分离自木霉 PT2的一个新倍半萜糖苷


天然产物研究与开发 2010年4期


1厦门大学生命科学学院细胞生物学与肿瘤细胞工程教育部重点实验室福建省药物工程实验室,厦门 361005; 2集美大学生物工程学院,集美 361021


The fungal genusTrichoder m ais a widespread saprophyte that occurs almost ubiquitously.Because of the useful secondary metabolites produced by this genus, many strains have received considerable attention as biocontrol agents.[1,2].Some secondarymetabolites,includingN-acylated peptides,peptibols[3,4],koninginins A-G[5-8],octaketide-derived compounds, two butenolide compounds[9,10],and demethylsorbicillin and oxosorbicillinol[11]were reported as antibioticswith various activities.During the course of examining fungi for biologically active natural products,the strain PT2 from B lidingia m in im aKylin,collected at Wuyu Island, Zhangzhou of Fujian Province,was isolated.The ethyl acetate extractof the fer mentation showed strong antitumor activities against KB and Raji cell lines[12].Cyclopeptideswere the active constituent[13].Our further research on the chemical components ofTrichoder m asp. PT2 yielded one new compound.Here the isolation, structure elucidation and bioactivity assay of this compound was described.


Results and D iscussion

Fer mentation(10 L)was carried out at 28℃for 20 d without agitation.After filtration,the mycelia were extracted exhaustively with acetone.Acetone was evaporatedin vacuoand the crude extractwaspartitioned between methanol and petroleum ether.The methanol solution was collected and evaporated to drynessin vacuo to afford 17 g extract.The extractwaspurified over RP-18,SephadexLH-20,and silica gel columns to afford a novel sesquiterpene glucoside.

Trichodermoside(1)was obtained as a white powder with[α]+5.76(c,0.26,MeOH).The molecular for mula C23H39NO8was determined according to the qusia molecular ion peaks atm/z 480.5[M +Na]+and 937.3[2M +Na]+in ESI-MS,and NMR data. The presence of aα-glucosyl N-acyl moiety was revealed by the1H NMR signals atδ4.97(d,3.5,H-1′),3.88(dd,10.2,3.1,H-2′),3.76(dd,13.4, 4.0,H-3′),3.64(t,9.4,H-4′),3.45(t,8.9,H-5′),3.78(d,5.0,H-6′),1.98(s,3H,H-8′),and the13C NMR signals atδ98.8(C-1′),54.6(C-2′), 72.0(C-3′),72.8(C-4′),71.0(C-5′),61.7(C-6′),172.9(C-7′),22.5(C-8′)[14].The HMBC correlations of H-1′/C-3′,H-2′/C-1′,C-3′and C-7′,H-3′/C-4′and C-5′,H-6′/C-5′,and H-8′/C-7′confir med this conclusion(Table 1).

Besides theα-glucosyl N-acyl moiety,the13C NMR spectra of 1(Table 1)displayed three quaternary carbons,three methylenes(one oxygenated),five methines( two olefinic and two oxygenated),and four methyls,indicating the presence of a sesquiterpene moiety.The following HMBC correlations were observed:H-13(δ0.97)/C-3,C-4,C-5 and C-14,H-14 (δ0.70)/C-3,C-4,C-5 and C-13,H-12(δ1.68)/C-5,C-6,and C-1.In combination with the1H,1H-COSY correlations between H-1/H-2 and H-2/H-3 the fragment b was established(Fig.1).The fragment c could be also postulated from HMBC experiment.The HMBC correlations from H-8/C-5,C-7,C-9,C-10,and C-15 revealed that fragments b and c were joined together. Therefore,the structure of the sesquiterpene moietywas deter mined.The glycosylwas located at C-2 in view of the HMBC correlation H-1′(δ4.97)/C-2(δ81.1). Thus,the structure of 1was deter mined as shown in figure 1.The relative configuration of 1was deter mined byNOESY cross signals:H-3/H-5,H-3/H3-13,H-2/H-14.

The strain PT2 was identified asTrichoder m asp.according to its ITS sequence of rDNA (ITS1-5.8SITS2).The strain was incubated on slope of 50%seawater potato dextrose agar(PDA)media in a test tube at 28℃for 7 d to afford seed cultures.Then the seed cultureswere washed with sterile water,and the spores were transferred to 3000 mL Erlenmeyer flasks each containing 1000 mL of 50% seawater potato dextrose broth(PDB)for static incubation,room temperature, 20 d.

