中国石油大学学报 (自然科学版)2010年第 34卷总目录
生长褶皱发育模式 ………………………………………………… 郭卫星,漆家福,李明刚,李艳友 (1-1)
塔河油田奥陶系缝合线特征及石油地质意义………………………………………… 艾合买提江·阿不都热和曼,钟建华,李 阳,陈 鑫 (1-7)
基于油藏开发动态的储层四维模型的建立 … ……………………………… 严 科,杨少春,任怀强 (1-12)
济阳坳陷中生代负反转构造发育特征 … …………………………………… 侯旭波,吴智平,李 伟 (1-18)
构造裂缝多参数定量计算模型 … ………………………………… 季宗镇,戴俊生,汪必峰,刘洪柯 (1-24)
基于叠前波场模拟的合成地震记录层位标定 … …………………………… 李国发,王尚旭,马彦彦 (1-29)
基于时频分析的地震道集校平技术应用 ……………… 慎国强,王玉梅,孟宪军,陆文凯,李 霞 (1-34)
转换横波合成记录制作方法 … …………………………………… 罗焕章,季玉新,王秀玲,王修敏 (1-37)
子空间法单输入多输出系统混合相位地震子波提取 … ………… 杨培杰,潘 勇,穆 星,任向东 (1-41)
利用 4D地震数据校正储层静态模型的集合卡尔曼滤波方法 …………… 郑 占,黄旭日,兰瑞芳 (1-46)
测井资料在地层不整合纵向结构研究中的应用…………………………………………… 陈钢花,张 蕾,宋国奇,隋风贵,王学军,赵乐强 (1-50)
华北东部中、新生代盆地叠合特征与上古生界天然气勘探 … ……………… 彭兆蒙,吴智平,彭仕宓 (2-1)
苏北陈堡油田风成砂岩沉积成岩特征及其找油意义… … 丁 圣,林承焰,马宝军,李 坚,高建刚 (2-8)
储层石英生长影响因素的实验证据 …………………… 李 茹,葛云锦,陈 勇,周瑶琪,周红建 (2-13)
网毯式成藏体系结构与油气成藏特征 ……… 刘桠颖,徐怀民,张 健,胡 斌,叶 春,张 晓 (2-19)
吐哈盆地西部弧形带油气远距离运移成藏主控因素 … …………………… 刘江涛,黄志龙,王 海 (2-24)
辽东湾地区烃源岩特征及其主控因素 ………………… 姜 雪,邹华耀,庄新兵,田金强,杨元元 (2-31)
起伏地表条件下波动方程法共聚焦点成像技术 … ……………… 徐秀刚,李振春,叶月明,鲍敬伟 (2-38)
基于慢度法的小波变换多尺度叠前弹性波反演方法 … ………… 殷 文,韩文功,王延光,慎国强 (2-43)
全井眼地层微成像仪测井图像失真的恢复技术 ……… 王 敏,孙建孟,赖富强,李茂兵,于华伟 (2-47)
基于正交试验方法的流动成像测井传感器优化设计 … …………………… 王晓星,吴锡令,王滨涛 (2-52)
广安气田上三叠统须家河组致密砂岩储层气水分布特征 ……… 郝国丽,柳广弟,谢增业,孙明亮 (3-1)
济阳坳陷古近纪分子古生物及其沉积环境……………………………………………………… 王广利(3-8)
洪积扇相储层沉积微相 -岩石相随机模拟 …………… 唐海发,贾爱林,彭仕宓,罗 娜,刘 伟 (3-12)
基于地震资料的断层侧向封闭性定量研究方法及其应用…………………………………………… 刘俊榜,郝 琦,梁全胜,刘 震,樊春梅,王晓东,李春霞,何小胡 (3-18)
鲁西隆起中 -新生代伸展构造演化的模拟试验… …………………………………… 时秀朋,李 理 (3-25)
基于曲波变换的地震信号去噪方法…………………………………………………… 吴爱弟,赵秀玲 (3-30)
独特角度交会技术在振幅随偏移距变化属性解释中的应用 … … 郎晓玲,彭仕宓,康洪全,张凤红 (3-34)
多深度随钻电磁波电阻率测量系统设计 ……………… 李会银,苏义脑,盛利民,窦修荣,邓 乐 (3-38)
向套管井外地层中定向辐射声场的数值计算 … ……………………………………… 陈雪莲,吴金平(3-43)
基于格子 Boltzmann方法的储层岩石油水两相分离数值模拟 …………… 朱益华,陶 果,方 伟 (3-48)
川西新场气田上三叠统须家河组二段致密砂岩优质储层控制因素………………………………………………………………… 赵 艳,吴胜和,徐樟有,温立峰 (4-1)
三肇凹陷白垩系姚一段葡萄花油层浅水三角洲高分辨率层序地层新认识…………………………………………………… 刘 媛,朱筱敏,袁红旗,张思梦,方 庆,等 (4-7)
鄂尔多斯盆地合水地区长 8储层微观非均质性的试验分析 … ……………………… 陈 杰,周鼎武 (4-13)
乌夏断裂带二叠系火山岩 -碎屑岩混杂地层裂缝预测……………………………………………………… 王 军,戴俊生,冯建伟,李 明,潘耀丽 (4-19)
塔里木盆地西北缘奥陶系露头中的钙华特征及其石油地质意义……………………………………………………… 牛永斌,钟建华,王培俊,陈 鑫,李 佳 (4-25)
孙吴 -嘉荫盆地太平林场组烃源岩生物标志化合物地球化学特征 … …… 高福红,樊 馥,高红梅 (4-33)
基于流体包裹体的任丘油田雾迷山组成藏期次确定与古压力恢复… ……………… 李 静,查 明 (4-38)
济阳坳陷陆相断陷盆地不整合的油气输导方式及性能 … ……… 隋风贵,宋国奇,赵乐强,王学军 (4-44)
基于不同成煤理论的含煤地层层序划分 ……………… 吕大炜,李增学,魏久传,刘海燕,吴立荣 (4-49)
基于细胞神经网络方法的重力异常分离 … ……………………… 刘 展,刘茂诚,魏 巍,杜润林 (4-57)
三维频率 -波数域视速度去噪方法 … ……………………………………… 何旭莉,刘素芹,仝兆岐 (4-62)
塔中地区中 -下奥陶统古构造应力场模拟与裂缝储层有利区预测………………………………………………………………… 丁文龙,樊太亮,黄晓波,刘 聪 (5-1)
梁 11断块沙河街组二段河口坝砂岩体夹层特征 … …………………………………… 国景星,张 勇 (5-7)
车西洼陷沙四上亚段异常高压形成机制及其对特低渗储层特性的影响…………………………………………………… 赵振宇,顾家裕,郭彦如,阿里木江,吴中彬 (5-12)
华南加里东期陆内构造属性探讨 …………… 李 聪,陈世悦,张鹏飞,张 跃,王 玲,毕明威 (5-18)
东濮凹陷濮卫地区地层压力演化及其与油气运聚的关系 … ……………… 刘景东,蒋有录,高 平 (5-25)
东辛油田底辟伴生构造的形成机制与地球物理特征… …………… 张欣,温志峰 ,王 伟,崔小朵 (5-32)
柴达木地区晚古生代沉积构造演化 …………………… 杨 超,陈清华,王冠民,庞小军,马婷婷 (5-38)
辽东半岛西部海域沉积物中多环芳烃的分布特征及潜在风险……………………………………………………… 胡宁静,刘季花,黄 朋,石学法,马德毅 (5-44)
高邮凹陷南部真武地区地层水化学特征与油气运聚的关系……………………………………………………… 李 梅,金爱民,楼章华,尚长健,关 弛 (5-50)
用并矢 Green函数的矢量本征函数展开式评价偏心对随钻电磁波电阻率测井响应的影响………………………………………………………………… 魏宝君,田 坤,张 旭,刘 坤 (5-57)
砂砾岩弹性试验研究 … …………………………………………… 张守伟,孙建孟,苏俊磊,刘学锋 (5-63)
石灰泥岩——一种陆源机械成因的碳酸盐岩… ………… 邱隆伟,姜在兴,梁宏斌,黎承银,孙宝强 (6-1)
准噶尔盆地乌夏地区中下三叠统地震沉积学研究 ……………… 查 明,李秀鹏,曾洪流,杨俊生 (6-8)
成岩作用对塔河油田二区奥陶系碳酸盐岩储集空间发育的影响……………………………………………………… 牛永斌,钟建华,王培俊,单婷婷,李润泽 (6-13)
饶阳凹陷任西断层的封闭性 … ……………………………………… 崔 殿,查 明,高长海,吴兆辉(6-20)
油气沿断裂走向运移研究 ……………………………… 陈 伟,吴智平,侯 峰,李 伟,侯旭波 (6-25)
准噶尔盆地达巴松凸起白垩系油气成藏研究………………………………… 蓝文芳,曹 剑,王绪龙,张越迁,向宝力,孙平安,吴 明 (6-31)
车西洼陷南坡油气成藏和富集的主控因素 …………… 万 涛,蒋有录,林会喜,彭传圣,毕彩芹 (6-38)
样品扩充法识别火成岩 … ………………………………………… 谭伏霖,王志章,隆 山,董彦喜 (6-45)
鄂尔多斯盆地胡尖山地区延长组烃源岩分析 ………… 刚文哲,高 岗,韩永林,沈 霞,范泓澈 (6-50)
声波在钻柱中的传播特性…………………………………………………… 赵国山,管志川,刘永旺 (1-55)
深水立管涡激振动单模态响应时频联合预报模型 … ……………………… 王 腾,张修占,朱为全 (1-60)
垂直上升气液柱塞流中含气率分布 …………………… 马永乾,孙宝江,王志远,宋容容,朱海龙 (1-64)
基于模糊概率理论的地层流体精确识别方法…………………………………………… 翟应虎,李祖光,张 旭,李 亚,马冬梅,王文广 (1-70)
裂缝参数对压裂水平井入流动态的影响 … ……………………… 汪志明,齐振林,魏建光,金 辉 (1-73)
水湿油藏油气水三相渗流模拟 … …………………………………………… 杨永飞,姚 军,王晨晨 (1-79)
油井选择性堵水 ………………………………………………………………………………… 赵福麟(1-84)
CO2地质埋存:国外示范工程及其对中国的启示 … ……………………… 任韶然,张 莉,张 亮 (1-93)
磨料射流旋转切割套管试验及工程计算模型 … ………………… 王瑞和,李罗鹏,周卫东,李华周 (2-56)
近钻头短距离声波通信……………………………………………………… 李志刚,管志川,王以法 (2-62)
基于相关向量机的地层可钻性级值预测 … ……………………… 马 海,王延江,胡 睿,魏茂安 (2-67)
碳酸盐岩地层破裂压力预测新模型及其应用 … ……………………………………… 崔 杰,李忠慧 (2-71)
水平井及大斜度井砾石充填过程试验 ………………… 董长银,武 龙,王爱萍,刘春苗,张 琪 (2-74)
注聚区油井防砂层堵塞原因与解堵措施 …… 刘 东,李 丽,周承诗,宋金波,李 琢,王丛丛 (2-78)
考虑多段流动耦合的鱼骨刺井产能评价模型 … ………………… 黄世军,程林松,赵凤兰,李春兰 (2-83)
聚合物溶液注入附加阻力对驱油效果的影响 … ……………………………………… 张志英,姜汉桥(2-89)
介质间流体交换对裂隙介质渗流的影响 … ……………………… 黄朝琴,姚 军,吕心瑞,李亚军 (2-93)
底部钻具组合动力学模型及涡动特性仿真 … 狄勤丰,王文昌,姚永汉,朱卫平,姚建林,胡以宝 (3-53)
固井水泥浆的水化规律………………………………………………………………… 王斌斌,王瑞和 (3-57)
一种新型抗温抗盐超强堵剂的研制 … …………………………… 周 明,赵金洲,蒲万芬,杨 燕 (3-61)
储层 -裂缝组合单元在水力压裂井产能模拟中的应用 … ………………… 孙 峰,薛世峰,仝兴华 (3-67)
碳酸盐岩缝洞型油藏网络模型……………………………………………… 郑松青,李 阳,张宏方 (3-72)
低渗透油藏污染井压裂增产率预测模型及敏感性分析……………………………………………………… 何勇明,孙尚如,徐荣伍,高 岩,刘 辉 (3-76)
变渗透率模量与双重孔隙介质的压力敏感性 … ………………… 王建忠,姚 军,张 凯,郝振江 (3-80)
断块油藏水平井与直井组合井网渗流解析解及其应用 … ………………… 李晓军,张 琪,路智勇 (3-84)
东方 1-1气田伴生 CO2盐水层埋存可行性研究…………………………………………… 张 亮,任韶然,王瑞和,易 平,米洪刚,李俊廷 (3-89)
声速流对钻头温度和压力的影响 … ………………………………………… 沈忠厚,王海柱,李根生 (4-67)
钻杆中声波传输特性测试…………………………………………………… 马西庚,李 超,柳 颖 (4-70)
采用不同湍流模型对半封闭狭缝湍流冲击射流的数值模拟 … ……………………… 王明波,王瑞和(4-75)
基于序列二次规划算法的射孔水平井孔眼分布优化 … ………… 刘 冰,徐兴平,李继志,石 强 (4-79)
抽油机井系统动态实时分析模型 …………… 冯国强,谢 雄,韩岐清,周文胜,张津红,赵 鹏 (4-84)
油页岩热破裂及起裂机制试验 … ………………………………… 孟巧荣,康志勤,赵阳升,杨 栋 (4-89)
多相泡沫体系调驱试验 …………… 李宾飞,李兆敏,刘祖鹏,赵 磊,李松岩,林日亿,王冠华 (4-93)
稠油热裂解改质行为………………………………………………………… 杜殿发,崔景云,吕爱民 (4-99)
聚合物驱后二次聚驱可行性及质量浓度优化研究 …………… 赵凤兰,侯吉瑞,李洪生,庄绪超 (4-102)
水泥试样爆炸压裂模拟试验 …………………………… 程远方,寇永强,徐 鹏,李 蕾,张晓春 (5-69)
水力喷射压裂孔道内部增压机制 … ……………………………… 曲 海,李根生,黄中伟,田守嶒 (5-73)
钻井液压力多进制相移键控信号的数值建模及特性分析……………………………………………………… 沈 跃,李 翠,朱 军,苏义脑,李 林 (5-77)
幂律流体在内管旋转下放环空中的流动与传热规律… ……………………………… 李兆敏,王冠华(5-84)
