携手合作 探索人与水可持续的未来


地理教学 2010年20期

联合国教科文组织 Jayakumar Ramasamy博士






自然科学处 联合国教科文组织 北京办公室

Message to the Shangri-la Institute

All lives on earth depend on water.As a precious kind of natural resources, water is not only the essence of ecosystem, but also indispensible for the survival and development of human society.Out of the world’s total water stock, freshwater accessible to humans beings counts for only a small part (0.5%).With such a ratio,freshwater resources bear the vital responsibilities to feed a world of accelerated population growth, industrialization and urbanization development.Increasingly, it has been the lifeline supporting sustained modern prosperity.Unfortunately, survival of the lifeline is being threatened by challenges such as climate change and water pollution,the creation of which has been ironically attributed to the activities of human beings.This has given a picture where humans, in certain extent, are jeopardizing sustainability of survival and development of their own.

China, as one of the largest developing countries in the world, has reached enormous economic success in the past decades.At the same time of celebrating the economic success, environmental costs, especially those in regards to water saving and protection, have emerged as well in the same course.Per capita water resources in China is 2,300 cubic meters--only a forth of the world’s average level.Moreover, water pollution and climate change are bringing a trend of reduction for the limited availability.With a tight water budget, it is urgent for China to improve water use efficiencies, continue to reduce the amount of water pollution, while explore sound adaptation strategies of water resources to climate change.Saving and protection of water resources has become necessary for sustainable development in China.

To change the picture, we are glad to notice firm commitment of the Chinese government.It is to our knowledge that huge amount of government fund has been invested to provide and safeguard safe drinking water for all, and particularly those in the remote poor rural areas.Researches on science and technology for improved water efficiency have taken a prioritized position in national research institutes and universities.Public campaigns have been launched in hopes of improving awareness of citizens on the close link between man and water, and market approach has been piloted between regions and provinces on the transaction of water rights.

As a UN technical agency with specialized expertise on education and water sciences, UNESCO is privileged to be with the Chinese government for its entire efforts.Plus,what makes us particularly proud is that, UNESCO, in partnership with the Ministry of Education, Shangri-la Institute and other stakeholders, has managed to develop water education programme in the Yangtze River basin.Targets of this programme are the youth who are leaders of the future.Our knowledge, efforts, and experiences for water saving and protection will be greatly undermined if the spirit is not passed to the next generations.More important, it is also our duty to call up and continuously strengthen among the youth the sense of ownership for a world where man and water live harmoniously but not in troubles.We believe it is these ideas that turn the project even more meaningful not only for the youth in Yangtze,but also for China, and perhaps the world sharing the same task of sustainable development.

Over the past years, UNESCO has dedicated itself to the programme, promoting its profile upon multi-lateral tracks such as the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD), and the Decade of Water for Life.Nevertheless, all such efforts will not belie the professionalism, commitment and hard works of Shangri- la Institute (with leadership of Mme.LIU Yun Hua).All these have been fundamental for marvelous success of the water education programme, without which we are not able to gather here.At this time of congratulations,we would also like to commit again our whole hearted support for the continuous success of this project.Please be assured UNESCO would remain at your side, providing all necessary supports.It would be to our best pleasure that we could continue our cooperation to explore together a sustainable future between man and water.

Natural Sciences Sector

UNESCO Office Beijing

