

中学生英语 2010年28期

格林兄弟著 熊双编译

Once there was a Queen sitting at the window.It was snowing outside.There was snow outside in the garden,on the hill,in the lane and on the trees.从前有个皇后坐在窗户边。外面下着大雪。花园、小山、道路和树上都覆盖着雪。

The Queen was making a coat for a little child.She said,“I hope my child will be as white as the snow.And I shall call her Snowwhite.”皇后正在做一件小孩的衣服,她自言自语道:“我希望我的孩子能够像雪一样白皙,我就给她取名为白雪公主。”

Later,the Queen had a child.The child was really as white as snow.The Queen called her Snow-white.后来,皇后生下一个孩子。那孩子果真如雪一样白皙,皇后叫她白雪公主。

After the Snow-white was born,the Queen was seriously ill,and then she died.Snow-white lived.She was a very happy and beautiful child.公主出生后不久,皇后病重,不久就去世了。白雪公主活了下来。她是个快乐而美丽的小孩。

Oneyearlater,theKingmarried another Queen.The new Queen was very beautiful,but she was not a good woman.一年后,国王又娶了一位皇后。新皇后十分美丽,但她却不是一个好心肠的女人。

A wizard had given this Queen a mirror.The mirror could speak.It was on the wall in the Queen’s room.一个巫师给了新皇后一面会说话的镜子。镜子被放在皇后寝室的墙上。

Every day the Queen looked in the mirror asking,“Tell me,who is the most beautiful of all?”And the mirror said,“The Queen is the most beautiful of all.”每天皇后都会照镜子问道:“请告诉我谁是最漂亮的女人?”然后镜子会回答:“皇后最漂亮。”

Years went by.Snow-white grew up.One day the Queen looked in the mirror and said,“Tell me,who is the most beautiful of all?”And the mirror said,“Snow-white is the most beautiful of all.”The Queen was very angry.多年后白雪公主长大了。皇后还是每天照镜子问:“镜子,谁是最漂亮的?”然而镜子却回答道:“白雪公主最漂亮。”皇后十分生气。

The Queen lay in her bed and cried.After one hour the Queen went out of her room.She called one of the servants,and said,“Take Snow-white into the forest and kill her.”皇后便趴在床上哭了起来。一个小时后皇后走出了寝室并叫来了一个仆人,命令道:“把白雪公主带到森林里杀掉。”

The servant took Snowwhite to the forest and said,“I shall not kill you;but never go back to the palace.If the Queen sees you,she will make some other men kill you.”Then he went away.仆人把白雪公主带到了森林,对公主说:“我不会杀你,但你不要再回皇宫了。一旦皇后发现了你,她会派另外的人杀你的。”说完仆人便走了。

Poor Snow-white sat at the foot of a tree and cried.Then night was coming.She said,“I can not cry.I should find some place to sleep tonight.I cannot wait here:the bears will eat me.”可怜的白雪公主坐在树脚下哭了起来,她发现夜幕降临了。她对自己说:“我不能哭了。我应该找一个今晚过夜的地方。我不能在这儿等着,大熊会吃了我的。”

Then she went far into the forest.She walked and walked,and finally she saw a little hut.于是她朝森林深处走去。她走啊走啊,最后她终于发现了一个小茅屋。

She opened the door of the hut,and went in.In the hut she saw seven little beds.There was a table,and on the table there were seven little loaves and seven little glasses.于是她推开房门走了进去。在房间里她看到了七张小床。还有一张桌子,桌上有七条小面包和七个小杯子。

She ate one of the loaves.Then she drank some water out of one of the glasses.Then she fell asleep on one of the seven little beds.她吃了一条面包。然后她用其中一个杯子喝了水。然后她便在其中一个小床上睡着了。

TO Be Continued



一白到底! I LOVE雪白肌