安迪·福特/Andy Ford
1. 低能耗设计和英国新型“零碳”建筑的推动作用
在1990年代发生的经济衰退期间,按照我们的工程设计理念在东安格利亚大学(University of East Anglia,UEA)修建了一系列的低能耗建筑,其中的伊丽莎白教学楼是最新的一座,业主是一所拥有现代化校园的大学,该大学计划进行扩建,旨在解决英国公共政策带来的学生人数大幅增长的问题。
在修建伊丽莎白教学楼时,我们努力使这项政策的实施达到新高度,使这一建筑能够成为低能耗设计的代表作。这栋建筑的面积并不太大(仅3 500m2),尽管其设计具有创新理念,但建筑的原则实际上颇为简单,即修建一栋坚固耐用的建筑。建筑设计工作由约翰·米勒及合伙人设计事务所(John Miller and Partners)担当,设计中特别注意了保证设计各个方面(技术和美学方面)的协调一致,从而达到了预期的效果(即修建一栋既美观又实用的低能耗建筑)。
2 住户满意度调查结果——住户对大厦的健康、管理和控制策略均表示满意/Results from the occupant satisfaction survey: Occupant satisfaction with the building’s health, management and control strategies
3 住户满意度调查结果——伊丽莎白教学楼建筑的舒适条件,总体满意/Results from the occupant satisfaction survey: Overall satisfaction with comfort conditions at the Elizabeth Fry Building
对于温度控制,我们采用了现在气候控制方面被广泛应用的建筑结构热块( Building Thermal Mass)方法,利用大楼外露吸热材料白天和夜晚的温度变化,均衡温度起伏。通常情况下,该方法需要拆除吊顶,使楼板中的吸热材料充分暴露在空气以及房间使用者的周围,使这些吸热材料在白天温度达到峰值的时候能吸收热量,然后在晚上房间中无人的时候使房间中的空气流通,从而将积蓄的热量从建筑物中排出去。这种方法效果很好,但是对于伊丽莎白教学楼而言,在整个夏天,大楼内部正常预期积蓄的热量过多,因此不可避免地,大楼内的温度还是过高。
其他可控的热增量来自于建筑物的传导以及空气向质量较差的建筑物渗入而造成的室外向室内的热传递(尽管英国的气候较温和,但在冬天热传递仍然是个颇受关注的问题)。我们特别注意从更高水平进行外表隔热(墙体导热系数为0.2 W/m2K)并完全消除冷桥,这些冷桥在U值升高时会成为重大问题。设计阶段也同样强调了气密性的重要,就此我们采用了专家EAA的大卫·奥利弗的意见。气密性的设计目标定为气压为50Pa时每小时换气次数为1次,并且英国建筑服务研究与信息协会(BSRIA)于1994年11月首次用Fan Rover(一种气密试验工具)对伊丽莎白教学楼进行气压试验时,每小换气次数为0.97ac/h(等于气压为50Pa时每平方米每小时换气量为4.2m3,图4)。
4 记录在BRE/ BSRIA数据库的伊丽莎白教学楼空气泄漏量/The air leakage rate of the Elizabeth Fry Building plotted on the BRE/BSRIA database.
5 探析研究中显示的CO2排放量和用电量数据/CO2emissions and electricity consumption data in PROBE Studies
6 通风结构水泥板系统/TermoDeck slab
在布莱顿图书馆头3层的三面布置办公区域,第4层为全玻璃幕墙,面向城市广场。建筑物的平面呈矩形,主要两层的中央区域用作图书馆,面积约为5 000m2。
7 英国布莱顿图书馆/The Jubilee Library in Brighton, UK
8 图书馆由3个楼层的办公室、阅读区及计算机房组成,围绕著2层图书馆大厅/The Library is composed of three floors of office accommodation, reading areas and computer rooms, all surrounding the two-storey library hall.
