误译:The appeal made by the veteran footballer for attacking the false ball won support from his fans.
正译:The appeal made by the veteran footballer for attacking match- fixing won support from his fans.
解释:“假球”的意思是球赛造假,用违法手段操纵比赛结果,是一种违法行为,而不是“假的球”,不能字对字译为false ball。“假球”,英语可以译为match-fixing, match rigging, rigged match, rigged ballgame, football fraud, soccer fraud。例1:在过去几个月里,一些官员、足球球员和俱乐部经理因涉嫌假球或赌球而被拘留或逮捕。A number of officials, football players and club managers have been arrested or detained in the past few months on suspicion of football match-fixing or gambling.
“赌球”的意思是以足球、篮球等比赛结果进行赌博的行为。英语可以译为ballgame betting, betting, gambling。例2:湖南省警方最近追查到3个通过互联网组织足球赌球的犯罪团伙。Police in Hunan Province have recently tracked down three criminal groups that organized betting on soccer via the internet.
“黑哨”的第一个意思是裁判员收受贿赂或受人指使违反公平性原则的行为。英语可以译为referee cheating, referee trick。例3:我们必须划清黑哨与球员欺诈行为之间的界限。We must draw a distinction between the referee cheating and a player's devious act.“黑哨”的第二个意思是违反公平性原则的裁判员。英语可以译为 match-fixing referee, unfair referee。▲