中学生英语 2010年28期
江西省九江市 庞美珍 供稿
1.David is often laughed at by his neighbor Simon to be a short boy.Today David is angry,“I am not short at all.I am the No.15th in the queue.”大卫总被邻居西蒙嘲笑个子矮。这天大卫发火了:“我个子才不算矮呢,排队时我排在第15个!”
2.Simon says,“Then what’s your number if you count backwards?”西蒙反问:“那倒过来数你排多少?”
3.David says,“I am also the No.15th if we count backwards.”大卫涨红了小脸,说道:“倒数我也排第15个。”
4.Simon says with laughter,“Oh!There are only 30 students in your class!”西蒙哈哈大笑:“你们班一共才30个人呀!”
5.David says with scorn,“Hen!You said I was short.But I find your IQ is too low!There are not 30 students in our class!”大卫这时得意起来:“哼,还说我个子矮,我看你智商还低呢!我们班才不是30人呢!”
6.Is Simon right?Please be a judge yourself!西蒙说得对吗?小朋友来评评理。K
Keys: 大卫班上有29 个人。