2. 新政策驱动
在英国,《建筑规范》第L部分(主要讲及燃料和能源保存) 在2006年进行了调整,建筑物的预计CO2排放量和CO2目标排放率(TER)的计算被纳入为关键指标之一。重大政策的驱动才刚刚开始,目标是设法通过建筑环境实现显著减排。
3. 实现零碳目标
·发展区外通过可再生能源发电的 “直接物理连接”;
4. 2010年《建筑规范》的修改
5. 对政策的回应
9 零碳层次的允许解决方案/Zero carbon hierarchy-allowable solutions
6. 公共和私营部门的推动作用
7. 学习英国的经验
8. 展望未来
10英国首次使用 ATES (季节性能源储存) 的Westway Beacons,为廉价住房开发上提供质量和可持续性新的基准/Westway Beacons- First UK application of ATES (Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage),setting new benchmarks in quality and sustainability for affordable housing developments
[1] www.useablebuildings.com
[2] PFI是一种采购模式。在这种模式下,公用建筑物的设计和施工是以招标的形式委托给私营承包商,并同时签署一份为期25年的运营合约。这一筹资机制要求进行“尽职调查”。同时,设计的稳健性也必须能令同行的设计团队所折服。
[3] 1年内房屋所有能耗产生的碳净排放量将为零。
[4] http://www.communities.gov.uk/planningandbuilding/buildingregulations/legislation/codesustainable/
[5] 印花税、土地税减免
[6] 英国绿色建筑委员会(GBC)“零碳工程”定义。
[7] http://www.bre.co.uk/sap2009/page.jsp?id=1642
[8] http://www.communities.gov.uk/publications/planningandbuilding/partlf2010consultation
[9] 《建筑物规范》的第L部分讨论了节约燃料和电力。
[10] 原定于2010年4月生效,但是现已延迟。预计将于2010年10月生效。
[11] 时间表
Whilst every country is unique in terms of its climate, culture and economy, the global drive to reduce carbon emissions has, in the UK, led to some particular policy decisions which should provide interesting lessons for other countries around the world. Being aware of the UK experience should help policy-makers, architects, engineers and clients in other countries respond more effectively to the challenges of transitioning to sustainable development.
Fulcrum Consulting has been helping design teams deliver low-energy buildings through integrated environmental engineering design for more than 25 years. In that period we have helped deliver many examples, several of which stand out as seminal steps.This paper looks back at these key examples, examines more recent work, and discusses the impact of recent Government policy interventions pushing the industry to deliver “zero carbon” buildings as standard within the next 10 years.
1. Low energy design and the impact of the push for“zero carbon”new buildings in the UK
Two significant innovative buildings:-
1.1 Elizabeth Fry Building (Fig.1)
The Elizabeth Fry Building at the University of East Anglia (UEA) was the last of a series of low energy buildings that were constructed to our engineering designs at the UEA during the last recession in the 1990’s. The client was a modern campus university with a plan to expand in order to cope with a significant increase in student numbers driven by public policy.
The UEA were able to view the buildings as a longterm investment and, as a result, were interested in taking a“whole life cycle”approach to analysing options for development. When viewed in this way,low energy buildings show a clear benefit.
Initially two low energy blocks of student accommodation were completed with Rick Mather Architects; these worked well, delivering reduced running costs and significant free publicity for the university. This successfully demonstrated that the technological challenges of building to very high standards were novel, but achievable. Furthermore,that it could be done without increased cost, and by mainstream builders who had not previously been required to deliver this in their contracts provided that they were given detailed design guidance and knowledgeable on site supervision. As a result the university adopted a low energy design policy for all future buildings which endures to this day and has even been expanded to include retrofitting earlier buildings in order to make them more energy efficient.
The Elizabeth Fry Building sought to take the implementation of this policy to a new level, delivering an icon of low energy design. The building is not particularly large (3 500m2), and although the design highly innovative, it actually relies on relatively simple principles, making it very robust. The architectural design was undertaken by John Miller and Partners,but care was taken to ensure all aspects of the design(technical and aesthetic) worked in harmony to deliver the intended outcomes (namely an attractive, useful,low energy building).
