………………………………………………158
JI Jing,WANG Zhen-sheng,WANG Jian-wen,et al.
Acupuncture plus Ice Excitation for Dysphagia in Stroke…161
FANG Zhen,HE Bang-jian
Simvastation for Transient Ischemic Attack following Carotid Atherosclerosis ……………………………………………………………163
HAO Dong-lin,CHEN Xiao-nan,WANG Li-hui,et al.
Constraint-induced Movement Therapy on Upper Extremities for Sub-acute Stroke………………………………………………………165
HE Long-wen,SHEN Guang-yu,SHEN Min,et al.
Pneumatic Circulation Treatment on Lower Extremity Swelling and Blood Flow Velocity after Hip Replacement…………168
LI Xiao-liu,LIU Qi-ping,ZHANG Xiao-yang,et al.
Social Support on Elderly Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ………………………………………………………170
JIA Xiao-qing,ZHAO Li-ming,LI Kai-yan,et al.
Effect of Biofeedback Combined with Pelvic Floor Muscle Training on Female Stress Urinary Incontinence………………173
ZHANG Qiong,GUAN Yu-tao,ZHENG Wei,et al.
Rehabilitation on Thoracic and Lumbar Vertebrae Fracture following Spinal Cord Injury:65 Cases Report…………………176
LI Zhi-jun,GUO Xiao-zhi,WANG Kai-bin,et al.
Effect of Appropriate Rehabilitation Technique on Social Function for Stroke in Community…………………………………………178
JIANG Xiao-feng,HU Xue-yan,XIONG Guo-xing,et al.
Effect of Community-based Rehabilitation on Typical Hemiplegic Gait Post Stroke………………………………………………………181
LUO Feng,MA Dan,QIN Hong
Data Analysis of Sampling Survey of Intellectual Disability in Shanxi Province……………………………………………………………187
ZHAI Jing-bo,ZHANG Wen-wen,QU Cheng-yi
Construction and Practice of Clinical Stage Examination System of Rehabilitation Therapy Specialty …………………………190
LI Hong-xia,ZHANG Feng-ren,ZHAO Yang,et al.
Blending Research Ideas into Teaching of Rehabilitation Medicine ……………………………………………………………………………192
LIU Zhong-liang,CUI Li-jing,DUAN Xiao-qin,et al.
Dissociation between Color Knowledge and Motion Knowledge……………………………………………………………………………………201
CHEN Jing,LIU Yan,LIU Fang-song,et al.
Relationship between Representation of Non-verbal Sound and Verbal Sound ………………………………………………………………204
LIU Fang-song,WANG Qiang,LIU Yan,et al.
Semantic Inducement and Phonetic Inducement for Chinese Deep Dyslexia:ACase Study …………………………………………206
ZHENG Xiu-li,XIE Yu-xiao,SONG Lu-ping,et al.
Semantic Memory Impairment and Lateralization in Brain Injured Patients………………………………………………………………209
LIU Yan,SONG Lu-ping,DU Xiao-xia,et al.
Effect of Attention Training on Post-stroke Cognitive Impairment……………………………………………………………………………212
DU Xiao-xia,FENG Hong,HE Jun-li,et al.
Pathology of Glial Scar after Spinal Cord Injury………………215
ZHANG Hai-yan,YANG Zhao-yang,LI Xiao-guang
Effects of Methylprednisolone on Astrocyte after Spinal Cord Injury in Rats………………………………………………………………219
BAI Xu-dong,LI Hong-peng,GAO Jie,et al.
Microstructure of Platelet-rich Plasma Gel………………………223
MA Jian,LI Fang,REN Da-jiang,et al.
Adherent Monoculture of Primary Neural Stem Cells Derived Fetal Rat Telencephalon…………………………………………………226
LIANG Jun,SONG Xiao-yu,DONG Jian-jiang,et al.
Effect of Adipose-derived Stem Cells Compound Chitosan Transplantation on Tumor Necrosis Factor-α,Interleukin-1β Content in Early Degenerate Intervertebral Disc of Rabbits……………………………………………………………………………………229
LI Jin-zhen,LI Fang,YE Chao-qun,et al.
Establishing the Rat Model of Multi-infarct Dementia………232
WU Dong-hui,HU Jin-feng,LI Zhi-peng,et al.
Protective Effect of Pyrroloquinoline Quinine on Oxygen and Glucose Deprivation Injury in Neuro2ACells …………………235
GUO Qing,Lü Guo-feng
Expression of Bcl-2 and P53 in Neonate Rats with White Matter Damage Induced by Lipopolysaccharide ……………………240
MA Qing-chun,LI Lin
Wnt Signaling Pathway in Neurogenesis and Angiogenesis(review)……………………………………………………………………………243
ZUO Wei,WANG Qi-zhong,JI Hui,et al.
Advance in Diagnosis and Treatment of Complex Regional Pain Syndromes(review)………………………………………………247
YI Pei-qiang,YI Yu-sheng
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Integrating with Ego State Therapy for Clients with Trauma Disorders(review)……………………………………………………………………………250
SHAN Jing,TIAN Bao,FENG Meng-zhe
Negative Emotion and Psychological Intervention after Digit Replantation…………………………………………………………………253
MIAO Ping,HE Jia
Psychological Stress Reaction of Soldiers under Military Stress(review)………………………………………………………………………255
ZHAO Ming-juan,ZHANG Jin-tao
Quantitative Assessment and Age-related Analysis of Static Equilibrium in Elderly Individuals…………………………………258
ZHANG Li,WENG Chang-shui,PENG Nan,et al.
Effects of Dysphagia on Nutrition in Stroke Patients…………262
LI Bing-jie,ZHANG Tong,ZHAO Jun
Effect of Manipulation Treatment in Fricative Training on Uygur Dysarthria…………………………………………………………265
Effects of Oral Training on Speech for Mental Retardation……………………………………………………………………………………267
ZOU Lin-xia,SONG Xiong,LAN Ying,et al.
Effect of Integrated Psychotherapy on Activities of Daily Living in Post-stroke Depression…………………………………………269
YAO Hui-xia,LIU Li,FENG Hai-xia,et al.
Measure of Quadriceps Femoris with Ultrasonography:A Preliminary Study………………………………………………………………271
FAN Hong-juan,WANG Xin-bei,SHI Jin-jun,et al.
Magnetic Resonance Diffusion-weighted Imaging of Brain Metastases and Primary Tumors Pathology …………………………274
LI Xiao-fu,GAO Ying,ZHAO Ming,et al.
Investigation of Children with Cerebral Palsy in Rehabilitation and Their Families in Shenzhen………………………………………277
GAN Qian,ZHOU An-yan,HU Ying
Effect of NaotanⅠon Orphans with Cerebral Palsy from Welfare Houses…………………………………………………………………280
SONG Zhao-pu,SONG Yi-peng,WANG Ai-ping,et al.