一种新的流变模式及其应用性评价 …………………… 樊洪海,冯广庆,王 果,刘 阳,张 辉 (5-89)
油藏多孔介质中泡沫体系的阻力特性评价及应用 …… 尤 源,岳湘安,韩树柏,赵仁保,冯 兵 (5-94)
油层爆燃压裂造缝加载模型… ………………………… 陈德春,李海波,吴晓东,吴飞鹏,贺 慧 (5-100)
CO2非混相驱油过程中流体参数修正及影响因素 …………… 李东霞,苏玉亮,高海涛,耿艳宏 (5-104)
结构参数对气体钻井防沉屑工具性能的影响 … …………………………… 祝效华,刘少胡,童 华 (6-56)
基于密度测井资料计算上覆岩层压力的不确定性分析…………………………………………… 臧艳彬,王瑞和,李新芝,步玉环,何英明,周 波 (6-60)
深水钻井井涌动态模拟 … ………………………………………… 高永海,孙宝江,赵欣欣,王志远 (6-66)
基于粗糙集理论和支持向量机的套管损坏动态预报方法 … ……………… 周延军,贾江鸿,李荣华 (6-71)
实钻条件下破碎能耗的分形评价方法 ………………… 李 玮,闫 铁,毕雪亮,苏 鹏,孙维国 (6-76)
考虑流量误差的 B样条压力反褶积模型及其应用 ………………………………… 胡小虎,郑世毅 (6-80)
多井信息综合对比分析方法及其应用 ……………………………………… 崔 猛,翟应虎,程荣超(6-86)
利用注采开发数据反演油藏井间动态连通性 … ………………… 赵 辉,姚 军,吕爱民,王 伟 (6-91)
用隐式非线性方法预测注水井吸水剖面 ……………… 隋义勇,李治平,王继强,叶银珠,李彦来 (6-95)
注空气采油油井产出气体燃爆特性 ………… 于洪敏,左景栾,任韶然,吉亚娟,周乐平,林伟民 (6-99)
钻井液连续波信号发生器转阀水力转矩分析 … ………………… 贾 朋,房 军,苏义脑,李 林 (1-99)
管道穿越土质边坡斜竖井设计参数的确定方法 … …… 王芝银,袁鸿鹄,王 怡,曾志华,马兰平 (1-105)
多相泵导轮的准三维正反问题研究… ………………… 赵新学,李增亮,苗长山,王艳红,金有海 (1-109)
注水井井筒中碳酸钙结垢预测 ………………………………… 杨肖曦,赵 磊,张丁涌,谭红旗 (1-114)
天然气管道泄漏音波序列局部投影降噪研究 …………………………… 叶迎春,张来斌,梁 伟 (1-118)
油田注水地面枝状管网水力计算 …………………………………………………… 王旱祥,杨德伟 (1-125)
天然气管道小泄漏高空激光检测试验 ………………………… 李 克,李振林,宫 敬,刘海强 (1-129)
基于疲劳可靠性优化设计的深水导管架平台多级模糊选型 … … 杨秀娟,修宗祥,闫相祯,冯永训 (2-98)
逆循环椭圆力激振钻井液振动筛的筛分过程 …………………………… 王宗明,王瑞和,肖文生 (2-104)
基于 CFD的深水隔水管螺旋列板几何参数优选 ……………… 鞠少栋,陈国明,盛磊祥,畅元江 (2-110)
基于灰色系统理论的常压蒸馏装置腐蚀预测 …………………………… 王正方,王 勇,刘秀华 (2-114)
近底床悬跨海管安全跨长的预测 ………………………………………… 李 磊,曹玉龙,林 缅 (2-119)
钻井液提升阀流量系数的测定 …………………………………………… 朱万胜,张作龙,李继志 (2-125)
定向井有杆抽油泵系统诊断模型的建立……………………………………………………… 王 凯(2-130)
井下油水分离系统电泵机组匹配研究 … …………………………………… 李增亮,张瑞霞,董祥伟 (3-94)
经验模态分解和魏格纳 -维利分布在往复泵泵阀振动信号特征提取中的应用………………………………………………………………… 徐长航,刘吉飞,陈国明,谢 静 (3-99)
空心抽油杆内密闭热水循环降黏技术 … ……………… 林日亿,梁金国,杨德伟,张喜君,王 峥 (3-104)
南阳含蜡原油的分形特性 ……………………………………… 刘 刚,张丽萍,张国忠,王 媞 (3-109)
水平隧道管道固定墩推力虚功原理解答及应用 ………………………… 张立松,闫相祯,杨秀娟 (3-113)
导向座中心曲线的优化设计 ………………………………………………………… 刘 忠,张 宏 (3-120)
冷热原油顺序输送弯管内混油特性数值模拟 ………………… 吴玉国,陈保东,李小玲,王卫强 (3-125)
东营软土工程特性及参数相关方程 …………………………… 颜庆智,付长波,饶 江 ,杨凤军 (3-130)
考虑多失效模式老龄平台结构可靠性分析 ………………………………………… 林 红,陈国明 (4-107)
基于弹塑性地基模型的湿陷性黄土地段悬空管道受力分析 …………… 王同涛,闫相祯,杨秀娟 (4-113)
新型超声速旋流分离器设计及数值模拟 ………………………………… 文 闯,曹学文,吴梁红 (4-119)
高频直缝焊管成型过程仿真分析 …………………………………………………… 孙宝福,金有海 (4-123)
用低氧分压法在 35Cr45Ni合金表面制备防结焦氧化膜…………………………………………… 邵明增,崔立山,郑雁军,李 梅,张小洁,邢琳琳 (4-127)
具有终端收敛能力的 Stewart平台饱和 PD控制 ……………… 赵东亚,邹 涛,王治平,何熊熊 (4-131)
切流式旋流器内两相流场的模拟 ………………………………………… 王振波,马 艺,金有海 (4-136)
新型水平井不动管柱封隔器分段压裂技术 …………………… 柴国兴,刘 松,王慧莉,李继志 (4-141)
服役海底管道钢疲劳可靠性试验与海底管道寿命预测 ……… 闫相祯,刘锦昆,许志倩,杨秀娟 (5-109)
气液旋流器内液滴破碎和碰撞的数值模拟 ……………………………… 金向红,金有海,王建军 (5-114)
基于可靠性分析与状态监测的钻井泵剩余工作寿命预测 …… 裴峻峰,张嗣伟,齐明侠,张志毅 (5-121)
特殊螺纹接头密封结构比对分析 … …………………… 王建东,冯耀荣,林 凯,秦长毅,宋延鹏 (5-126)
输油管道内油流带电电流的计算 …………………………………………………… 王菊芬,孟浩龙 (5-131)
热含蜡原油管内停输温降计算 …………………………………………… 刘 刚,张国忠,张园园 (5-136)
基于计算流体力学的集气站气体检测报警仪布置优化 ……… 章 博,陈国明,龚金海,王 勇 (5-141)
叶片圆盘泵固液两相流动规律数值模拟 ………………………………… 周昌静,陈国明,徐长航 (5-147)
多功能构造物理模拟装置的设计及应用 ……………………… 杨 磊,任旭虎,綦耀光,刘新福 (5-152)
局部投影降噪在往复压缩机故障诊断中的应用 ………………………… 段礼祥,张来斌,李 峰 (6-104)
灰色决策在常减压塔顶换热器改造中的应用 ……………………………………… 王正方,王 勇 (6-109)
水平定向钻回拖载荷预测模型及其特征参数敏感性分析 …… 蔡亮学,何利民,王 鑫,薛振兴 (6-114)
自升式平台齿轮齿条强度有限元分析 …………………………………… 曹宇光,张 卿,张士华 (6-120)
稠油注蒸汽热采过程中地层稳定性分析评价 …………………………… 孙 峰,仝兴华,薛世峰 (6-125)
造斜段弯曲钻柱非线性动力学分析与仿真 … ………… 伊 鹏,刘衍聪,石永军,郭 欣,任红伟 (6-129)
聚硅酸铁对溶解性有机物与浊度的去除 …………………………………………… 付 英,高宝玉 (1-134)
常压渣油加氢反应产物体系的胶体稳定性 … ………… 于双林,山红红,张龙力,孙昱东,杨朝合 (1-139)
改性高岭土吸附卟啉钒的热力学行为 … ……………… 刘章勇,张玉贞,张小英,刘光轩,刘 东 (1-144)
延缓交联体系深部调剖性能的影响因素………………………………… 戴彩丽,赵 娟,姜汉桥,汪庐山,靳彦欣,吕心瑞,赵福麟 (1-149)
催化裂化沉降器粗旋风分离器的工作性能 ………… 刘书贤,孙国刚,薛淑琳,陈建义,时铭显 (1-153)
矿物组分对混合酯水解及生烃的催化作用 … ………… 张在龙,张 毅,张 卉,马淑杰,李晓霞 (2-136)
基于电位法和酸碱度法的醇胺溶液吸收二氧化碳… … 杨向平,陆诗建,高仲峰,李清方,张 建 (2-140)
磺甲基酚醛树脂在水中的分散特性 … ……… 李明远,郭亚梅,贺辉宗,林梅钦 ,彭 勃,郭继香 (2-145)
桦甸油页岩的酸洗脱灰 ………………………………………… 柏静儒,王 擎,魏艳珍,关晓辉 (2-150)
沥青中酚类组分的浸出特性及其组成 … ………………………… 才洪美,魏建明,王 鹏,张玉贞 (2-154)
用活性炭脱除石脑油中氯化物 ……………………………………………………… 南国枝,范维玉 (2-159)
反应温度对 N iMoS/γ-Al2O3上 1-己烯与硫化氢反应的影响 … 司西强,夏道宏,项玉芝,周玉路 (3-134)
MCM-22/MCM-41与 ZS M-5/MCM-41复合分子筛汽油降烯烃性能的对比分析…………………………………………… 冀德坤,李术元,丁福臣,迟姚玲,易玉峰,赵如松 (3-140)
催化裂化再生器内气固两相流动及烧焦反应的数值模拟 …… 郑晓军,高金森,张 璞,徐春明 (3-146)
氨基酸缓蚀剂缓蚀性能的实验评价与缓蚀机制分析……………………………………………………… 张 军,燕友果,任振甲,胡松青,乔贵民 (3-152)
硅铁摩尔比对硅铁复合混凝剂混凝效能的影响及其机制 ………………………… 付 英,高宝玉(3-157)
催化水热裂解对重油沥青质ζ电势的影响 ……………………………… 易玉峰,李术元,丁福臣 (4-146)
微乳柴油的研制及性能 … ……………………………… 曹建喜,罗立文,董松祥,高仲峰,徐春明 (4-152)
固定化对柴油生物脱硫菌 UP-1性能的影响 … ……… 侯影飞,王增林,张 建,郭 宁,孔 瑛 (4-157)
东辛稠油反相乳化降黏集输试验 …………………………………………………… 寇 杰,肖荣鸽 (4-162)
用于稠油蒸汽吞吐井深部封窜的热触变体系的性能试验…………………………………………… 戴彩丽,纪文娟,姜汉桥,赵福麟,姬承伟,秦 涛 (4-167)
新型自胶结堵漏剂的研制 ………………………………………………… 吕开河,邱正松,贺 雷 (4-172)
1-(2-羟乙基)-2-烷基咪唑啉缓蚀剂在铁表面吸附的分子动力学模拟…………………………………………… 张 军,姜娟娟,任振甲,于维钊,于立军,乔贵民 (5-159)
硫化亚铁的热分析动力学 …………………………………………………………… 赵声萍,蒋军成 (5-164)
油田原油集输絮凝物形成机制与处理技术………………………………… 孙磉礅,蒋官澄,谢水祥,邓 皓,王蓉沙,刘光全,许 毓 (5-168)
渤海原油环烷酸分布与组成结构 ………………………………………… 张 振,胡芳芳,张玉贞 (5-174)
基于反滴加 -共沉淀法的水基 Fe3O4磁流体制备及性能表征…………………………………………… 姜翠玉,宋 浩,宋林花,宋光伟,耿 毅,王钰新 (6-136)
大港减压渣油的光催化氧化… ………………………… 王艳秋,周立雪,魏贤勇,赵锁奇,鲍晓军 (6-141)
锌铝类水滑石催化酯化高酸原油脱酸 ………………………… 黄延召,朱建华,王艳艳,武本成 (6-147)
用于渤海油田疏水缔合聚合物驱的表面活性剂降压增注研究…………………………………………… 王业飞,于海洋,张 健,李先杰,陈五花,王所良 (6-151)
用荧光法分析大庆油田驱油用两亲聚合物的缔合行为……………………………………………………… 孟令伟,康万利,范海明,蔚新艳,吴晓燕 (6-157)
循环水中生物黏泥生长动力学及其控制 … …………… 马 涛,赵朝成,刘 芳,张 培,夏 璐 (6-161)
基于特征向量子空间距离的MPC控制器性能诊断 … ……………………………… 田学民,陈功泉 (1-160)
国际油气勘探开发项目风险分级与排序模型的构建及应用 … 赵 东,王 震,赵 林,刘明明 (1-164)
天然气管道运输中两阶段动态博弈定价模型 …………………………… 司江伟,陈月璇,丁 浩 (1-170)
三种度量向量组数值线性相关性方法的关系 ……………………………………… 张华仁,李维国(1-175)
包含伺服约束非完整系统的Noether-Mei对称性 … …………… 王小明,李元成,张佩玲,荆宏星 (2-163)
一类非齐次微分方程解的增长性 ……………………………… 吕巍然,王君苓,陈院生,李晓静 (2-166)
关于树的第二个最大特征值 ………………………………………………………… 谭尚旺,姜静静 (2-169)
基于模拟退火的相位测量轮廓术随机相移误差校正 …………………… 任旭虎,杨 磊,屈 波 (3-162)
基于Unscented卡尔曼滤波新息的多变量序贯概率比检验故障检测方法 ……… 曹玉苹,田学民 (3-165)
(2+1)-维 Calogero-Bogoyavlenskii-Schiff方程的对称约化及其新的类孤子解 …………… 智红燕 (3-170)
求解一维无约束优化问题的高阶收敛方法 ………………………………………… 张华仁,李维国(3-174)
一类训练前馈神经网络的梯度算法及收敛性 ……………………………………… 邵红梅,安凤仙(4-176)