The building is a teaching building containing four 100 seat capacity lecture theatres, a floor of seminar / teaching rooms and two floors of individual office and staff support services including a dining facility and commercial kitchen. All the teaching accommodation was anticipated to be heavily used as it was centrally bookable by the whole university.Traditional design analysis would suggest large amounts of cooling was required for such a building,even in the temperate UK climate; but the university was adamant that it should not provide air conditioning for student buildings. Responding to this brief required us to push the limits of our building physics knowledge in order to deliver a comfortable building within non-AC cost guidelines that was also low energy. Happily it worked (Fig.2,3).
For temperature control we followed the now widely understood approach in climates which exhibit day to night temperature variability of exposing the thermal mass of the building to even out fluctuations.Typically this involves omitting false ceilings to allow the thermal mass of the slab to be fully exposed to the air and occupants within the space so it can absorb heat during daytime peaks then ventilating the space during the night in unoccupied hours to remove the stored heat from the building. This approach works well but, in the case of Elizabeth Fry, the normal predicted internal gains were too high to prevent overheating entirely in summer.
There were two approaches to solving this:
⑴Reduce thermal gains
Reducing the thermal loads through detailed design of the building fabric involves understanding what contributes to them, then looking in detail to see how to reduce each contributing factor in a robust and cost-effective way.
For non-domestic buildings such as Elizabeth Fry,solar gain is a major issue. It was therefore important to work with the architect in order to optimise the glazing area while providing suitable shading, in this case by specifying 2+1 triple-glazed Scandinavian windows which include a venetian blind in the ventilated outer cavity. This approach was taken at the time, because the insulating and solar control properties of triple-glazed were far superior to the commercially available double-glazed units that were available and it’s a robust, cheap and highly controllable way of providing shading.
The other controllable gains are caused by heat transferred from outside due to conduction through the fabric and air infiltration through poorly constructed fabric (although in the UK climate this is usually more of a concern in winter). Extreme care was taken to insulate externally to a high level (0.2 W/m2K for walls)and completely eliminate cold bridges which become a significant issue as U values improve. Air tightness was addressed with equal thoroughness at design stage and a specialist air tightness consultant (David Olivier of EAA) was employed. A design target of 1 air change per hour at 50Pa was imposed and when the Elizabeth Fry Building was initially pressure tested by the BSRIA Fan Rover in December 1994 it achieved 0.97ac/h(equivalent to 4.2m3/h/m2@ 50Pa, Fig.4).
Internally we maximised useful and controllable daylight and installed high efficiency lighting and controls. The heat gains from the small power and ICT were mostly outside of the design team’s control at design stage as they relate directly to the way the building is used and managed. Plant was designed with low velocities and occupancy sensing to minimise energy need for fans and pumps.
⑵Removing heat from the thermal mass:
In addition to reducing the heat gains where possible, removing heat more effectively from the slab so that it was able to be cooler for longer would further help reduce the cooling demand. In this case as engineers we proposed to use an approach first explored in Sweden, circulating fresh air through the precast floor slab to directly control the slab temperature before discharging it into the room to provide ventilation. Taking advantage of hollow cores in a precast unit, originally introduced in order to minimise weight and material content, the cores are used as ventilation ducts. By passing the air through the slab the cool supply-air absorbs heat from the slab and enters the room at close to ambient temperature,passing through the building to ventilate it before being exhausted to outside.
In winter heating is delivered in exactly the same way using a highly efficient (>90%) heat recovery unit to recover heat from the exhaust air.
Finally, as part of the strategic approach to delivering a genuinely low energy building, a 2 year post-occupancy monitoring and evaluation program was instigated. This began with a lecture by the design team to the incoming users and briefing of the university’s Facilities Management department.Regular end-of-season performance review meetings were held with the building monitoring contractor,control suppliers, Architects, Building Services Engineers and Facilities Managers. The meetings were used to track and solve a number of issues which did not significantly affect comfort levels but did impact on the energy use. Control set points were adjusted and a simplified control approach introduced to moderate the slab temperature directly; over this period of fine-tuning the heating energy-use was halved.