Smart Equitest Balance Master Training for Severe Balance Disorder Caused by Cerebellar Hemorrhage in Children:A Case Report…………………………………………………………………283
LIN Xia-fei,QIU Wei-hong,FU Yi,et al.
Inflammatory Pseudotumor in Right Frontal Lobe:A Case Report……………………………………………………………………………288
GUO Wen-ping
Effect of Community-based Rehabilitation Mainly with Active Movement on Activity of Daily Living in Late Stage after Stroke…………………………………………………………………………289
GAO Ping
SocialAdaptation of Staff for Special Services in Recuperation……………………………………………………………………………………290
SHAN Shou-qin,ZHAO Xiao-jing,ZHOU Xi-fang,et al.
Effects of Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor Wet Dressing onⅡ~ⅢStage Pressure Sore after Stroke …………292
ZENG Hai-juan
Follow-up in Family for Compliance in Patients after Stroke……………………………………………………………………………………293
WU Xin-feng
Psychology of Family with Middle Aged Male Patients with Advanced Cancer………………………………………………………………295
TAO Lian-shan,WU Gui-mei,PAN Li-ping
Aim-oriented Health Education for Schizophrenia……………297
Web Quest Model for Kinesiology Teaching ……………………298
LI Lin
Keys of Guasha Therapy:Spot,Line,Area and Associated Location …………………………………………………………………………300
YANG Jin-sheng,WANG Ying-ying,QU Jian-feng,et al.
A Combined Approach of Cluster Needling of Scalp Acupuncture and Rehabilitation for Functional Recovery of Stroke…301
TANG Qiang
Advance in Cluster Needling of Scalp Acupuncture Combined with Rehabilitation for Stroke(review)……………………………304
XING Yan-li,WANG Yan,ZHU Lu-wen
Effect of Cluster Needling of Scalp Acupuncture Combined with Rehabilitation on Learning and Memory and Hippocampus Stromal Cell-derived Factor-1α mRNA in Rats after Focal Cerebral Ischemia…………………………………………………………307
ZHAO Zhen-feng,WANG Fang,LIU Hong-guang,et al.
Effect of Cluster Needling of Scalp Acupuncture Combined with Rehabilitation on Learning and Memory and Expression of Hippocampus Microtubule-associated Protein-2 in Young Rats after Hypoxic Ischemic Brain Damage ……………………310
KONG Yan,TANG Qiang,ZHU Lu-wen,et al.
Effect of Cluster Needling of Scalp Acupuncture Combined with Rehabilitation on Cellular Immunity of Immunosuppressive Rats………………………………………………………………………313
ZHU Zhi-zhong,TANG Qiang,YAN Pei-yu
Effect of Cluster Needling of Scalp Acupuncture Combined with Cognition Training on Cognition Dysfunction for Cerebral Infarction………………………………………………………………316
WANG Yan,ZHANG Li,LI Shu-rong,et al.
Effect of Cluster Needling of Scalp Acupuncture Combined with Rehabilitation on Depression after Stroke following MotorAphasia …………………………………………………………………319
ZHANG Hui-min,TANG Qiang,ZHU Lu-wen
Effect of Cluster Needling of Scalp Acupuncture Combined with Rehabilitation on Prognosis of Children with High-risk of Cerebral Palsy at Early Stage…………………………………………322
WU Yun-peng,TANG Qiang,ZHANG Chun-yan
Effect of Cluster Needling of Scalp Acupuncture Combined with Rehabilitation on Spasticity after Stroke …………………325
GUAN Ying,ZHANG Li,XING Yan-li,et al.
Cluster Needling of Scalp Acupuncture Combined with Rehabilitation for Bulbar Paralysis:case report………………………327
BIAN Jing,QUAN Cheng-fu
Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor-chitosan Carriers Induce Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Differentiate into Nerve Cells………………………………………………………329
DUAN Hong-mei,YANG Zhao-yang,LI Xiao-guang
Changes of Plasma Concentration of Calcitonin Gene-related Peptide and Substance P after Electrical Stimulation on Dura MaterAdjacent to Sinus Sagittalis Superior in Rats…………334
DONG Zhao,JIANG Lei,YU Sheng-yuan
Inflammation Response Related Gene Expression Profile after Injury of Rubrospinal Tract……………………………………………337
WANG Chao,SUN Tian-sheng,JIANG Jing-cheng,et al.
Early Detection Tools for Cerebral Palsy(review)……………340
GONG Chun-dan,YANG Hong
Evaluation of Effectiveness of Continous Passive Motion after Total Knee Arthroplasty:A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trails…………………………………………………………………344
WANG Pu,TIAN Jun,ZHANG Shu-qin,et al.
Correlation between Sit-to-Stand Velocity and Dynamic and Static Balance in Stroke Patients……………………………………352
ZHOU Yu-xin,ZHANG Tong,LIU Hui-lin,et al.
Effect of Taijiquan on Motion Control for Parkinson's Disease at Early Stage………………………………………………………………355
ZHU Yi,LI Jian-xing,LI Ning,et al.
Effects of Combination of Wax Therapy and Occupational Therapy on Spastic Cerebral Palsy with ThumbAdduction 359
DENG Qing-xian,LI Xiao-jie,LI Xiao-hong,et al.
Effect of Finger-acupuncture Massage on Fine Motor Functions of 40 Children with Cerebral Palsy…………………………362
MU Xian-hui,LI Xiao-jie,ZHAO Fa-wen,et al.
Changes of Thyroid Hormone and Reproductive Hormone in Post-acute Severe Traumatic Brain Injury………………………365
WANG Xiao-yan,CHI Qian-qian,SUN Xin-ting,et al.
Cinepazide Maleate Combined with Venlafaxine for Post-stroke Depression …………………………………………………368
HUANG Huan-jie,SHAO Bei,YING Wei-yong,et al.
Clinical Observation of Acupuncture using Xingnao Kaiqiao Needling Method and Rehabilitation Training on Stroke……370
ZHEN Jun,OU Jian-ying,ZHANG Lei,et al.
Influential Factors on Deaf Children's Hearing and Speech Performance…………………………………………………………………372
WANG Na,DU Qiao-xin
Effect of Buzhongyiqi Decoction on Post Stroke Fatigue……375
FENG Ling,HE Ling-yan,RU Wen-ya,et al.
Moxibustion on Heat-SensitiveAcupoints for Bell's Palsy…377
LIU Cui-hua,ZHANG Pan-de,RONG Xiao-chuan,et al.
Effect of High Vacuum Phaco Chop Technique for Hard Nucleolus Cataract ………………………………………………………………380
LU Jian-min
Design of Reciprocal Gait Prosthesis for Bilateral Hip Disarticulation…………………………………………………………………………382
CAI Li-fei,CAO Xue-jun,YANG Ping,et al.
Design and Application of Weight-bearing Pressure Casting System for Transtibial Stump…………………………………………386
WEI Chen-jing,CAO Xue-jun,SONG Jia-jia,et al.