理想多自由度无相互作用费米气体系统的量子纠缠 … ……………………………………… 陈东猛(4-179)
基于双向二维直接线性判别分析的人脸表情识别 ……………………… 郑秋梅,吕兴会,时公喜 (5-179)
马尔科夫链与原油进口时机选择 … ………… 张传平,陈泓洁,闫雪平,赵蕊蕊,张 庆,张艳霞 (5-183)
集合卡尔曼滤波方法在非线性油藏问题中的应用 ………………… 王玉斗,L I Gao-ming,李茂辉(5-188)
基于库诺特模型的天然气管道一体化研究 … ………… 董秀成,周仲兵,李君臣,佟金辉,尹海彤 (6-168)
一种动态加速因子的自适应微粒群优化算法 …………………………… 陈 华,范宜仁,邓少贵 (6-173)
量子棒中强耦合磁极化子基态能量的磁场和温度依赖性 …… 额尔敦朝鲁,乌云其木格,宝日玛(6-177)
分形与广义分形空间的统一框架及广义分形序列的极限 … ………………………………… 沈 晨(6-181)
(第 34卷卷终)
Journal of China Un iversity of Petroleum
(Edition of N atural Science)
Vol.34 2010
Developmentmodels of growth fold ……………………………………GUO W ei-xing,QI Jia-fu,LIM ing-gang,LI Yan-you(1-1)
Stylolite characteristics and petroleum geology significance ofOrdovician carbonate rocks in Tahe Oilfield………………………………………………………AHMATJAN Abdurahman,ZHONG Jian-hua,LI Yang,CHEN Xin(1-7)
Building of 4D reservoirmodel based on development performance ……………YAN Ke,YANG Shao-chun,REN Huai-qiang(1-12)
Development characteristics ofMesozoic negative inversion structures in Jiyang depression………………………………………………………………………………………HOU Xu-bo,WU Zhi-ping,LIW ei(1-18)
Multi-parameter quantitative calculation model for tectonic fracture……………………………………………………………JI Zong-zhen,DAI Jun-sheng,WANG B i-feng,LIU Hong-ke(1-24)
Well-tieswith log synthetic sei smogram based on prestack wavefields simulation………………………………………………………………………………LI Guo-fa,WANG Shang-xu,MA Yan-yan(1-29)
Application of sei smic gather flattening technique based on time-frequency analysis………………………………………………SHEN Guo-qiang,WANG Yu-mei,M ENG Xian-jun,LU W en-kai,LI Xia(1-34)
Making P-SV shearwave synthetic seis mic record … …………LUO Huan-zhang,JI Yu-xin,WANG Xiu-ling,WANG Xiu-m in(1-37)
Mixed-phase sei smic wavelet extraction of S IMO system by subspace method…………………………………………………………………YANG Pei-jie,PAN Yong,MU Xing,REN Xiang-dong(1-41)
Reservoir static model updating by 4D sei smic data using ensemble Kalman Filtermethod……………………………………………………………………………ZHENG Zhan,HUANG Xu-ri,LAN Rui-fang(1-46)
Application of logging data to unconformable vertical structure research of stratum…………………………CHEN Gang-hua,ZHANG Lei,SONG Guo-qi,SU I Feng-gui,WANG Xue-jun,ZHAO Le-qiang(1-50)
Basin superposition characteristics ofMesozoic and Cenozoic and natural gas exploration prospect ofUpper Paleozoic in the eastern North China … ……………………………………………PENG Zhao-meng,WU Zhi-ping,PENG Shi-m i(2-1)
Sedimentary and diagenetic characteristics of aeolian sandstones of Chenpu Oilfield in northern Jiangsu and its petroleum searching significance …………D ING Sheng,LIN Cheng-yan,MA Bao-jun,LI Jian,GAO Jian-gang(2-8)
Experimental evidence of influential factor of quartz growth in reservoir………………………………………………………LI Ru,GE Yun-jin,CHEN Yong,ZHOU Yao-qi,ZHOU Hong-jian(2-13)
Configuration of fault-fracture mesh petroleum plays and oil-gas accumulation character…………………………………………LIU Ya-ying,XU Huai-m in,ZHANG Jian,HU B in,YE Chun,ZHANG Xiao(2-19)
Dominant control factors of hydrocarbon distance accumulating in western arc-like zone of Turpan-hamiBasin……………………………………………………………………………LIU Jiang-tao,HUANG Zhi-long,WANG Hai(2-24)
Characteristics of hydrocarbon source rocks in LiaodongBay area and itsmain controlling factors……………………………………JIANG Xue,ZOU Hua-yao,ZHUANG Xin-bing,TIAN Jin-qiang,YANG Yuan-yuan(2-31)
Wave equation common focus-pointmigration based on irregular surface………………………………………………………………XU Xiu-gang,LI Zhen-chun,YE Yue-m ing,BAO Jing-wei(2-38)
Multi-scale prestack elastic-wave inversion bywavelet transform based on slownessmethod………………………………………………………YIN W en,HAN W en-gong,WANG Yan-guang,SHEN Guo-qiang(2-43)
Recovery technology of distorted image from fullbore fo rmation micro imager…………………………………………………WANGM in,SUN Jian-meng,LA I Fu-qiang,LIM ao-bing,YU Hua-wei(2-47)
Optimization design of flow electromagnetic tomography transducer based on orthogonal test……………………………………………………………………………WANG Xiao-xing,WU Xi-ling,WANG B in-tao(2-52)
Distribution characteristics of gas and water of tight sandstone gas reservoir in upper Triassic Xujiahe formation of Guang an gas field ………………………………………HAO Guo-li,LIU Guang-di,XIE Zeng-ye,SUN M ing-liang(3-1)
Molecular paleontology and its depositional environment during the Eocene Jiyang depression,China ………WANG Guang-li(3-8)
Stochastic modeling of sedimentarymicrofacies-lithofacies in proluvial fan reservoir……………………………………………………………TANG Hai-fa,JIA Ai-lin,PENG Shi-m i,LUO Na,LIU W ei(3-12)
Quantitative method for fault lateral sealing ability based on sei smic data and its application……………LIU Jun-bang,HAO Qi,LIANG Quan-sheng,LIU Zhen,FAN Chun-mei,WANG Xiao-dong,LI Chun-xia,HE Xiao-hu(3-18)
Modeling exper iments of structural evolution since lateMesozoic in west Shandong uplift,China ………SHI Xiu-peng,LI Li(3-25)
Seis mic signal denoisingmethod based on curvelet transform ……………………………………WU Ai-di,ZHAO Xiu-ling(3-30)
Application of unique angle crossplotting technique to amplitude variation with offset attributes interpretation…………………………………………………LANG Xiao-ling,PENG Shi-m i,KANG Hong-quan,ZHANG Feng-hong(3-34)
A loggingwhile drilling tool formulti-depth electromagnetic wave resistivitymeasurement………………………………………………………LI Hui-yin,SU Yi-nao,SHENG Li-m in,DOU Xiu-rong,DENG Le(3-38)
Numerical calculation on directional radiation technique to near-borehole formation through casing……………………………………………………………………………………………CHEN Xue-lian,WU Jin-ping(3-43)
Numerical simulation of oil-water two-phase separation in reservoir rock with lattice Boltzmann method………………………………………………………………………………………ZHU Yi-hua,TAO Guo,FANGW ei(3-48)
Control factors of compacted high-quality sandstone reservoirs ofmember 2 of Xujiahe fo rmation,upper Triassic in Xinchang gas field ofWestern Sichuan depression … ………………………………ZHAO Yan,WU Sheng-he,XU Zhang-you,W EN Li-feng(4-1)
