误译:His parents employed a family teacher to teach him English.
正译:His parents employed a private tutor to teach him English.
解释:英语表示“家庭教师”,不用 family teacher的说法。tutor 的意思是a private teacher, especially one who teaches an individual student or a very small group,正好表达了“家庭教师”的意思。
“家教”第一个意思是“子女在家庭接受的影响和教育”,即“家庭教育”。英语可译为family education。如:1. 农村的许多孩子没有机会接受家教,因为他们的父母到城里打工谋生去了。Many of the children in the rural areas have no chance to receive family education because their parents have gone to the city to work for a living.
“家教”第二个意思“进行单独或小团体辅导”。英语可译为 private tutoring, home tutoring, tutoring。如:2. 禁止教师通过家教或教私自办的班来挣外快。Teachers are prohibited from making extra money out of tutoring or teaching privately organized classes.
“家教”的第三个意思是“家庭教师”。英语可译为 private tutor, tutor。如:3. 他的父母给他请了一个大学高材生给他当家教,帮助他准备高考。His parents engaged a top student from a university as his private tutor who would help him prepare for the National Entrance Exam.
“有偿”意思是“有代价的”或“有报酬的”。英语可以译为 paid, compensated。例如:
4. 教师不应利用工作之便通过有偿家教牟取私利。Teachers should not take advantage of their work to seek personal gain through paid tutoring.
“无偿”的意思是“不要回报的”或“没有报酬的”。英语可以译为unpaid, uncompensated, free, gratis, non-reimbursable。例如:
5. 这位律师为弱势群体提供无偿的法律服务。This lawyer provides free legal service for disadvantaged groups.▲