Investigation of Bristol Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Knowledge Questionnaire for Rehabilitation Professionals……………………………………………………………………………………390
ZHANG Wen,CHEN Wen-hua,YU Bo,et al.
Standardized Training for Anesthesiologists in Rehabilitation Hospitals………………………………………………………………………393
ZHAO Xin,WANG Qiang,WANG Zeng-chun,et al.
Medication for the Diseases Related with Neurotransmitter……………………………………………………………………………………395
ZHANG Ai-min,QIU Zhuo-ying,CAI Fei-ming,et al.
RELN Gene Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Related with Clinical Features ofAutism……………………………………411
SUN Ying,SHENG Zhao-ming,LIU Ming-yuan,et al.
Effect of Vocational Rehabilitation and Related Factors in Adult Mental Retarded Persons in Beijing…………………415
LI Yong,CHEN Yao-hong,SHAO Cui-xia,et al.
Effect of Scalp Acupuncture Combined with Speech Training on Language Development Delay in Mental Retardation Children……………………………………………………………418
ZOU Lin-xia,SONG Xiong,LIN Xiao-miao,et al.
Effect of Escitalopram Angumentation on Panic Disorder:40 Cases Report …………………………………………………420
XU Jing-bo,ZHENG Xun,LIU Zhen-jing
Effect of Psychological Support Therapy on Anxiety Resulted from Pain after Stroke…………………………………………422
XU Sheng-lin,CAI Xian-ying,SHEN Min,et al.
Psychological Intervention on Nosohemic Patient during Hematopoietic Stem Cell Collection…………………………………424
WU Yu-juan,MA Ying-chun,TANG Ju-ying
Change of Intracellular Calcium in Myocardial Cell of Obesity Prone Rats ……………………………………………………426
HAO Yan-kun,HE Zhi-peng,WEI Tao
An Young Ischemic Stroke after Patent Foramen Ovale……428
HU Xue-yan,LIU Li-xu,YANG Ling-yu,et al.
Bone Formation during Nonvascularized Bone Graft Transplantation in Dog………………………………………………430
YIN Lu,PAN Hui,HAN Ze-min,et al.
Expressions of Transforming Growth Factor β2and Smad3 in Human Gliomas with Different Pathologic Grade Proliferation and Its Clinical Significance…………………………………433
SU Wei,LIU Fu-sheng,ZHU Gui-dong,et al.
Modeling ofAcute Deep Venous Thrombosis in Rabbits……437
ZHENG Yu-jiang,TANG Qing,DENG Fang-ge,et al.
Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 Associated with Cerebral Ischemic Injury and Recovery(review)…………………………………440
MA Yue-wen,QIANG Lin
Application of Magnetic Resonance Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Intracerebral Hemorrhage(review)………………………443
WANG Na-na,XU Jian-min,WANG Zhong-pu,et al.
Features of MRI in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy………446
PIAO Ying-shan,FENG Tao
Repeated Injection of Botulinum Toxin Type A for Lower Limb Spasticity after Stroke…………………………………………449
CHEN Yi-xiong,NI Ying-ying,QIU Cheng-yao,et al.
Effect of Inflatable Shoulder Harness on Hemiplegia Subluxation of Shoulder Joint………………………………………452
BI Yan-zhen,ZHENG Zhi-xiong,LI Kang-zeng,et al.
Relationship between N-terminal-pro-B-type Natriuretic Peptide and Left Ventricular Mass Index in Elderly Hypertension Patients…………………………………………………………454
GAO Peng,ZHU Qi-wei,DU Rui-xue,et al.
Correlation among Ambulatory Blood Pressure,Ankle Brachial Index and Left Ventricular Mass Index in Hypertensive Patients……………………………………………………………456
LIU Ao-ya,YU Zhen-qiu,ZHANG Xin-xin,et al.
Effect of Continuous Passive Motion on Pain and Range of Motion after KneeArthroplasty…………………………………459
WANG Dong,WEI Geng-sheng,SONG Hua-wei,et al.
Visual Rehabilitation for Uveitis Complicated Cataract with Phacoemulsification……………………………………………462
LU Jian-min
Sigmoid Colon Enterocystoplasty for Urge Incontinence of Neurogenic Bladder:16 Cases Report………………………465
HUANG Bang-gao,XU Zhi-hui,WANG Yan-bin,et al.
Effect of Physical Training Combined with Biofeedback on Pelvic Floor Dysfunction…………………………………………467
YU Hong-yan,SU Dan,LI Li,et al.
Swallowing Training Induced with Surface Electric Stimulation for Tongue Motor Disorder:3 Cases Report……………469
LI Xiao-xia,LI Mei,YANG Hai-fang,et al.
Epilepsy after Focal Cortical Dysplasia:ACase Report……471
GUO Wen-ping
3 Models of Rehabilitation Service on Stroke Patients Following Hemiplegia in Community………………………………473
LUO Feng,CAO Wei-xin,MA Dan
Core Competence of Rehabilitation Organization…………476
CHENG Jun,LI Jian-jun,MI Zhong-xiang
U.S.RehabilitationAct:Its Enlightenment for China………478
XIAO Ju-ying,ZHENG Jian
Application of Table Tennis for Mentally Retarded Children……………………………………………………………………481
MIAO Xin-jian,ZHU Wei-wei,LIU Ying-mei
Effect of Nursing Intervention on Hyponatremia after Cervical Spinal Cord Injury……………………………………………483
XIA Yan-ping,WEI Li-wei,YANG Wei,et al.
Nursing after Free Great Toe Fibular Flap for Finger Pulp Defect………………………………………………………………486
WU Xiao-ying,SHEN Pei-gen,JIN Yao-feng,et al.
Curriculum of Assistive Technology in Higher Vocational Education School…………………………………………………488
TU Qi-lei,FANG Xin,LONG Hua,et al.
Examination Reform of Clinical Occupational Therapy Course in Higher Vocational Education………………………………491
LIU Qi-xiong,CHEN Wei,CHEN Xuan,et al.
Multi-Teaching in Traditional Rehabilitation Approaches in Higher Vocational Education…………………………………493
ZHANG Li-feng
Application of Problem-based Learning in Course of Rehabilitation……………………………………………………………495
LIU Xi,GUO Sheng-min,DUAN Xiao-dong,et al.
Difficulty and Solution in Metal Materials and Heat Treatment…………………………………………………………………498
Teaching Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Should be Different for Rehabilitation Students from other Medical Students…500
ZHAO Xin,WANG Qiang,WANG Zeng-chun,et al.
World Report on Disability……………………………………501
World Health Organization,World Bank
Editorial for World Report on Disability……………………508
QIU Zhuo-ying
Evidence-Based Cognition Rehabilitation……………………512
YUN Xiao-ping
Reliability and Validity of the Chinese Version of the Test of EverydayAttention(TEA)among Normal Chinese People……515
WANG Ke-ying,YUN Xiao-ping
Perceptual Priming in Brain Injury…………………………519
LU Li-ping,YUN Xiao-ping
Reliability and Validity of Revised EC301 Calculation and Number Processing Battery in Chinese Version……………523
ZHANG Xin,YUN Xiao-ping,ZHANG Hui-li,et al.
