

重庆与世界 2010年2期










1968.09--1974.09 上海焦化厂焦炉车间工人

1974.09--1977.09 上海机械学院仪器仪表系自动化仪表专业学习

1977.09--1983.07 上海焦化厂设备科技术员、助理工程师、工程师

1983.07--1983.12 上海焦化厂副厂长

1983.12--1984.04 上海市委整党办公室联络员

1984.04--1987.01 上海市经委综合规划室副主任

1987.01--1990.06 上海市经济信息中心主任(副局级,1988.09获副研究员职称)

1990.06--1993.01 上海市浦东开发办公室副主任

1993.01--1994.09 上海市浦东新区管委会副主任(1993.12明确为正局级,获研究员职称(1988.12--1993.09 上海市第六届青年联合会副主席)

1994.09--1995.04 上海市委副秘书长兼市委研究室主任

1995.04--1995.07 上海市委副秘书长(1994.10--1995.05 借调中央办公厅工作)

1995.07--1996.03 上海市委副秘书长,市政府副秘书长

1996.03--1998.04 上海市委副秘书长,市政府副秘书长,市体改委副主任

1998.04--2001.10 上海市政府副秘书长,市经委主任,市工业工作党委副书记(1998.02--1999.12 中欧国际工商学院在职高层管理人员工商管理硕士课程班学习,获工商管理硕士学位)

2001.10--2002.05 重庆市政府副市长、党组成员

2002.05--2009.11 重庆市委常委,市政府副市长、党组成员,2002.10市政府党组副书记,2003.07兼重庆行政学院院长,2003.09兼市国有资产监督管理委员会党委书记

2009.11--2009.12 重庆市委副书记,市政府副市长、党组副书记,重庆行政学院院长(兼),市国有资产监督管理委员会党委书记(兼)

2009.12--2010.01 重庆市委副书记,市政府代市长、党组书记,重庆行政学院院长(兼),市国有资产监督管理委员会党委书记(兼)

2010.01– 重庆市委副书记,市政府市长、党组书记,重庆行政学院院长(兼),市国有资产监督管理委员会党委书记(兼)


Huang Qifan was Elected Mayor of Chongqing Municipal People's Government

January 26, the third session of the third NPC of Chongqing Municipal People's Congress held its third plenary meeting to elect Huang Qifan Mayor of Chongqing Municipal People's Government. After Huang Qifan was elected mayor, he gave a new warm speech. He said, I should be like a Huangge tree that is from Chongqing, Chongqing's future will be fuller of vigor and vitality.

"As a mayor, I will be overcoming difficulties and forging ahead with my comrades, to promote the rise of Chongqing with innovative and practical ideas, to speed up the revitalization of Chongqing with the indomitable spirit and make great efforts to complete the sacred mission that all representatives have entrusted to us." Huang Qifan promised to the delegates that he will abide by four basic maxims in the future work:

First, straighten the position, firmly implement the Party Central Committee and State Council's principles and policies, adhere to the leadership of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee and abide by the laws and regulations, and consciously accept the supervision and the work of the people's congress supervision law, unswervingly implement the Municipal People's Congress and its Standing Committee decisions, resolutions.

Second, work diligently for the people, adhere tothe development requirements of scientific concept,and always bear in mind the party's aim of serving the people wholeheartedly.

Third, according to the request of "314" overall deployment and the National Development No.3 document, work closely around the overall situation of Chongqing's Committee, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of various departments of municipalities and the various districts and counties. Focus on development, give prominence to five Chongqing, co-coordinating urban and rural areas, inland open, in-depth reform, revival districts and counties to improve people's livelihood and strive to build Chongqing into a "pioneer soldier" of new round of western development.

Fourth, bearing in mind the two musts of setting a good example and hard work, ensure the integrity of the administrative organs, mistakes must be corrected.

"I love the mountains and rivers in Chongqing and I would like to be a tree rooted in Chongqing. I firmly believe that with the deep concern of CPC Central Committee and the State Council, with the strong leadership of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee, with the trust of representatives, with the support and participation of community, with all the efforts of all people, me and my colleagues in the municipal government will turn in a satisfactory answer for Chongqing people."