New explanation for shallow delta high-resolution sequence stratigraphy of Putaohua oil-bearing layer ofmember 1 of Yaojia formation of Cretaceous in Sanzhao sag …………LIU Yuan,ZHU Xiao-m in,YUAN Hong-qi,ZHANG Si-meng,FANG Qing,et al(4-7)
Experimental analysis on micro-anisotropy of Chang 8 reservoir in Heshui area,OrdosBasin ……CHEN Jie,ZHOU D ing-wu(4-13)
Fracture prediction of Permian volcanic-clastic rock fo rmation inWuxia fault belt……………………………………………………WANG Jun,DAI Jun-sheng,FENG Jian-wei,LIM ing,PAN Yao-li(4-19)
Tufa character and its oil-gas significance ofOrdovician outcrops in the northwestmargin of Tarim Basin…………………………………………………N IU Yong-bin,ZHONG Jian-hua,WANG Pei-jun,CHEN Xin,LI Jia(4-25)
Geochemical characteristics of biomarkers of source rocks from Taipinglinchang formation in Sunwu-Jiayin Basin…………………………………………………………………………………GAO Fu-hong,FAN Fu,GAO Hong-mei(4-33)
Determination of oil accumulation period and building up of paleopressure ofWumishan fo rmation in Renqiu Oilfield by using fluid inclusion ………………………………………………………………………………LI Jing,ZHA M ing(4-38)
Oil and gas transportation way and ability of unconformity of continental rifted-basin in Jiyang depression…………………………………………………………SUI Feng-gui,SONG Guo-qi,ZHAO Le-qiang,WANG Xue-jun(4-44)
Sequence division of coal strata based on different coal-accumulation theory……………………………………………………LÜDa-wei,LI Zeng-xue,W EI Jiu-chuan,LIU Hai-yan,WU Li-rong(4-49)
Gravity anomaly separation based on cellular neural network ……………LIU Zhan,LIU M ao-cheng,W EIW ei,DU Run-lin(4-57)
3-D denoisingmethod through visual speed in frequency-wavenumber domain… ………HE Xu-li,LIU Su-qin,TONG Zhao-qi(4-62)
Paleo-structural stress field simulation formiddle-lowerOrdovician in Tazhong area and favorable area prediction of fractured reservoirs……………………………………………………………DINGW en-long,FAN Tai-liang,HUANG Xiao-bo,LIU Cong(5-1)
Interlayer characteristics of estuary dam reservoir of the 2nd member of Shahejie fo rmation in L11 fault block………………………………………………………………………………………………GUO Jing-xing,ZHANG Yong(5-7)
Mechanis m of generating abno rmal overpressure and its influences on super-low permeability reservoirs for upper Es4member in Chexi depression …………………………ZHAO Zhen-yu,GU Jia-yu,GUO Yan-ru,AL IMUJIANG,WU Zhong-bin(5-12)
Research of South China Caledonian intracontinental tectonic attribute……………………………………LI Cong,CHEN Shi-yue,ZHANG Peng-fei,ZHANG Yue,WANG Ling,B IM ing-wei(5-18)
Evolution of formation pressure and its relationship with hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in Puwei area,Dongpu depression………………………………………………………………………………LIU Jing-dong,JIANG You-lu,GAO Ping(5-25)
Formingmechanis m and geophysical features of associated diapir structure in Dongxin Oilfield…………………………………………………………………ZHANG Xin,W EN Zhi-feng,WANGW ei,CU I Xiao-duo(5-32)
Sedimentary and tectonic evolution ofQaidam areas in Late Paleozoic………………………………………YANG Chao,CHEN Qing-hua,WANG Guan-m in,PANG Xiao-jun,MA Ting-ting(5-38)
Distribution characteristics and ecological risk of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments from the western sea area ofLiaodong Peninsula ………………………………HU N ing-jing,LIU Ji-hua,HUANG Peng,SHI Xue-fa,MA De-yi(5-44)
Hydrochemical properties of formation water and its relationship with oil and gasmigration and accumulation in Zhenwu area of southern Gaoyou sag … ………………………LIM ei,JIN Ai-m in,LOU Zhang-hua,SHANG Chang-jian,GUAN Chi(5-50)
Evaluating influence of eccentricity on response of electromagnetic wave resistivity logging-while-drilling by vector eigenfunction expansion formulae for dyadic Green s functions ………………………W EI Bao-jun,TIAN Kun,ZHANG Xu,LIU Kun(5-57)
Experimental investigation on elasticity of glutenite …………ZHANG Shou-wei,SUN Jian-meng,SU Jun-lei,LIU Xue-feng(5-63)
Limemudstone:a kind of carbonate rock of terrigenousmechanical origin………………………………………QIU Long-wei,JIANG Zai-xing,LIANG Hong-bin,LI Cheng-yin,SUN Bao-qiang(6-1)
Seis mic sedimentology study ofMiddle and Lower Triassic inWu-Xia area,JunggarBasin……………………………………………………ZHA M ing,LI Xiu-peng,ZENG Hong-liu,YANG Jun-sheng(6-8)
Effect of diagenesis on accumulate capability ofOrdovician carbonate rock in block 2 of Tahe Oilfield…………………………………………N IU Yong-bin,ZHONG Jian-hua,WANG Pei-jun,SHAN Ting-ting,LI Run-ze(6-13)
Fault sealing of Renxi fault in Raoyang depression …………………CU ID ian,ZHA M ing,GAO Chang-hai,WU Zhao-hui(6-20)
Study on hydrocarbon migration along fault strike ………………CHEN W ei,WU Zhi-ping,HOU Feng,LIW ei,HOU Xu-bo(6-25)
Petroleum migration and accumulation in Cretaceous ofDabasong uplift of central JunggarBasin………………LAN W en-fang,CAO Jian,WANG Xu-long,ZHANG Yue-qian,XIANG Bao-li,SUN Ping-an,WU M ing(6-31)
Main controlling factors of hydrocarbon accumulation and enrichment in the southern slope of Chexi sag…………………………………………………WAN Tao,JIANG You-lu,LIN Hui-xi,PENG Chuan-sheng,B I Cai-qin(6-38)
Igneous rock identification based on sample expansion method ……TAN Fu-lin,WANG Zhi-zhang,LONG Shan,DONG Yan-xi(6-45)
Analysis of source rock of Yanchang formation in Hujianshan area,OrdosBasin………………………………………………GANGW en-zhe,GAO Gang,HAN Yong-lin,SHEN Xia,FAN Hong-che(6-50)
Acoustic trans mission properties in drill string ………………………ZHAO Guo-shan,GUAN Zhi-chuan,LIU Yong-wang(1-55)
Time-frequency prediction model for vortex induced vibration single-modal responses of deep water riser…………………………………………………………………………WANG Teng,ZHANG Xiu-zhan,ZHU W ei-quan(1-60)
Void fraction distribution of vertical upward gas-liquid slug flow…………………………………MA Yong-qian,SUN Bao-jiang,WANG Zhi-yuan,SONG Rong-rong,ZHU Hai-long(1-64)
Exact identification approach to volcanics formation fluid based on fuzzy probability theory…………………………………ZHA I Ying-hu,LI Zu-guang,ZHANG Xu,LI Ya,MA Dong-m ei,WANGW en-guang(1-70)