At the end of the 2 year period an external postoccupancy study was carried out as part of a Government program which looked both at energy use and occupant satisfaction[1]. The report summarised conditions thus:
“Elizabeth Fry stands out in achieving exceptional conditions across a wide variety of key criteria. On overall comfort, winter and summer air quality and lighting, the occupancy scores are the highest in the Building Use Studies (BUS) dataset. In all other criteria Elizabeth Fry comes in the top 20%. It is only the second building in the PROBE studies (Fig.5) to achieve better overall comfort in summer than winter”.
This experience of Elizabeth Fry identified two key strategic possibilities which become a core approach to building design:
“Whole building ventilation”-this philosophy uses the corridors and circulation spaces as part of the return air path to minimise pressure losses and maximise use of“fresh”air.
“Balance gains and losses”-by designing both the systems and building as two parts of a single system, working in tandem. Using a ventilated slab as the heat emitter and absorber in the case of Elizabeth Fry allowed sufficient load balance to remove the need for a distributed heating system completely and successfully. This approach has since been widely demonstrated in the PassivHaus approach developed in Germany. Despite this, and the example of Elizabeth Fry, the idea of such buildings operating without a distributed heating system is widely considered impossible in the UK (Fig.6).
Using the very large surface area of the ceiling as a heating and cooling surface, correctly combined with a restricted heating demand, means that the temperature of the slab need only be 23℃ (maximum)when the external temperature is -4℃. Conversely, in summer, slab temperatures of just 19-20℃ can provide effective comfort cooling. Because the thermal mass responds slowly to temperature change it helps to provide a more comfortable environment for occupants.For example, in winter if the slab is at 21℃ and a opened door allows a rush of cold air, the slab will act as a heat emitter and help to bring the temperature back up-topped-up if necessary by heat transferred from the exhaust air. Equally, if there was a sudden influx of people in the room, the slab would help to absorb the heat, providing cooling. The building fabric effectively becomes a buffer, or moderator, and the structure is the ventilation system. However, in order for this to work properly the building design needs to allow for the slab to work in this way. All actors in the design team need to work in close collaboration from the earliest possible stage, particularly the architectural and engineering consultants. Architecture needs to work hand-in-hand with engineering design,informed by building physics, so that every part of the buildings works as part of a single coherent system. If done properly it is possible to create a building that is beautiful both in form and function.
1.2 Brighton Library:
A decade later we designed Brighton Library (Fig.7,8) with Bennetts Associates Architects. From day one the intention of the design was to show to a sceptical world that beauty and sustainable, low energy building design could be delivered in the harshest of contractual environments - The Private Finance Initiative (PFI)[2].
Brighton Library was based on the philosophy derived from the Elizabeth Fry building and utilised the previously described concepts of :
·Whole building ventilation
·Balanced gains and Losses
As well as introducing a“Controlled Edge”. A new concept which essentially stretches the original idea of circulation space ventilation, in that only a narrow strip near the outside of the building is actively controlled.
In Brighton Library, three sides are occupied office areas over three stories, and the fourth is a fully glazed facade fronting an urban square. The building is rectangular in plan and the main two storey central area of around 5000m2creates the Library space.
The engineering approach was to utilise ventilated precast slab construction on three sides, similar to the Elizabeth Fry concept, but in this case the ventilated slab becomes a massive displacement ventilation system for the central library zone. This is the only environmental control in the entire central space.
To ensure this works the Mezzanine floor is designed and constructed as a huge concrete table on thermally massive concrete columns and the space is designed so that air flows around the structure. The thermal control is again the exposed thermal mass of the concrete isolated from the external environment by the“Controlled Edge”.
To take the idea of utilising the building as part of the air circulation both for comfort and to minimise fan energy the return air path in winter is from above the south facing glazed facade, picking up surplus solar gain. The whole roof above is a plant room and return air plenum containing high efficiency heat recovery air handling plant which delivers air to the ventilated slabs.