Efficacy of Rehabilitation on Memory Disorders……………527
GAO Ming-ming,YUN Xiao-ping,ZHANG Hui-li,et al.
Efficacy of Rehabilitation on Acalculia afterAcquired Brain Injury ……………………………………………………………531
ZHANG Xin,YUN Xiao-ping,GAO Ming-ming,et al.
Efficacy of Rehabilitation onAttention Deficits……………535
ZHANG Hui-li,YUN Xiao-ping,GAO Ming-ming,et al.
Part Picture Agnosia after Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy:a Case Report…………………………………………………538
GUO Hua-zhen
Ischemic Stroke and Cognitive Impairment(review)………540
ZHANG Wei,YUN Xiao-ping
ZHANG Pu,YUN Xiao-ping
Relationship between Level of Synaptic Monoamine Transmitters and Epilepsy and its Severity……………………………546
WU Lang-long,LI Zu-rong
Development of the Scale for Assessing the Chinese QuadriplegiaActivities of Daily Living Using Delphi Method…………549
ZHOU Hong-jun,KANG Hai-qiong,LI Jian-jun,et al.
Massage Technique for Hemiplegic Spasticity(review)……557
LI Hui-lan,LI Da-peng,ZHENG Tao
Analysis of the Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Results Obtained in Beijing from 2007 to 2010………………………560
ZHANG Wan-xia,YUAN Xue,CHEN Xue-hui,et al.
Validity and Reliability of Modified Elbow Attachment of Biodex.……………………………………………………………564
ZHU Yan,DING Yin,YANG Xiao-wei,et al
Relationship between Pedicle and Transverse Process in Thoracic and Lumbar Vertebrae…………………………………566
DU Liang-jie,LI Jian-jun
Effect of CT-aided Scalp Surrounding Needling on Infarction Dementia by Retaining Long Time …………………………569
LIU Lei,LUN Xin,WANG Yi-feng
Effect of Brain Function Biofeedback on Cerebral Palsy with Attention Deficit………………………………………………572
LI Xue-mei,JIANG Zhi-mei,GUO Lan-min,et al.
Acupuncture and Rehabilitation Training for Spastic Cerebral Palsy……………………………………………………………576
SI Tong,ZHANG Su-jie
Web-Based Monitoring System for Status of People with Disabilities…………………………………………………………578
CHEN Di,QIU Zhuo-ying
Development and Technical Intension and Theoretical Basis of Rehabilitation Engineering andAssistive Technology………581
ZHANG Ji-chuan
Construction of Assistive Technology Service System of China…………………………………………………………………583
CHEN Zhen-sheng
Developing Process of Assistive Devices and their Service Model………………………………………………………………586
ZHU Tu-ling
Laws and Policies ofAssistive Technology Service in Canada…………………………………………………………………589
Introduction of Korean Senior Products and Standards……592
Kyuyeoun Lee,Hyun Kyoon Lim,Mie Choi,et al.
Teaching Reform of Rehabilitation Assessment in Higher Vocational Education Rehabilitation Treatment Technology……596
WANG Li-yan,WANG Xiao-chen,LI Ling-yan
Difference between Cerebral Hemispheres in Anatomy,Function,and Dyfunction …………………………………………598
ZHU Yong-lian
Current Conceptual Framework and Policies of Disability and Rehabilitation and Approach of Community-based Rehabilitation ……………………………………………………………601
QIU Zhuo-ying,LI Duo
Toward"Rehabilitation for All"as A Whole:Practice in Liuzhou,Guangxi ………………………………………………606
DENG Min-jie
Cognition and Practice on Community-based Rehabilitation for Disabled …………………………………………………609
LIU Lin,GUO You-you
Community-based Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation of"Rehabilitation forAll" ……………………………………………613
WU Xian-guang,CHEN Di,ZHANG Jing
Application of Community-based Rehabilitation Matrix 617
FU Ke-li
Practice of Community-based Rehabilitation Cooperative Projects in Rural Areas Based on International CBR Concept in China …………………………………………………………619
YIN Fang,FU Ke-li,CHI Jun-chang,et al.
Effects of Electrical Acupuncture on Swelling of Voix Pedis and Proinflammatory Cytokines in Adjuvant Arthritis Rats…………………………………………………………………622
AI Kun,WU Dan,CHANG Xiao-rong,et al.
Effects of Acupuncture on Behaviors and Expression of 5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptor in Hippocampus in Sleep Deprivation Depression Rats ………………………………………625
ZHEN Jun,FAN Jian-zhong,YAO Xiao-li,et al.
Design and Application of Active Lower Extremity Exoskeleton System:Appliance to Improve Walking Function(review) …………………………………………………………628
WANG Yi-ji,LI Jian-jun
Related Factors of Levels of Disability among 260 Patients with Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury ………………………632
LI Jian-jun,WU Ying-ying,LIU Song-huai,et al.
Test-retest Reliability of Tetrax Posturographic Balance Assessment System in Elderly ……………………………………637
ZHANG Li,LI Chun-hua,WENG Chang-shui,et al.
Effect of Low Frequency Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Unilateral Spatial Neglect …………………640
HE Jing-jie,LIU Li-xu,GONG Wei-jun,et al.
Effect of Low Frequency Electrical Stimulation on Dysphagia after Stroke …………………………………………………644
DAI Xin,WANG Pei-fu,LI Ji-lai,et al.
Effects of Electromyography Biofeedback on Dystonia after Hepatolenticular Degeneration ……………………………646
HAN Yong-sheng,MAO Yu-qiang,HAN Yong-zhu,et al.
Effect of Active Resistance Exercise Therapy on Chronic Neck Pain …………………………………………………………649
DU Liang-jie,LI Jian-jun
Effect of Rehabilitation on Long-term Efficacy of Botulinum Toxin TypeAon Spastic Cerebral Palsy …………………654
LIU Jian-jun,JI Shu-rong,WU Wei-hong,et al.
Effect of Acupoint Thread Embedding on Motor Function in Children with Cerebral Palsy ………………………………657
ZHAO Bing,MAN Yi-gang,YUAN Yan-ran,et al.
Investigation of Families with Cerebral Palsy High-risk Infants on Knowledge,Attitudes and Behavior for Cerebral Palsy and Early Intervention …………………………………………659
PENG Guang-yang,PENG Xiao-fang,ZHOU De,et al.
Intelligence,Personality and Mentality of Patients with Intractable Epilepsy ………………………………………………662
YIN Yu,LI Wei-bo,YAN Gui-fang,et al.
Effect of Early Hyperbaric Oxygen on Traumatic Basal Ganglia Infarction in Infants and Children ……………………665
ZHANG Hong-xia,YU Qiu-hong,LIU Ya-ling,et al.
Correlation between Cognition Level and TCM Syndrome in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment Patients …………668
FANG Li-yan,TIAN Jin-zhou,SHI Jing,et al.