Influence of fracture parameters on inflow performance of fractured horizontalwells……………………………………………………………WANG Zhi-m ing,Q I Zhen-lin,W EI Jian-guang,JIN Hui(1-73)
Oil-gas-water three-phase flow simulation in water-wet reservoir ……………YANG Yong-fei,YAO Jun,WANG Chen-chen(1-79)
Selective water shutoff for oilwell ………………………………………………………………………………ZHAO Fu-lin(1-84)
Geological storage of CO2:overseas demonstration projects and its implications to China………………………………………………………………………………REN Shao-ran,ZHANG Li,ZHANG Liang(1-93)
Exper iment and mathematicalmodel of rotary cutting of casingwith abrasive water jet……………………………………………………………WANG Rui-he,LI Luo-peng,ZHOU W ei-dong,LI Hua-zhou(2-56)
Acoustic communication near-bit short distance … ……………………………LI Zhi-gang,GUAN Zhi-chuan,WANG Yi-fa(2-62)
Formation drillability prediction based on relevance vectormachine … …MA Hai,WANG Yan-jiang,HU Rui,W EIM ao-an(2-67)
A new prediction model of fracture pressure ofmarine carbonate fo rmation and its application ……CU I Jie,LI Zhong-hui(2-71)
Exper imental simulation of gravel-packing in horizontal and highly deviated wells……………………………………………DONG Chang-yin,WU Long,WANG A i-ping,LIU Chun-m iao,ZHANG Q i(2-74)
Pluggingmechani sm and plug removing of sand control area in polymer injection well………………………………………LIU Dong,LILi,ZHOU Cheng-shi,SONG Jin-bo,LI Zhuo,WANG Cong-cong(2-78)
Production evaluation model of fishbone well considering coupling amongmulti-segments flow……………………………………………………HUANG Shi-jun,CHENG Lin-song,ZHAO Feng-lan,L I Chun-lan(2-83)
Influence of additional resistance during polymer injection on oil displacement effect …ZHANG Zhi-ying,JIANG Han-qiao(2-89)
Influence of fluid exchanging between rock matrix and fractures on seepage of fractured porousmedium……………………………………………………………………HUANG Zhao-qin,YAO Jun,LÜXin-rui,L I Ya-jun(2-93)
Dynamicsmodel and whirl features simulation of bottom hole assembly…………………………D IQ in-feng,WANGW en-chang,YAO Yong-han,ZHU W ei-ping,YAO Jian-lin,HU Yi-bao(3-53)
Hydration law of cementing slurry……………………………………………………………WANG B in-bin,WANG Rui-he(3-57)
Preparation of a novel superior strength plugging agent resistant to heat and salt………………………………………………………………ZHOU M ing,ZHAO Jin-zhou,PU W an-fen,YANG Yan(3-61)
Application of reservoir-fracture composed element to deliverability simulation for hydraulic fracturingwell……………………………………………………………………………SUN Feng,XUE Shi-feng,TONG Xing-hua(3-67)
Fracture-cavity network model for fracture-cavity carbonate reservoir … …ZHENG Song-qing,LI Yang,ZHANG Hong-fang(3-72)
Prediction model for fracturing incremental recovery of damaged well in low-pe rmeability reservoir and sensitivity analysis……………………………………………………HE Yong-m ing,SUN Shang-ru,XU Rong-wu,GAO Yan,LIU Hui(3-76)
Variable permeabilitymodulus and pressure sensitivity of dual-porositymedium……………………………………………………………WANG Jian-zhong,YAO Jun,ZHANG Kai,HAO Zhen-jiang(3-80)
Analytic solution of horizontal-vertical composed well pattern seepage in fault-block reservoir and its application…………………………………………………………………………………LI Xiao-jun,ZHANG Q i,LU Zhi-yong(3-84)
Feasibility study on associated CO2geological storage in a saline aquifer for development ofDongfang 1-1 gas field…………………………………ZHANG Liang,REN Shao-ran,WANG Rui-he,YI Ping,M I Hong-gang,L I Jun-ting(3-89)
Influence of sonic flow on temperature and pressure of bit … ……………SHEN Zhong-hou,WANG Hai-zhu,LI Gen-sheng(4-67)
Transmission characteristics test of acoustic wave in drill pipe ……………………………MA Xi-geng,LI Chao,LIU Ying(4-70)
Numerical simulation of semi-confined slot turbulent impinging jet using different turbulence models…………………………………………………………………………………………WANGM ing-bo,WANG Rui-he(4-75)
Optimization of perforation distribution of perforated horizontalwell based on sequential quadratic programming algorithm…………………………………………………………………………LIU B ing,XU Xing-ping,LI Ji-zhi,SHI Q iang(4-79)
Real-time analysismodel of rod-pumped well system performance……………………FENG Guo-qiang,XIE Xiong,HAN Q i-qing,ZHOU W en-sheng,ZHANG Jin-hong,ZHAO Peng(4-84)
Exper iment of the rmal cracking and crack initiation mechani sm of oil shale……………………………………………………M ENG Q iao-rong,KANG Zhi-qin,ZHAO Yang-sheng,YANG Dong(4-89)
Exper iment on profile control and flooding bymultiphase foam system………………………LI B in-fei,LI Zhao-m in,LIU Zu-peng,ZHAO Lei,LI Song-yan,L IN Ri-yi,WANG Guan-hua(4-93)
Pyrolysis upgrading behavior of heavy oil……………………………………………DU D ian-fa,CU I Jing-yun,LÜA i-m in(4-99)
Study on feasibility of secondary polymer flooding and concentration opt imization after polymer flooding……………………………………………………ZHAO Feng-lan,HOU Ji-rui,LI Hong-sheng,ZHUANG Xu-chao(4-102)
Explosive fracturing simulation test of cement samples…………………………………………CHENG Yuan-fang,KOU Yong-qiang,XU Peng,LI Lei,ZHANG Xiao-chun(5-69)
Boostingmechani sm in hydrajet-fracturing cavity … …………QU Hai,LI Gen-sheng,HUANG Zhong-wei,TIAN Shou-ceng(5-73)
Numericalmodeling and characteristics analysis of drilling fluid pressureMPSK signals………………………………………………………………………SHEN Yue,LI Cui,ZHU Jun,SU Yi-nao,LI Lin(5-77)
Flowing and heat transfer of power-law fluid in annuluswith a rotating and axialmoving inner pipe…………………………………………………………………………………………LI Zhao-m in,WANG Guan-hua(5-84)
A new rheologicalmodel and its application evaluation……………………………………………FAN Hong-hai,FENG Guang-qing,WANG Guo,LIU Yang,ZHANG Hui(5-89)
Evaluation and application of resistance characteristics of foam system in reservoir porousmedia………………………………………………YOU Yuan,YUE Xiang-an,HAN Shu-bai,ZHAO Ren-bao,FENG B ing(5-94)
Loadingmodels for oil bearing formation exploding fracturing…………………………………………………CHEN De-chun,LI Hai-bo,WU Xiao-dong,WU Fei-peng,HE Hui(5-100)