In Summer the air is ventilated directly out at high level through“ventilation chimneys”which are also designed to bring light into the depth of the building. The roof lights are remotely controlled and allow cool air to enter as part of a mixed mode ventilation approach, driven by supply fans to ensure air circulation is predictable. This is particularly important at night when the external air is cooler and falls as a result as it enters through the open rooflights before being circulated by the forced supply, past the thermally massive“concrete table”, cooling the structure before exhausting out of the central“chimneys”.
The ability to design both the architecture and the environmental engineering in this integrated manner is the major difference between now and 1998. In order to understand and predict the performance of the huge“unregulated”space,extensive use was made of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) which was simply not available in the previous decade. This, combined with advances in daylighting simulation software, allowed the creation of spaces that look and feel amazing whilst requiring little active building services, and as such, little energy,to control them. The passive building fabric and form have begun to take on a significant part of the environmental control. This is a process that leading engineering and architectural design companies will take much further in the future.
The building has been a great success with its users and has won many awards including “Prime Minister’s Best Building”and the“PFI Building of the Year”As with the Elizabeth Fry building, there has been a great deal of interest in the building,generating large amounts of free publicity and a continuous stream of visitors from around the world coming specifically to see the buildings. This external interest is a by product of the design teams efforts in integration is a beneficial by product for clients that take innovation to heart.
Brighton Library and Elizabeth Fry are both low energy buildings developed at a time when there was no great prescription about what exactly should be done to deliver low energy-use. While this meant that we had greater freedom to innovate, our design still had to be commercially viable, and we had to be able to prove the long-term value.. The result was innovation and as engineers we have taken these innovations into our mainstream design process and have used them successfully over the years together or in part. Indeed the groundbreaking nature of the innovative approach integrated with independent monitoring has since influenced the evolution of the Building Regulations in this country and much of the fabric requirements championed in them are now legislated for in Building Regulations. Furthermore,the buildings’ in-use performance is similar to or better than many buildings constructed to current Building Regulations, in the case of the Elizabeth Fry,nearly 20 years later.
2. A New Policy Drive
Jumping forward to today, the world is very different. As the world has woken up to the threat posed by climate change, Governments around the world have been trying to decide on the best approach.The Built Environment is the most immediately obvious impact we have on our planet. For people in developed countries, it is also where we spend the vast majority of our lives and therefore it has a significant impact on our mental and physical health. It is also where we use a large amount of the energy we generate resulting in up to 50% of our Greenhouse Gas (GHG). For these reason, the built environment has been an attractive place to make interventions.
In the UK the Part L of the Building Regulations(which deals with the conservation of fuel and power)was restructured in 2006 to include a calculation of a Target CO2Emissions Rate (TER) as one of the critical criteria. This was the beginning of a significant policy drive seeking to achieve significant emissions reductions via the built environment.
Following the restructuring of the Building Regulations, the Minister for Housing and Planning announced that by 2016, all new homes built in England and Wales would need to be ‘zero carbon’. A timeline was announced outlining periodic updates to the Building Regulations:
Table 1: Proposed changes to Building Regulations,taken from“Building a greener future: policy statement”
Date Carbon Improvement as compared to 2006 2010 25%2013 44%2016 True zero carbon[3]
As well as addressing our nation’s responsibility to reduce its national carbon emissions, it was said that the policy would help to address concerns about fuel poverty and rising prices and result in an overall better quality of housing. A voluntary“Code for Sustainable Homes”[4](CSH) was introduced to encourage design teams to consider wider elements of sustainable development. The Code was intended to incentivise competition among early adopters, eager to be able to demonstrate the increased performance of their designs by providing a standardised scale against which they can measure themselves.
