Provisions for Performance Processes to Ensure the Quality of Life of the Household



(Tambov State Technical University, Tambov 392000, Russia)

Households are economic agents whose activities are related primarily to the consumption and designed to meet their own needs. Households include individuals and families. The main functions of households are related to the provision of companies with the factors of production under their private property in order to generate profit, consumption of the profit and saving of the remaining portion of it[1-4].

The nucleus (potential) of the household is constituted by the family based on marriage or kinship of individuals who share a common domestic life within the institution of the family (mutual aid, moral and legal responsibility)[5-8].

Geometric image of the family is composed of dark and light nuclei (the nuclei of quality of individuals) that are connected in a circle symbolizing the forces of development (Fig. 1).

1-the first individual, 2 - the second individual, 3 - S-shaped curve of the family development; N1, N2 - the nuclei (potentials) of quality of individuals 1 and 2, respectively, F1, F2-fields of quality of life of individuals 1 and 2, respectivelyFig.1 Geometric image of the family 图1 家庭几何图像

The dynamics of the household quality improvement is achieved through the identification of reserves to ensure the functioning state of the family concept. The quality of this process is enhanced due to the introduction of the partnership principles, forming the dynamic quality of the household. At the same time the algorithm of quality improvement includes a number of stages: 1) the formation of partnership reserves; 2) diagnosis of reserves; 3) systematization of reserves; 4) retaining the achieved level of the dynamic quality of the household[9-12].

It stands to reason to refer partnership reserves to the group of dynamic reserves which meet the following requirements: 1) reserves must be concrete, rather than abstract; 2) reserves must be expressed in quantitative form (scale, unit of measurement); 3) measurement errors of reserves must be identified in compliance with the principles of metrological support, 4) chaordic trends of reserves must be identified.

Partnership reserves raising the welfare of families are formed in the contract relationships (Fig. 2).

1, 2 - individual 1 (partner) and individual 2 (partner), respectively; 3 - the contract; 4 - the regulator of partnership risks; 5 - institutional-benchmarking regulator, 6-settings (setpoints) of the regulator at a given level of quality of family welfare; 7 - 11 - controlling influencesFig.2 Wtructure of partnership reserves implementation 图2 合伙储备的实施结构

The effectiveness of contract relationships is based on the necessity of understanding and trust between the entities of partnership, taking into account the mission, vision and creed of each of the partners (individuals) and their families. The effectiveness indicator is "the diagnostic compass" of the family (household) partnership reserves development(Fig. 3).

Fig.3 Diagnostic compass of quality of partnerships图3 合伙的质量诊断指南

Contract as an economic agent of the household (family) must have the quality passport containing the processes of its identification (description of the nature and the basis for comparison), the scale (open, closed, open - closed version), the location (organizational - economic mechanism of implementation), intensity (the importance, the degree of influence on scale and location) and the timing of implementation[13-16].

The formation of the dynamic quality of the household is performed by the scheme of scenario modeling of the field of family partnership contracts with the operators of the household quality characteristics (Fig.4).

Fig.4 Scheme of scenario modeling of the field of contracts图4 合约领域中的情节模拟方案

The scheme implementation shown in Fig. 4 allows creating a program of forming partnerships reserves for the improvement of the dynamic quality of the household. In case of cluster organization of the family a partnership credit can be allocated for the implementation of the field of contracts (Fig. 4) with the formation of the partnership insurance policies, damping the risks in the institutional turbo-economic environment. At the same time partnership provides a list of key characteristics, such as: a) voluntary basis b) mutual dependence caused by sharing risks, responsibilities, resources, authority and income, c) synergy as the concept of set value, i.e. the whole is greater than the sum of its constituents, d) clearly outlined obligation or agreement on the partners’ liabilities1, e) joint family work; f) the division of competences and resources (partnerships is a mechanism of using different types of resources and competences, including money).

The formation of partnership reserves is performed by the operation of identification (Fig. 5).

Fig.5 The process of forming partnership reserves 图5 形成合伙储量的过程

Partnerships reserves increase well-being of the family, which ultimately leads to the improvement of quality of life of the household.

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