Fluid parametermodification and affecting factors during immiscible drive with CO2……………………………………………………………LI Dong-xia,SU Yu-liang,GAO Hai-tao,GENG Yan-hong(5-104)
Influence of structural parameter on perfo rmance of cuttings falling-prevent tool in gas drilling………………………………………………………………………………ZHU Xiao-hua,L IU Shao-hu,TONG Hua(6-56)
Uncertainty analysis of calculating overburden pressure based on density logging data…………………………………ZANG Yan-bin,WANG Rui-he,LI Xin-zhi,BU Yu-huan,HE Ying-m ing,ZHOU Bo(6-60)
Dynamic s imulation of kicks in deepwater drilling … ……GAO Yong-hai,SUN Bao-jiang,ZHAO Xin-xin,WANG Zhi-yuan(6-66)
Dynamic prediction method of casing damage based on rough set theory and support vectormachine…………………………………………………………………………ZHOU Yan-jun,JIA Jiang-hong,LI Rong-hua(6-71)
Fractal evaluation method of crushing energy consumption in actual drilling process………………………………………………………………LIW ei,YAN Tie,B I Xue-liang,SU Peng,SUN W ei-guo(6-76)
A new B-splines pressure deconvolution algorithm considering rate measurement errors and its application……………………………………………………………………………………………HU Xiao-hu,ZHENG Shi-yi(6-80)
Multi-well data comprehensive analysismethod and its application … ………CU IM eng,ZHA I Ying-hu,CHENG Rong-chao(6-86)
Reservoir inte rwell dynamic connectivity inversion based on injection and production data…………………………………………………………………………ZHAO Hui,YAO Jun,LÜA i-m in,WANGW ei(6-91)
Prediction ofwater injection profile using implicit nonlinearmethod…………………………………………………SU I Yi-yong,LI Zhi-ping,WANG Ji-qiang,YE Yin-zhu,L I Yan-lai(6-95)
Explosion characteristics of oilwell produced gas by air injection for improved oil recovery……………………………YU Hong-m in,ZUO Jing-luan,REN Shao-ran,JI Ya-juan,ZHOU Le-ping,LIN W ei-m in(6-99)
Analysis on rotary valve hydraulic torque of drilling fluid continuouswave signal generator………………………………………………………………………………JIA Peng,FANG Jun,SU Yi-nao,LI Lin(1-99)
New method of determining design parameters of inclined shaft for oil-gas pipeline crossing along soil slope…………………………………………WANG Zhi-yin,YUAN Hong-hu,WANG Yi,ZENG Zhi-hua,MA Lan-ping(1-105)
Study of quasi-3D direct problem and inverse problem of guide pulley formultiphase pump…………………………………ZHAO Xin-xue,LI Zeng-liang,M IAO Chang-shan,WANG Yan-hong,JIN You-hai(1-109)
Prediction of CaCO3scaling quantity in water injection wellbore…………………………………………………………YANG Xiao-xi,ZHAO Lei,ZHANG D ing-yong,TAN Hong-qi(1-114)
Study of noise reduction of natural gas pipeline leakage acoustic series by local projection……………………………………………………………………………YE Ying-chun,ZHANG Lai-bin,LIANGW ei(1-118)
Hydraulic calculation of branch fo rm pipe networks for oilfield above-ground water injection system………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Han-xiang,YANG De-wei(1-125)
Detection experiment of small leakage of long distance natural gas transporting pipeline based on airborne laser equipment………………………………………………………………………LI Ke,LI Zhen-lin,GONG Jing,LIU Hai-qiang(1-129)
Fuzzy lectotype of deep water jacket platfo rm based on fatigue reliability opt imization design…………………………………………………YANG X iu-juan,XIU Zong-xiang,YAN Xiang-zhen,FENG Yong-xun(2-98)
Screeningmechani sm of balanced ellipticalmotion shale shaker excited by backward elliptical vibrating forces…………………………………………………………………WANG Zong-m ing,WANG Rui-he,XIAO W en-sheng(2-104)
CFD-based optimization for geometric parameters of deepwater riser helical strakes……………………………………………JU Shao-dong,CHEN Guo-m ing,SHENG Lei-xiang,CHANG Yuan-jiang(2-110)
Grey system prediction of corrosion on oil atmospheric distillation equipment………………………………………………………………………WANG Zheng-fang,WANG Yong,LIU Xiu-hua(2-114)
Prediction on safety length of free spanning pipeline near seabed ………………………LI Lei,CAO Yu-long,LIN M ian(2-119)
Measurement of flow coefficient of poppet valve for drilling fluid …………ZHU W an-sheng,ZHANG Zuo-long,LI Ji-zhi(2-125)
Modelingmethod for fault diagnosis to sucker rod pumping system in directionalwell …………………………WANG Kai(2-130)
Matching research of electric submersible pump unit about downhole oil-water separation system………………………………………………………………………LI Zeng-liang,ZHANG Rui-xia,DONG Xiang-wei(3-94)
Application of EMD andWVD to feature extraction from vibration signal of reciprocating pump valves………………………………………………………………XU Chang-hang,LIU Ji-fei,CHEN Guo-m ing,XIE Jing(3-99)
Viscosity reduction technology by closed hotwater circulation in hollow sucker rod……………………………………………L IN Ri-yi,LIANG Jin-guo,YANG De-wei,ZHANG Xi-jun,WANG Zheng(3-104)
Fractal characteristics ofNanyangwaxy crude oil ……………LIU Gang,ZHANG Li-ping,ZHANG Guo-zhong,WANG Ti(3-109)
Horizontal tunnel pipeline anchor block push force solution and application based on virtualwork principle……………………………………………………………………ZHANG Li-song,YAN Xiang-zhen,YANG Xiu-juan(3-113)
Optimal design of guide base s center curve ……………………………………………………LIU Zhong,ZHANG Hong(3-120)
Numerical simulation on contaminated oil characteristics in bend pipe of batch pipelining of cold and hot crude oils………………………………………………………WU Yu-guo,CHEN Bao-dong,LI Xiao-ling,WANGW ei-qiang(3-125)
Engineering property ofDongying soft clay and correlation equation of parameters……………………………………………………………YAN Q ing-zhi,FU Chang-bo,RAO Jiang,YANG Feng-jun(3-130)
Reliability analysis for aging offshore platfo rms consideringmulti-failure modes ……………LIN Hong,CHEN Guo-m ing(4-107)
Force analysis of suspended pipeline in collapsible loess areas based on elastic-plastic foundation model……………………………………………………………………WANG Tong-tao,YAN Xiang-zhen,YANG Xiu-juan(4-113)
Structure design and numerical simulation of novel supersonic swirling separator…………………………………………………………………………W EN Chuang,CAO Xue-wen,WU Liang-hong(4-119)