3. Achieving Zero Carbon
The“Zero Carbon”policy and Code for Sustainable Homes have definitely captured the collective imagination of the UK construction industry and now businesses regularly rush to flaunt their “green” credentials; from power companies and volume housebuilders to signature architects and product manufacturers. However, as details of the definition have emerged, some problems have arisen. The original definition required that the total annual energy demand of a dwelling be met by microgeneration equipment on or within the curtilage of the dwelling. Despite some early demonstration designs,and tax incentives from the Treasury[5], research by the UK Green Building Council[6](UK-GBC) suggested that such a strict requirement could be technically unfeasible,regardless of additional cost, for anything up to 80% of potential new-build sites. High-density urban sites in particular proved problematic, as a lack of roof-space for PV or Solar Thermal, turbulent wind conditions and concerns about adverse impacts on air quality from burning biomass meant that many sites would struggle to generate enough zero carbon energy to meet their needs.Furthermore, the UK-GBC identified additional benefits that could be realised by encouraging developers to play a greater role in the greening of the wider built environment; helping to deliver much of the generating capacity and facilitating infrastructure needed to engage with the existing stock in order to achieve greater overall emissions reductions. The UK-GBC proposed a hierarchy of interventions, structured so that design teams were incentivised to push the limits of each stage before progressing onto the next level:
Allowable Solutions
·Carbon compliance beyond the minimum standard upto 100% of total energy
·Energy efficient appliances or advanced controls systems
·Exporting LZC heat/cooling to existing properties
·Section 106 Planning Obligations
·Retrofitting EE measures to existing stock
·Investment in LZC energy infrastructure (within UK and with ‘benefits of ownership’ passed to purchaser)
·Off-site renewable electricity via ‘direct physical connection’
·Any other measures that Government might in future announce as being eligible
4. 2010 Changes
The uncertainty deepened as we approached the 2010 update to the Building Regulations, the first step on the Government’s zero carbon timeline.
Shortly after the consultation on the definition of“zero carbon” closed, Government began a consultation on an updated calculation methodology[7], followed by a further consultation on changes to the Building Regulations[8]. Industry had been expecting a 25%improvement over 2006 standards; however, when details of the 2010 Proposals for Part L[9]were released in June of 2009 it began to look as if, once again, the earlier adopters’efforts had been in vain. The proposals laid out in the consultation document contained a number of significant changes which meant that results obtained under the new scheme, were not comparable with the 2006 edition, meaning that the whole 2016 timeline now needed to be reviewed in order to refer to a 2010 baseline,. Furthermore, given that the consultation on the definition of“zero carbon” had already taken place, it meant that industry stakeholders responding to the consultations were not able to respond with a coherent view.
The consultation on the proposed 2010 standards closed in September 2009, but by the end of 2009, no further details had been released about what would be required when the new regulations come into force[10].
5. A company response to policy change
As a first mover in the field of sustainable development, one might expect that Fulcrum would have a considerable advantage in responding to the Government’s drive for“zero carbon”buildings.However the Government’s “zero carbon” initiative has been a bit of a double-edged sword in many ways.On the one hand, sustainability is no longer seen as a niche area and mainstream developers and clients are seeking out our advice, whereas previously only very forward-thinking clients, or those responding to a particular brief, sought out specialist building physics or sustainability advice. Conversely however, we are now constrained by the details of the policy and clients are often (understandably) focused almost entirely on the regulatory requirements, rather than what constitutes a good engineering solution, which can lead to some perverse results. Furthermore, the prescriptive nature of the policies implemented by Government and the confusion caused by the constantly changing definition make it much harder for us to give our clients definitive answers. What is more, so much confusion it makes it harder for design teams to compete fairly and receive recognition for genuine innovations. Ironically, a policy designed stimulate innovation and encourage business to push the boundaries of sustainable design, has actually become a barrier to innovation. Fulcrum have termed this“the policy paradox”.
