误译:The Speaker of the Foreign Ministry answered the questions raised by international reporters about climate change at the press conference.
正译:The Spokesman of the Foreign Ministry answered the questions raised by international reporters about climate change at the press conference.
解释:“发言人”是“代表某一团体或组织发表意见的人”,译为 speaker是不合适的。speaker 第一个意思是a person who gives a talk or makes a speech,即“讲演者”或“发言者”。speaker第二个意思是the presiding officer in a legislative assembly or legislative body,即“立法机构的主持官员”,译为“议长”,要用大写。“发言人”应译为spokesman, spokeswoman, spokesperson,如:
1. 这位发言人拒绝对这个问题进行评论。The spokesman declined to comment on this issue.
“发言”第一个意思是“发表意见”,用作动词,可以译为to speak, to make a speech, to take the floor。如:2. 我在会上积极发言,表达了我的观点。I made an active speech at the meeting, expressing my views.
“发言者”可译为 speaker。如:3. 许多发言者在会议上强烈抨击了这个建议。Many speakers strongly attacked this proposal at the meeting.
“发言”第二个意思是“发表的意见”,用作名词。可以译为 speech。例如:4. 他在大会上的发言正好切题。The speech he made at the meeting was just to the point.
“发言权”,可译为right to speak, right of speech 或voice。如:5. 过去,妇女的发言权被剥夺,她们的希望被人不屑一顾。In the past, women's voices were silenced and their hopes were dismissed.▲