S imulation analysis of shaping process of high frequency longitudinal electric resistance welded pipe………………………………………………………………………………………………SUN Bao-fu,JIN You-hai(4-123)
Synthesis of anti-coking oxide film on surface of 35Cr45Ni alloy by low oxygen partial pressure…………………………SHAO M ing-zeng,CU ILi-shan,ZHENG Yan-jun,LIM ei,ZHANG Xiao-jie,X ING Lin-lin(4-127)
Saturating PD control approach with te rminal convergence capability for Stewart platform………………………………………………………ZHAO Dong-ya,ZOU Tao,WANG Zhi-ping,HE Xiong-xiong(4-131)
S imulation of two-phase flow field in tangential hydrocyclone ………………………WANG Zhen-bo,MA Yi,JIN You-hai(4-136)
New single-trip staged fracturing technologywith packer isolation in horizontalwells……………………………………………………………………CHA I Guo-xing,LIU Song,WANG Hui-li,LI Ji-zhi(4-141)
Fatigue reliability test and life prediction of submarine pipeline…………………………………………………………YAN Xiang-zhen,LIU Jin-kun,XU Zhi-qian,YANG Xiu-juan(5-109)
Numerical simulation on breakup and collision of droplet in gas-liquid cyclone separator………………………………………………………………………JIN Xiang-hong,JIN You-hai,WANG Jian-jun(5-114)
Drilling pump remainingworking life prediction based on reliability analysis and condition monitoring…………………………………………………………PEI Jun-feng,ZHANG Si-wei,Q IM ing-xia,ZHANG Zhi-yi(5-121)
Comparison analysis of premium connection s seal structure………………………………………WANG Jian-dong,FENG Yao-rong,LIN Kai,Q IN Chang-yi,SONG Yan-peng(5-126)
Calculation of oil flow electrification current in pipeline …………………………………WANG Ju-fen,M ENG Hao-long(5-131)
Temperature drop calculation in hotwaxy crude pipeline during shutdown……………………………………………………………………LIU Gang,ZHANG Guo-zhong,ZHANG Yuan-yuan(5-136)
Optimization of gas detection and ala rm instrument networks at gas gathering station based on CFD…………………………………………………………ZHANG Bo,CHEN Guo-m ing,GONG Jin-hai,WANG Yong(5-141)
Numerical simulation of solid-liquid two-phase flow mechanism in disc pump with radial straight blade………………………………………………………………ZHOU Chang-jing,CHEN Guo-m ing,XU Chang-hang(5-147)
Design and application ofmultifunction tectophysics simulating apparatus……………………………………………………………………YANG Lei,REN Xu-hu,Q I Yao-guang,LIU Xin-fu(5-152)
Application of local projection method for noise reduction to fault diagnosis of reciprocating compressor……………………………………………………………………………DUAN Li-xiang,ZHANG Lai-bin,LI Feng(6-104)
Application of grey decision to atmospheric-vacuum distillation unit exchangers rebuilding………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Zheng-fang,WANG Yong(6-109)
Prediction model of pulling loads in horizontal directional drilling installations and its characteristic parameter sensitivity analysis………………………………………………………………CA ILiang-xue,HE Li-m in,WANG Xin,XUE Zhen-xing(6-114)
Strength analysis of rack and pinion of jack-up platform by finite elementmethod………………………………………………………………………CAO Yu-guang,ZHANG Q ing,ZHANG Shi-hua(6-120)
Evalution of formation stability in heavy oil reservoir of steam injection thermal production……………………………………………………………………………SUN Feng,TONG Xing-hua,XUE Shi-feng(6-125)
Nonlinear dynamics analysis and simulation of bending drill-strings in kick-off section……………………………………………………YI Peng,LIU Yan-cong,SHI Yong-jun,GUO Xin,REN Hong-wei(6-129)
Removal of dissolved organic matter(1-DOM)and turbidity by poly-silicon-ferric sulfate ………FU Ying,GAO Bao-yu(1-134)
Colloidal stability of atmospheric residue hydrotreating production…………………………………YU Shuang-lin,SHAN Hong-hong,ZHANG Long-li,SUN Yu-dong,YANG Chao-he(1-139)
Absorption thermodynamics behavior ofVO-OEP on modified kaolinite………………………………LIU Zhang-yong,ZHANG Yu-zhen,ZHANG Xiao-ying,LIU Guang-xuan,LIU Dong(1-144)
Influencing factors of delayed cross-linking system in deep profile control………………DA I Cai-li,ZHAO Juan,JIANG Han-qiao,WANG Lu-shan,JIN Yan-xin,LÜXin-rui,ZHAO Fu-lin(1-149)
Working perfo rmance of rough-cut cyclone in FCC separator………………………………………LIU Shu-xian,SUN Guo-gang,XUE Shu-lin,CHEN Jian-yi,SHIM ing-xian(1-153)
Hydrolysis and hydrocarbon generation ofmixed fatty acid esters catalyzed by naturalminerals………………………………………………ZHANG Zai-long,ZHANG Yi,ZHANG Hui,MA Shu-jie,LI Xiao-xia(2-136)
Amine solutions absorbing carbon dioxide based on methods of potentiometry and pH………………………………………YANG Xiang-ping,LU Shi-jian,GAO Zhong-feng,LI Q ing-fang,ZHANG Jian(2-140)
Dispersion property of sulfomethyl phenol formaldehyde resin in water…………………………………LIM ing-yuan,GUO Ya-m ei,HE Hui-zong,LIN M ei-qin,PENG Bo,GUO Ji-xiang(2-145)
Acid treatment de-ashing of Huadian oil shale ………………BA I Jing-ru,WANG Q ing,W EI Yan-zhen,GUAN Xiao-hui(2-150)
Leachability of phenolic components from asphalt and its composition………………………………………………………CA I Hong-m ei,W EI Jian-m ing,WANG Peng,ZHANG Yu-zhen(2-154)
Removal of chlorides in naphtha using active carbon……………………………………………NAN Guo-zhi,FAN W ei-yu(2-159)
Effects of reaction temperature on reactions between 1-hexene and H2S overN iMoS/γ-Al2O3……………………………………………………………SI Xi-qiang,XIA Dao-hong,XIANG Yu-zhi,ZHOU Yu-lu(3-134)
Comparison and analysis on gasoline olefin reduction performance ofMCM-22/MCM-41 and ZS M-5/MCM-41 composite molecular sieves… ……………JIDe-kun,L I Shu-yuan,D ING Fu-chen,CHI Yao-ling,YI Yu-feng,ZHAO Ru-song(3-140)
Numerical simulation on gas-solid flow and coke burning in FCC regenerator…………………………………………………………ZHENG Xiao-jun,GAO Jin-sen,ZHANG Pu,XU Chun-m ing(3-146)
Exper imental evaluation of inhibition perfo rmance and inhibition mechani sm analysis of amino acid inhibitors…………………………………………ZHANG Jun,YAN You-guo,REN Zhen-jia,HU Song-qing,Q IAO Gui-m in(3-152)
Influence of Si-Fe mol ratio on coagulation behavior of Si-Fe complex coagulant and its influence mechani sm…………………………………………………………………………………………………FU Ying,GAO Bao-yu(3-157)