6. Public VS. Private Push
The experience of the UK inevitably brings up the question of how much impetus should come from Government and how much should be left to the Private sector. Government intervention is crucial in order to ensure that the industry can compete on a level playing field, creating economies of scale as well as investor certainty, and helps to move sustainability from niche to mass-market. Realistically an industry as large and complex as the construction industry, with a product life-cycle measured in decades, is unlikely to be able to respond and adapt spontaneously at the pace that is necessary in order to avoid the worst of climate change without Government legislating as a driving force.However, in the UK the built environment has become a political pawn and technical decisions that will ultimate affect the viability of development are being made without sufficient evidence or understanding of the issues. Industry has been inundated with a slew of consultations, often released in a illogical or unhelpful order, and in some cases, even where there has been strong industry support for an idea (such as the Fund),Government has opted to reject it on Political grounds.At best we face confusion, at worst we are undermining our own efforts to respond to the challenges posed by climate change. Indeed, as we approach the first step in the trajectory toward“zero carbon”[11], there is greater uncertainty than ever, and it is unclear when the industry is likely to be able to make the investment decisions required in order to successfully achieve “zero carbon”.
In short, the UK Government should be applauded for setting bold and ambitious targets and demonstrating the vision to respond to the most pressing issues.However, arguably the detailed technical requirements of the policy should be driven by independent technical experts and based on rigorous research, much the same way as happens for medical issues.
7. Learning from the UK experience
Other countries around the world would do well to study the UK example as it was one of the first countries to announce such a radical policy move; but all countries with aspirations for further development will have to carefully consider how they can achieve this sustainably. Industry in particular, as opposed to Governments, should recognize the opportunities and benefits of establishing an industry-led drive, rather than waiting for Government to legislate. Most Governments like to be able to make decisive announcements, and often assume that waiting for the results of research or testing will be perceived as an admission that the Government doesn’t know what to do. In other industries this has led to privatesector leadership in order to demonstrate to Government that industry is shouldering its share of the burden while feeding Government ready-formed policy, based on established best practice. However,the construction industry is often way behind other industries in terms of understanding the performance of its end product. With a complex and fragmented value chain, co-ordinating industry leadership can be difficult, but it should still be preferable to allowing good intentions to be tripped up by vested interests and unnecessary complication.
8. Future gazing
The Built Environment encompasses more than just the construction industry, overlapping into strategic infrastructure provision, most notably the generation, distribution and supply of energy. The experience in the UK has taught us that a truly integrated approach is required, regardless of traditional sectoral or departmental delineation (within industry or Government). This is required not just because it will help us tackle the challenges we face,but because it will help us do so in a cost-effective manner.
It is always much easier to influence an idea during its formation, than after its proclamation. While it is often difficult for industry to take the long-view,the UK experience suggests that ignoring these issues will result in significant additional effort in the future,trying to rectify ill-conceived policy which may already have gained political and public support. Conversely,pre-emptive research and innovation will position your organization to respond more effectively when legislation is implemented. Whether this means responding directly to Government regarding the policies, responding to clients who need to be informed about the policies, or making business decisions on how your company should react.
Mott MacDonald Fulcrum’s early experiences,before the policy drive began in the UK, suggested that with a little care and creativity, low-energy buildings could be an attractive commercial option.Furthermore, the additional benefits that can be realised in the longer-term, in terms of energy security and responding to social issues, should make for an exciting future for those with the foresight to think and act now. □
[1] Full details of this PROBE study are available from www.useablebuildings.com
[2] The Private Finance Initiative (PFI) is a procurement method where the design and construction of public buildings are tendered to a private contractor, along with a contract to operate the building for 25 years.Due to the funding mechanism ‘due diligence’is required and a separate duplicate design team must be convinced of the robustness of designs
[3] Over a year, the net carbon emissions from all energy use in the home would be zero.
[5] Stamp Duty Land Tax Relief
[6] UK-GBC Definition of Zero Carbon work
[7] http://www.bre.co.uk/sap2009/page.jsp?id=1642[8] http://www.communities.gov.uk/publications/planningandbuilding/partlf2010consultation
[9] Part L of the Building Regulations deals with the“Conservation of Fuel and Power”
[10] Originally scheduled for April 2010, but then delayed and now expected to come into force October 2010
[11] Table showing timeline