误译:We should advocate the realistic spirit and guard against making high tunes.
正译:We should advocate the realistic spirit and guard against making high-sounding talks.
解释:high tune指曲调高,是音乐术语。“戒高调”的意思是“不要光说不做的漂亮话”,与音乐无关。high-sounding 的意思是intended to sound important,能表达“唱高调”的比喻意义。
“高调”的第一个意思是“唱歌或说话比一般频率高的音调”,即“高调门”。可以为 high tune, high tone, high pitch, high-pitched。如:
1. 这位歌手以她的高调门歌唱使我们惊叹不已。The singer marveled us with her high-tune singing.
2. 这位歌手唱高调门的歌唱得非常好。The singer can sing high-pitched songs very well.
“高调”第二个意思是比喻“高昂的论调”,即“高格调”。可译为lofty tone。如:3. 高格调是与生俱来的,不是教出来的。A lofty tone is innate, and does not come by teaching.
“高调”第三个意思是比喻“不切实际或光说不做的”。可译为high-sounding。如:4. 我们对他的高调宣传报道表示怀疑。We were all suspicious of his high-sounding publicity stories.
“唱高调”的意思是比喻“说得很漂亮,而实际上做不到或不准备去做”。可译为to mouth high-sounding words, to say fine-sounding things, to affect a high moral tone, to utter high-flown words。如:5. 这个官员爱唱高调,却很少办实事。This official likes to mouth high-sounding words, but seldom does practical things.
“高调”第四个意思是比喻“引人注目的高姿态”。可译为high profile。如:6. 他在这件事上一直保持高调。He has kept a high profile on this matter.▲