Effect of Acupuncture on Postpartum Stress Urinary Incontinence …………………………………………………………671
HAN Hong,LI Ming
Early Intervention of Chinese Traditional Medicine for Cognitive Functions after Traumatic Brain Injury ……………673
WANG Chun,GUO Zhi-xue,LI Ou,et al.
Study on Language Function Evaluation for Hearing-impaired Children:Investigation in Healthy Children ……………676
WANG Li-yan,SUN Xi-bin,Lü Ming-chen,et al.
Effects of Sodium Cantharidate on Quality of Life in Advanced Liver Cancer Patients ………………………………………679
ZHANG Ai-ping
Role of Family-Community-Hospital Rehabilitation Management on Community Schizophrenics ………………………682
ZHOU Yu-ying,ZHANG Zi-juan,WANG Xue-qing,et al.
Video-urodynamic Characteristics and Management in Infra-sacral Cord Injury:169 Cases Report ………………685
WU Juan,LIAO Li-min,LI Dan,et al.
FunctionalArticulation Disorders:65 Children Report …688
WU Ping,LI Li-hua
Universal Newborn Hearing Screening in Beijing in 2010 and Its Related Factors …………………………………………691
ZHANG Wan-xia,YUAN Xue,CHEN Xue-hui
Investigation of Diagnostics Course Setting of Rehabilitation Therapeutics …………………………………………………695
CHEN Si-yuan,MENG Shen,ZHANG Feng-ren,et al.
Training for Experts of Neurorehabilitation ………………697
YANG Hong-bin,ZHANG Rong,FENG Tao
Professionals Training in Traditional Chinese Rehabilitation Therapy ………………………………………………………699
YU Jin,LIU Chun-long,XIE Qin,et al.
Association of 344-35C/T Polymorphism of Growth Arrest-Specific Gene 6 with Cerebral Infarction ………………………701
Pathogenesis Investigation of Broca-like and Wernicke-like ConductionAphasia Using Image Methods…………………705
ZHANG Hong-xia,LAI Zong-li,CHEN Hong-yan,et al.
ClinicalApplication of BalanceAssessment Scale …………709
YANG Ya-qin,WANG Yong-jun,FENG Tao,et al.
Ultrasound,CT or MRI in Diagnosis of Vertebral Arterial Disturbance ………………………………………………………713
LUO Pei-lin,WANG Hai-lin
64 Row Volumetric CT 3D Reconstruction in Severe Craniocerebral Injury……………………………………………………717
YUAN Jin-guo,FENG Bin,CAO Cang-zhu,et al.
Effects of Motor Imaginary Therapy Combined with Occupational Therapy on Function of Upper Limbs and Hands for Stroke Patients with Hemiplegia ……………………………719
ZHANG Pei-jing,REN Ya-feng,LI Shuo,et al.
Effect of Surface Electromyogram Biofeedback Stimulation on Lower Limb Function with Stroke Hemiplegia ……………722
WU Yu-ling,LIN Jian-qiang,WU Li-hong,et al.
Effect of Early Swallowing Function Training in the Prevention of Stroke-related Pneumonia……………………………725
DAI Xing-zhen,WU Gui-mei,TAO Lian-shan
Effect of Continual Rehabilitation on Brainstem Infarction…………………………………………………………………727
GAO Shu-feng,JIAO Li-qin
Effect of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation and Swallowing Training on Dysphasia after Stroke ……………………730
ZHU Shi-wen,JIANG Ping-yin,DANG Hong-mei,et al.
Clinical Effect of Acupuncture Combined with Rehabilitation on Dysphagia after Stroke at Different Stage ……………733
WU Ping,LIANG Fan-rong,YU Bai-li,et al.
Effect of Ankle-Foot Retractor on Ankle Joint Motion and Equilibrium Function of Stroke Hemiplegic Patients ……737
YAN Gui-fang,WAGN Zhong-li,YIN Yu,et al.
Protecting Effect of Porphyra Yezoensis Polysaccharide on Cerebrum Tissue of Diabetic Rats ……………………………739
YANG Xu-dong,ZHANG Jie,LIN Feng
Level of Plasma Polyunsaturated FattyAcid inAutism……742
PANG Wei,KANG Qian-qian,GUO Lan-min,et al.
Effect of Stilbene on Lowering Blood Glucose of Rats with Type 2 Diabetes ………………………………………………745
YANG Qing-ping,YU Fa-rong,CHE Hong-xia,et al.
Characteristics of Psychological Illness in Chronic Fatigue Syn-drome and Therapeutic Optimization of Tuina procedure…748
ZHANG Hao,FANG Min,JIANG Shu-yun,et al.
Repair of Tissue Defects of Tendon and Skin of Back of Hand by FemoralAnterolateral Free Flap with Iliotibial Tract…751
CHEN Li-ke,CHEN Si-hua,WU Bo,et al.
Survey on the Acquaintance of Secondary Spinal Cord Injury of Patients and Medical Workers……………………………754
TANG Xiao-hui,XIAO Shu-qin,WU Ying-ying,et al.
Flora Distribution and Medication of Urinary Tract Infection in Spinal Cord Injury…………………………………………758
LU Shou-si,GAO Jun
Evaluation of Botulinum Toxin A for Spastic Dipledia by Surface Electromyography………………………………………761
ZHOU Ping-qiu,ZHANG Hui-jia,WANG Pao-qiu,et al.
Relationship ofRadiologicalCharacteristicsand Clinical Symptoms of Ossification of Posterior Longitudinal Ligament of Cervical Spine………………………………………………764
ZHAO Wei-guang,LI Xiao-lei,XIE Yan-ping,et al.
Effect of Integrated Rehabilitation on Bed-ridden and Complications of theAged……………………………………………767
CHEN Xue-li,LIU Yu-hu
The Application of Propofol Combined with Sufentanil in Manipulation Release on Scapulohumeral Periarthritis………770
MENG Xiu-rong
Case Management of Injured Workers for Return-to-work…………………………………………………………………773
LUO Xiao-yuan,TANG Dan,YANG Xiao-shan,et al.
Effect of Individual Rehabilitation Nursing Guidance on the Initiative of Rehabilitation Therapy of Patients with Spinal Cord Injury……………………………………………………777
WEI Li-wei,XIA Yan-ping,FANG Yu-mei
Requirements and Management Approaches for Head Nurse in Rehabilitation Center…………………………………………780
Instruction of Rehabilitation Medicine with"Three-dimensional Objectives"…………………………………………………782
SONG Lu-ping,LIU Hua,WANG Qiang,et al.
Instruction of Seven-year Medical Postgraduate System in Neurology …………………………………………………………785
Exploration of Current Status of Undergraduate Education of Rehabilitation Medicine………………………………………788
HE Jing-jie,YANG Zu-fu
Course Construction of Neurorehabilitation for Higher Vocational Education………………………………………………790
XU Lin-feng,SHI Jun-jie,SHEN Qing,et al.