Influence of catalytic aquathermolysis onζpotential of heavy oil asphaltenes …YI Yu-feng,LI Shu-yuan,D ING Fu-chen(4-146)
Preparation and properties ofmicro-emulsified diesel……………………………………CAO Jian-xi,LUO Li-wen,DONG Song-xiang,GAO Zhong-feng,XU Chun-m ing(4-152)
Influence of immobilization on perfo rmance of diesel biodesulfurizing bacterium UP-1………………………………………………HOU Ying-fei,WANG Zeng-lin,ZHANG Jian,GUO N ing,KONG Ying(4-157)
Exper iment on invert emulsion viscosity reducing transportation forDongxin heavy oil …………KOU Jie,XIAO Rong-ge(4-162)
Performance experiment on thermal thixotropic system for deep channeling plugging in steam huff and puffwells…………………………………DA I Cai-li,JIW en-juan,JIANG Han-qiao,ZHAO Fu-lin,JI Cheng-wei,Q IN Tao(4-167)
Preparation of a novel self-bonding lost circulation agent … …………………………LÜKai-he,Q IU Zheng-song,HE Lei(4-172)
Molecular dynamics simulation on adsorption behavior of 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-alkyl-imidazoline corrosion inhibitor at Fe surface……………………………ZHANG Jun,JIANG Juan-juan,REN Zhen-jia,YU W ei-zhao,YU Li-jun,Q IAO Gui-m in(5-159)
Thermal analysis hydrodynamics study on FeS ………………………………………ZHAO Sheng-ping,JIANG Jun-cheng(5-164)
Formation mechanism of gathering flocculate in crude oil and treatment techniques…………………………SUN Sang-dun,JIANG Guan-cheng,XIE Shui-xiang,DENG Hao,WANG Rong-sha,et al(5-168)
Distribution,composition and structure of naphthenic acid in Bohai crude oil………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Zhen,HU Fang-fang,ZHANG Yu-zhen(5-174)
Preparation and characterization ofwater-based Fe3O4magnetic fluid by reverse titration coprecipitation method……………………………JIANG Cui-yu,SONG Hao,SONG Lin-hua,SONG Guang-wei,GENG Yi,WANG Yu-xin(6-136)
Photo-catalysis oxidation ofDagang vacuum residue………………………………………WANG Yan-qiu,ZHOU Li-xue,W EI Xian-yong,ZHAO Suo-qi,BAO X iao-jun(6-141)
Removal of naphthenic acids from high acid crude oil through catalytic esterification on zinc-aluminum hydrotalcite-like compounds…………………………………………………HUAGN Yan-zhao,ZHU Jian-hua,WANG Yan-yan,WU Ben-cheng(6-147)
Study on decompression and augmented injection by surfactants during hydrophobically associating polymer flooding in BohaiOilfield…………………………WANG Ye-fei,YU Hai-yang,ZHANG Jian,LI Xian-jie,CHEN W u-hua,WANG Suo-liang(6-151)
Association property analysis of hydrophobic associating polymers for oil displacement in DaqingOilfield using fluorescence probe method …………M ENG Ling-wei,KANGW an-li,FAN Hai-m ing,W EI Xin-yan,WU Xiao-yan(6-157)
Growth kinetics of biofouling in recirculated water and its control………………………………………………………MA Tao,ZHAO Chao-cheng,LIU Fang,ZHANG Pei,XIA Lu(6-161)
Performance diagnosis ofmodel predictive controller based on eigenvector subspace distance………………………………………………………………………………………TIAN Xue-m in,CHEN Gong-quan(1-160)
Construction and application of risk rating and rankingmodel for international oil and gas exploration&production projects………………………………………………………………ZHAO Dong,WANG Zhen,ZHAO Lin,L IU M ing-m ing(1-164)
Two-stage dynamic game-pricingmodel for natural gas pipeline transportation……………………………………………………………………………SI Jiang-wei,CHEN Yue-xuan,D ING Hao(1-170)
Relationship of three methods formeasuring numerical linear dependence of vectors ………ZHANG Hua-ren,L IW ei-guo(1-175)
Noether-Mei symmetry of nonholonomic systemswith servoconstraints………………………………………………WANG Xiao-m ing,L I Yuan-cheng,ZHANG Pei-ling,JING Hong-xing(2-163)
Growth of solutions of some non-homogeneous differential equations………………………………………………………LÜW ei-ran,WANG Jun-ling,CHEN Yuan-sheng,LI Xiao-jing(2-166)
On the second largest eigenvalue of trees………………………………………………TAN Shang-wang,JIANG Jing-jing(2-169)
Correction algorithm of random phase shifting errors in phase measuring profilometry based on simulated annealing…………………………………………………………………………………………REN Xu-hu,YANG Lei,QU Bo(3-162)
Fault detection method based on multi-variable sequential probability ratio test ofUnscented Kalman filter innovation…………………………………………………………………………………………CAO Yu-ping,TIAN Xue-m in(3-165)
Symmetry reduction and some new soliton-like solutions of(2+1)-dimensional Calogero-Bogoyavlenskii-Schiff equation……………………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHI Hong-yan(3-170)
A higher-order convergence method for solving univariate and unconstrained optimization problems……………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Hua-ren,L IW ei-guo(3-174)
A class of gradient algorithmswith variable learning rates and convergence analysis for feedfo rward neural ne tworks training…………………………………………………………………………………………SHAO Hong-mei,AN Feng-xian(4-176)
Quantum entanglement in ideal noninteracting Fermi gas system with multiple degrees of freedom ……CHEN Dong-m eng(4-179)
Two directional two d imensional direct linear discriminant analysis for facial expression recognition…………………………………………………………………………ZHENG Q iu-m ei,LÜXing-hui,SHI Gong-xi(5-179)
Markov chain and oil import opportunity decision…………………………………………ZHANG Chuan-ping,CHEN Hong-jie,YAN Xue-ping,ZHAO Rui-rui,et al(5-183)
Application of ensemble Kalman filter in nonlinear reservoir problem …………WANG Yu-dou,LI Gao-m ing,LIM ao-hui(5-188)
Natural gas pipeline integration research based on Cournotmodel…………………………………DONG X iu-cheng,ZHOU Zhong-bing,LI Jun-chen,TONG Jin-hui,YIN Hai-tong(6-168)
Adaptive particle swa rm opt imization algorithm with dynamic acceleration factor……………………………………………………………………………CHEN Hua,FAN Yi-ren,DENG Shao-gui(6-173)
Magnetic fields and temperature dependences of ground state energy ofmagnetopolaron in quantum rod…………………………………………………………………………………Eerdunchaolu,W uyunqimuge,Baorim a(6-177)
Consolidated frame for fractal and generalized fractal space and limit of sequence of generalized fractals ……SHEN Chen(6-181)