Fig.1 The fragments a,b,and c of compound 1, and the selected HM BC correlations(H→C)and1H,1H-COSY correlations

Table 1 The NM R data of compound 1(CDCl3,ppm,Jin Hz)

13 0.97(s,3H) 24.4(q) C-3,C-4,C-5,C-14 -14 0.70(s,3H) 14.1(q) C-3,C-4,C-5,C-13 -15 1.63(s,3H) 16.1(q) C-8,C-9,C-10 -1′ 4.97(d,3.5,1H) 98.8(d) C-3′,C-1 H-2′2′ 3.88(dd,3.1,10.2,1H) 54.6(d) C-1′,C-3′,C-7′ H-1′,H-3′3′ 3.76(dd,13.4,4.0,1H) 72.0(d) C-4′,C-5′ H-2′4′ 3.64(t,9.4,1H) 72.8(d) C-2′,C-5′ H-5′5′ 3.45(t,8.9,1H) 71.0(d) C-3′,C-6′ H-4′6′ 3.78(d,5.0,2H) 61.7(t) C-5′ H-5′7′ - 172.9(s) - -8′ 1.98(s,3H) 22.5(q) C-7′ -

Precoated TLC plates were fromQ ingdao Haiyang Chem ical Factory,Qingdao,P.R.China.For column chromatography(CC),silica gel(200-300,and 80-100 mesh;Qingdao),silica gel 60(Merck),RP-18 (Merck),and SephadexLH-20 gel(Amersham Biosciences)were used.Optical rotation was measured on a Perkin-E lm er341 ploar imeter with CHCl3as solvent. NMR Spectra were recorded on aB ruker DRX-500 spectrometer(δin ppm Me4Si,Jin Hz),and MS spectra on a Finnigan LCQ-Advantage and VGAuto-Spec-3000 mass spectrometers.


Exper imental

3.2 不同品种受冻程度差异较大 不同品种,因花期、花量、抗寒性存在差异,受冻后坐果情况不同。从调查结果看,富士系、元帅系等品种,受冻减产幅度较大;嘎拉系、秦冠、金冠系品种,因地域差别,减产幅度各有不同,但幼果霜环现象较为普遍。近年在宝鸡产区示范推广的瑞阳、瑞雪、蜜脆、粉红女士、魔迪等新品种,受冻减产幅度小,陇县盛源果品公司栽培的瑞阳、瑞雪等品种花器冻害轻,坐果率高,产量、质量在大灾之年几乎未受影响。



Fermentation of the Stra in

The cytotoxic activity against the HeLa cell line of compound 1 wasmeasured 72 h post treatment by theMTT method[15].Compound 1(10μg/mL)displayed weak growth inhibition(12%).


Extraction and isolation

The flask cultures were filtered and the mycelia were extracted with acetone exhaustively.The acetone solution was collected and evaporated in vacuo to afford a crude extract.Then dissolved in methanol and partitioned between petroleum ether and methanol.The brown oil(17 g)was obtained from the methanol phase.

The extract(17 g)was subjected to MPLC(170 g, RP-18)eluted with H2O,30%,50%,70%,and 100% methanol,respectively.Then five fractions(Fr.S1-S5) were obtained.Fr.S3(98 mg)was subjected to CC (45 g SephadexLH-20;MeOH).All fractionswere analyzed by TLC(EtoAc/MeOH 1∶2),and pooled into 3 portions(Fr.S31-S33).Fr.S33(74 mg)was further seperated over CC(silica gel,CHCl3/acetone 10∶1,5∶1,1∶1,1∶2)to yield 1(5 mg).

Trichodermoside[N-((2S,3S,4R,5S)-2-((1S,4S, 6S)-6-hydroxy-4-((E)-5-hydroxy-3-methylpent-3-enyl)-3,5,5-tr imethylcyclohex-2-enyloxy)-tetrahydro-4,5-dihydroxy-6-(hydroxymethyl)-2H-pyran-3-yl)acetamide,1][α+5.76(c,0.26,MeOH),ESI-MS m/z480.5[M+Na]+and 937.3[2M+Na]+,NMR data,see Table 1.

Acknowledgements This work was financially supported by China Ocean Resource R&D Association (Grant DYXM-115-02-2-13)and the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China(863,No.2006AA09Z410).

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