Problems in Teaching of Physical Therapy Technology in Rehabilitation Therapy Specialty in Middle Medical School……792
ZHU Hong-hua,JIANG Ying-chun
A Questionnaire on the Factors Influencing Evidence-Based Practice in Medical Postgraduates……………………………794
ZHONG Zhao-ming,CHEN Jian-ting
Exploration of Development of Traditional Chinese Medical Massage in Rehabilitation……………………………………796
WANG Zhi-gang,FAN Yong-chun,LIU Da-li
Characteristics of Balance Impairment in Aged Stroke Patients…………………………………………………………………798
History of Bobath Concept …………………………………801
KII Katsumasa.LIU Chang,CHANG Dong-mei trans.
BobathApproach to theAdults with Stroke ………………805
FURUSAWA Masamichi.CHEN Li-jia trans.
Meaning of Synergy in Viewpoint of BobathApproach……810
FURUSAWA Masamichi.HE Jing-jie,CHANG Dong-mei trans.
Treatment for Walking of a Stroke Patient…………………813
TERASAWA Ken.CHANG Dong-mei,LI De-sheng trans.
Treatment for Arm and Finger Function in Adult Hemiplegia…………………………………………………………………818
MITSUO Suzuki.CHEN Xiao-mei,LI Yan-long trans.
Activities of Daily Living Guidance(Intervention)of Stroke Patients……………………………………………………………825
TATEMATSO Sayuri.CHEN Xiao-mei,LI Yan-long trans.
Application of Bobath Concept to Dysphagia after Stroke…830
HASEGAWA Kazuko.CHANG Dong-mei,WEI Dong-jie trans.
Effect of Dexamethasone on Cytokine in Brain of Rats with Endotoxin Shock…………………………………………………834
WANG Xin-fang,ZHANG Yu-zhong,REN Li-wei,et al.
Findings in Positron Emission Tomography of Brain in Rats with Syndrome of Stagnation of Liver-Qi……………………837
LIU Zi-wang,ZHAO Hai-bin,ZHANG Xiu-jing,et al.
Sensitivity of Human Glioblastoma Multiforme Cell Line BT325 toAntineoplastic Drugs………………………………840
HAN Ming,YUAN Fang,DONG Li-ping,et al.
Effects of Electrical Stimulation on the Expression of Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein and Interleukin-1 Alpha in Adult Rats with Spinal Cord Injury………………………………………844
ZHANG Ying-ying,LI Jun-cen,RAO Ying,et al.
Therapeutical Advances in Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy(review)…………………………………848
JIAO Yu-juan,ZHANG Wei-he,XU Xian-hao
Clinical Features and Prognosis of Central Pontine Myelinolysis………………………………………………………………852
DU Xiao-xia,SONG Lu-ping,XU Jian-min,et al.
Clinical Value about Static Fall Index Test and Dynamic Fall Index Test for Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis……………856
GUO Yan-mei,CHEN Wei,JIAO Wei-guo,et al.
Clinical Features of Cerebral Infarction with or without Diabetes Mellitus……………………………………………………861
ZHANG Ming,ZHANG Jin-sheng,BI Jia-jing,et al.
Comparison of Self-rated Health Condition among 3 Kinds of Main Hospitalized Metal Disorders…………………………863
LIU Xiao-mei,HU Chun-feng
Effect of Comprehensive Rehabilitation on Acute Cerebral Infarction…………………………………………………………865
ZHEN Jun,WANG Jun-feng,FAN Jian-zhong,et al.
Efficacy of Different Doses of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on Delayed Encephalopathy after Carbon Monoxide Poisoning…………………………………………………………………868
ZHANG Hong-xia,LIU Ya-ling,YU Qiu-hong,et al.
Effect of Meridian Balancing on Speech Disorder after Cerebral Palsy………………………………………………………872
ZHAO Hong-ying,LUO Jia-mei,LIU Min,et al.
Effect of Enhanced Physical Therapy with Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine on Muscular Weakness after Selective Posterior Rhizotomy …………………………………874
CAO Xu,YU Xing,XU Lin,et al.
Effects of Fastigial Nucleus Stimulation on Depression……876
YANG Li-xia
Efficacy of Facial Muscle Exercise on Peripheral Facial Paralysis:45 Cases Report……………………………………………878
LIN Zi-ling,ZHOU Xiao-jun,LAI Jia-ying
Effect of Rehabilitation on OlivopontocerebellarAtrophy…880
LIU Yi-ling,HU Xi,MENG Qing-fang,et al.
Drug Utilization Analysis of Inpatients in Neurological Rehabilitation Department From 2008 to 2010………………………882
LI Chun-yan,LU Shou-si
Meta-analysis of Shuxuening Injection in the Treatment for Cerebral Infarction………………………………………………884
YAN Jing,WANG Xian-wei,ZHOU Juan,et al.
Efficacy of Home Tele-rehabilitation Guidance on Activities of Daily Living and Motor Function in Patients after Cerebral Infarction…………………………………………………………887
LI Jiong,WU Li-qing,SHANG Shu-ling,et al.
Survey of the Status of Rehabilitation Therapists of The Disabled Persons'Federation and the Health System in Shandong,Henan and Beijing……………………………………………889
SHANG Yue-hong,XIONG Guo-xing,LIU Juan,et al.
Relationship between Quality of Life and Coping Style in Nurses in Rehabilitation Hospital…………………………………892
TANG Xiao-hui,WEI Na,XIAO Shu-qin
Nursing of Integration of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine for Acute Myocardium Infarction:30 Cases Report…………………………………………………………………895
ZHOU Xiao-yun
Problem-based Learning Based on Web for Rehabilitation Therapy Teaching ……………………………………………897
NIAN Hong,SONG Bao-hui,XU Qiu-ling,et al.
Reform of Teaching in Rehabilitation Medicine……………899
DU Ping
Introduction to Special Issue…………………………………901
Agati MT,Giustini A
Italian Legislative Framework and Policies of Disability …903
Agati MT,Giustini A,A Solipaca,et al.
Assistive Technology:Bridging End-users and Technology…………………………………………………………………913
Andrich R,Besio S
The Italian System of Free Aids Provision for People with Disability …………………………………………………………925
Agati M,Giustini A,Mazzocchi AGM
The Italian System of Free Aids Provision for People with Disability:Future Developments…………………………………931
Agati MT,Giustini A
Rehabilitation and Aids during the Developing Years in Italy…………………………………………………………………935
Avellis M,Pellegri A,Cazzaniga A,et al.
Disability,Driving Licence and Driving Technology:the Italian Experience ……………………………………………………946
Ridolfi A
Aids to Overcome Architectural Barriers:Normatives,Contributions and Concessions:Government contribution in removing physical barriers to improve integration of people with impaired mobility—Italian case…………………………………956
Turina E,Belletti C
International Standards for Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury ………………………………………………963
American Spinal Injury Association,International Spinal Cord Society
LI Jian-jun,WANG Fang-yong trans
Effects of Cluster Needling of Scalp Acupuncture Combined with Rehabilitation on Forelimb Motor Function and Expression of Synaptophysin and Growth-associated Protein-43 in Rats after Focal Cerebral Ischemia ………………………973
TANG Qiang,LIU Hong-guang,WANG Yan,et al.
Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Psychological Theory to Scale Development of Social Adaptation Degrees of Special Service Personnel …………………………………977
SHAN Shou-qin,XUE Bei-lei,ZHOU Xi-fang,et al.
Effect of Physical Activity Level on Sagittal Curvature and Mobility of Thoracic and Lumbar Spine for Undergraduate…980
LUO Xi-juan
Effects of Sensory System Obstacle on Balance Ability of Stroke ………………………………………………………983
FU Yi,XIE Li-jun,QIU Wei-hong,et al.
Effects of Electromyographic Biofeedback Electric Stimulation Therapy on Lower Extremities Motor Dysfunction in Spastic Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy …………………………………986
YAN Hua,ZHANG Hui-jia,LI Hui-zhi,et al.
Effects of Nicorandil on Cardiac Function and Blood Glucose in Chronic Heart Failure ……………………………………990
LI Yue-yan
Distribution and Antibiotic Resistance of Pathogens from Urinary Tract Infection among Stroke Inpatients for Rehabilitation………………………………………………………………993
MENG Xiang-bo,LIU Yuan-biao,CHEN Li-na,et al.
Effect of Moxibustion with Warming Needles Combined with Joint Mobilization on Scapulohumeral Periarthritis………997
LIN Zi-ling,ZHOU Xiao-jun,LAI Jia-ying
Literature Study Teaching for Postgraduate in Spinal Cords Injury Specialty…………………………………………………999
ZHANG Zheng-feng
Application of Pulsed Radiofrequency for Neuropathic Pain(reveiw) ……………………………………………………1001
YU Xiao-tong,FAN Bi-fa
Morphology of Brachial Plexus Nerve after Pulsed Radiofrequency and Radiofrequency Thermocoagulation in Rats…1003
GONG Wei-yi,SU Jian-sheng,CHEN Hua,et al.
External Experimental Researches of Pulsed Radiofrequency for Chronic Pain(review) …………………………………1007
LI Duo-yi,XU Xin
Advance in Pulsed Radiofrequency for Chronic Neuropathic Pain(review) ………………………………………………1010
MA Yun,LIU Yan-qing
Prospective Efficacy of Pulsed Radiofrequency Guided with Spiral CT on Trigeminal Neuralgia:Long-term Observation…………………………………………………………………1013
Effect of Pulsed Radiofrequency Combined with Acupuncture and Traction on Nerve-root Type Cervical Spondylopathy…………………………………………………………………1015
ZHONG Da-yong,JIANG Jin-yu,DING Xiao-ning,et al.
Voltage of Pulsed Radiofrequency and Therapeutic Effect on Primary Trigeminal Neuralgia ……………………………1018
LUO Fang,GAO Shu-qin,JI Nan
Nursing in Cooled Radiofrequency for Refractory Craniofacial Postherpetic Neuralgia:13 Cases Report ………………1020
CHEN Rui-xia,LIU Wen-min,XU Xin
Quality Management of Design for Clinical Research of Pain…………………………………………………………………1023
REN Pei-juan,ZHANG Lin,WANG Yi-long,et al.
Effects of Octacosanol on Behavioral Impairments in Rats with Parkinson's Disease Induced by 6-hydroxydopamine…………………………………………………………………1025
WANG Tao,LIU Ya-jing,LIU Yan-yong,et al.
Effects of Rehmannia and Storesin on Nitric Oxide,Nitric Oxide Synthase and Tumor Necrosis Factor α in Early Hepatic Encephalopathy Rat Model …………………………………1028
LIU He,LIU Yan-yong,YANG Nan,et al.
Expression of CD14mRNA in Intestine-liver Axis Disorder during Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage and Effects of Xinglouchengqi Decoction …………………………………………………1031
ZHAO Hai-bin,TANG Jie,MA Li-hua,et al.
Role of Thalamus in Central Analgesia of Sufentanil:a Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study ………………1035
LIU Xiao-yuan,LI Huan-dong,ZHANG Lei,et al.
Role of Thalamus in Analgesia of Transcutaneous Acupoint Electrical Stimulation:a Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study ……………………………………………………1039
ZHANG Lei,LUO Fang,LI Huan-dong,et al.
Clinical Characteristics of Headache in Emergency Department:1735 Cases Report …………………………………1043
Effect of Nerve Block Combined with Oral Pregabalin on Postherpetic Neuralgia ……………………………………1046
SHEN Ying,LUO Fang,WANG Yun-zhen
Characteristics and Treatment of Pain after Inflammatory Spinal Demyelination:271 Cases Report ……………………1049
SHI Lei,YAN Gui-qin,SONG Jian-cong,et al.
Related Factors about the Quality of Life in the Elderly with Knee Osteoarthritis ………………………………………1052
ZHU Cai-xing,GUO Yan-mei,CHEN Wei,et al.
Effects of Sanban Manipulation of Spine on Thoracolumbar Activities in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis at Early-middle Stage ……………………………………………………1056
CHEN Min,GAO Yan-ping,ZHANG Xiao,et al.
Effect of Low-speed Treadmill Training on Hemiplegic Patients after Stroke …………………………………………1059
LI Li,LIU Jian-hua,ZHANG Hui,et al.
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Prevent Knee Hyperextension in Patients with Stroke ……………………1062
JIN Dong-yun,TAN Tong-cai,YE Xiang-ming
Effect of Comprehensive Rehabilitation on Motor Function after Stroke …………………………………………………1064
HAN Xu,SHENG Xia,HAN Bao-xin,et al.
Creation and Application of Conductive Education-Rehabilitation Rhythmic Exercise for Cerebral Palsy ………………1065
LIAO Hong-bo,ZHANG Xiao-xia
Effects of Conductive Education on Rehabilitation of Cerebral Palsy ………………………………………………………1068
ZHANG Guo-xun,CHENG Lian-ying,CHEN Le-yun,et al.
Effects of Skill-training on Social Function in Patients with Schizophrenia Recession …………………………………1070
PENG Li,ZHANG Rui-xia,ZHU Feng-ying,et al.
Effect of Constraint-induced Movement Therapy on Bilateral Perisylvian Schizencephaly:ACase Report ……………1073
DU Xiao-xia,LIU Hua,WANG Qiang,et al.
Rehabilitation for Tick-borne Encephalitis:A Case Report…………………………………………………………………1076
YANG Yu-qi,ZHANG Tong,LIU Li-xu,et al.
Effect of Faradization Combined with Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise on Female Stress Urinary Incontinence …………1078
CHEN Tian-xiao,LIU Yuan-biao,YANG Dan-dan,et al.
Application of Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy for Elderly Deglutition Disorders:32 Cases Report …………1081
ZHANG Feng-liang,GAO Fei,TAO Lian-yuan,et al.
Effect of Angles of Head Flexion/Extension on Static Sitting Balance in Normal Youth …………………………………1083
WANG Ping,DAI Dong
Effect of Psychological Intervention on Post-stroke Depression …………………………………………………………1085
LIN Zi-ling,GUO Yong-yi,LAI Jia-ying
International Spinal Cord Injury Cardiovascular Function Basic Data Set …………………………………………………1086
Krassioukov A,Alexander MS,Karlsson AK,et al.WEI Bo,ZHOU Hong-jun,LI Jian-jun,et al.trans.
International Experience and Implications for Assistive Devices Financing for the Disabled ……………………………1090
ZHU Kun,LI Cheng-qiang
Application of Transdisciplinary Model for Child with Cerebral Palsy:ACase Study …………………………………1093
SUN Mei-li,ZHANG Wen-jing
Effect of Rehabilitation Training on Negative Symptom of Patients with Schizophrenia …………………………………1096
Cultivation of Double Qualified Teacher for Prosthetics and Orthopedics Education ……………………………………1099
XIONG Bao-lin,FANG Xin
6 Subtests Short Form of Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Fourth Edition-Chinese in Assessment of Intellectual Disabilities ……………………………………………………1101
LI Yu-qiu,ZHANG Hou-can,ZHU Jian-jun
Reliability of Assessment of Activities of Daily Living of Chinese Quadriplegics …………………………………………1105
KANG Hai-qiong,ZHOU Hong-jun,LI Jian-jun,et al.
Oropharyngeal Swallowing Disorders under Videofluoroscopic Swallowing Study …………………………………………1107
WAN Ping,Ding Ruiying,ZHU Le-qun,et al.
Reliability and Validity of Expanded and Revised Gross Motor Function Classification System(Chinese Version)……1112
LI Chu-yang,SHI Wei,ZHOU Mei-qin,et al.
Application of Community Extremity Impairment Assessment Schedule in Community Rehabilitation for Stroke ………1116
SANG De-chun,JI Shu-rong,ZHANG Ying,et al.
Effect of Fastigial Nucleus Stimulation on Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor Protein in Newborn Rats with Hypoxic-ischemic Brain Damage ………………………………………………1118
ZHANG Li-hua,TAO De-shuang,YANG Ben-li,et al.
Effects of Rehmannia and Storesin on Peripheral-type Benzodiazepine Receptors in Early Hepatic Encephalopathy Rats…………………………………………………………………1121
LIU He,LIU Yan-yong,YANG Nan,et al.
Tissue Microarray Technique in Human Brain Gliomas…1124
CUI Yun,ZHANG Wei,YUAN Fang,et al.
Advance in Surveillance of Developmental Delay of Children(review) ……………………………………………………1128
LIANG Ai-min,WANG Hui-shan
Comparation between Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation(review) ………1131
YANG Yuan-bin,XIAO Na,LI Meng-yao,et al.
Advance in Upper Limb Dysfunctions post Mastectomy(review) ………………………………………………………1136
ZHANG Feng-liang,TAO Lian-yuan,GAO Fei,et al.
Application of Calcium Phosphate Cement in Bone Defect Repair(review) ………………………………………………1139
YIN Gui-hua,HAN Ze-min
Evaluation of Risk Factors of Transient Ischemic Attack Progressing into Cerebral Infarction(review)…………………1142
XUE Qiang,MA Xin
Effect of Underwater Treadmill Training on Hemiplegics after Stroke…………………………………………………………1145
WU Qiong,CONG Fang,JIN Long,et al.
Rivaroxaban and Low Molecular Weight Heparin Calcium to Prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis after Artificial Joint Replacement …………………………………………………………1148
ZHANG Kai-fang,GUO Zhong-wei,SONG Huan-jin
Relationship Between Somatosensory Evoked Potential Diversification during Operation and Short Term Outcome of Ossification of Posterior Longitudinal Ligament of Cervical Spine…………………………………………………………………1152
ZHAO Wei-guang,LI Xiao-lei,LIU Zhen-wu,et al.
Age-related Analysis of Strength,Coordination and Reaction Time of Lower Extremity in Elderly ……………………1155
WANG Na,WENG Chang-shui,ZHU Cai-xing,et al.
Effect of Multidisciplinary Treatments on Proprioception in Knee Osteoarthritis ………………………………………1158
LI Xiao-ying,GUO Yan-mei,CHEN Wei,et al.
Comparison of Contrast-enhanced Transcranial Doppler with Transesophageal Echocardiography in Patent Foramen Ovale Detection inAcute Cerebral Ischemic Patients …………1162
HUANG Xiao-qin,FAN Chun-qiu,HUA Yang,et al.
Effect of Constraint-induced Movement Therapy on Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy in Occupational Therapy ……………1165
ZUO Yue-xian,LI Ai-xia,YANG Hua-fang
Effect of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Combined with Acupuncture Point Injection on Mental Retardation at Early Stage ………………………………………………………1167
JIN Yan,RAN Ping,CHEN Shu-li
Characteristics of Subjective Quality of Life and Family Environment in Children with Tic Disorders Combined with and withoutAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ………1170
WU Yuan,KUANG Gui-fang,XIA Ying,et al.
Mental Health Assessment of Coronary Artery Stent Implantation …………………………………………………………1173
DONG Xiao-xin,REN Xiao-min,DONG Ya-ni
Improvement of Bladder Function after Surgery in First Lumbar Burst Fractures Complicated Isolated Conus Medullaris Syndrome …………………………………………………1175
TANG He-hu,HONG Yi,ZHANG Jun-wei,et al.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Solitary Rectal Ulcer Syndrome in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury:28 Cases Report ……1179
XU-Qing,GAO Fei,YUAN Li,et al.
Misdiagnosis of Paramedian Pontine Infarction …………1183
TIAN Shen,XU Chuan-li
Causes of Pulmonary Infection after Stroke during Recovery Period ………………………………………………………1185
XIE Jia-xing,LU Hai-tao,WEI Na,et al.
Speech Therapy on a Preschool Child with Phonological Disorder plus Language Retardation …………………………1187
WANG Ru-mi,ZHANG Chang-jie
Investigation of Vagrant Psychosis Patients in Xi'an ……1189
ZHANG Lu-ying,XIE Cong-ming,LI Yue,et al.
Home Care for Schizophrenia in Beijing RuralArea ……1191
WEI Bao-hua,ZHANG Zhen
Comparision on Work Fatigue between the Disabled and the Healthy ……………………………………………………1193
XIONG Guo-xing,XU Wen-lei,MENG Yue,et al.
Ageing Brain ………………………………………………1196
ZHU Yong-lian
Neurophysiological Mechanism and Clinical Application of Acupuncture Approaches of Opposing Needling in Hemiplegia …………………………………………………………1198
JIANG Jin-feng,WANG Xin-jun,ZHANG Jian-bin