Chapter 9等


中学生天地·高中学习版 2009年5期

You Can Be a Detective Yourself

主要人物: 女演员 Kate

越狱人 Edward Coke

陷害Coke的人Eric Masters

本期背景: Masters来到了Kate的公寓,他仔细地观察了公寓中的老人,马上意识到他就是Coke,于是Masters 掏出了手枪……

Chapter 9

“Its you! Coke!” he burst out and came nearer.

Coke could hardly believe his eyes. One moment Masters was pointing a pistol at him and the next he was lying on the floor, gasping for breath. Kate had thrown him over her shoulder. Then Coke picked up the automatic.

“And now that youre here, perhaps you wouldnt mind answering some questions,” Coke said.

“But I know nothing!” Masters protested. Coke had already raised the pistol. “All right, all right, Ill tell you anything you want.” Masters gasped.

“Lets start at the beginning ... when you sent me to Epping Forest that night,” Coke said in a flat, cold voice.

“That was Hugos idea. I had nothing to do with it.”

“And who is Hugo?” Coke demanded.

“He sells government secrets to any foreign country thats interested.

“How?” Coke asked.

“We hide microfilms of secret documents in the antique weapons I send abroad. The people we sent them to are disguised as foreign collectors.”

Coke had one last question. “Wheres Hugo now? Take me to him.”

Question: Was Masters a brave man or coward?


India Celebrates Its Oscar Sweep

Indians celebrated as the film Slumdog Millionaire swept eight Oscars and hoped it would bring global recognition to Indian technical talent.

It was perhaps the first time ever that some residents of Mumbais sprawling Dharavi slum forgot Monday mornings grind and watched television to hear what news would emerge from the Oscar ceremony in Los Angeles.

The crowd broke out in lusty cheers each time the film bagged an award, although not many residents of Dharavi were even aware of what exactly the Oscars were.

The heart of the film Slumdog Millionaire—the story of a boy from rags to riches in an Indian slum is based in Dharavi, Asias largest slum. Two of the children who act in the film came from Dharavi.

The Oscars received by the movie has triggered a rush of national pride across India, particularly in Mumbai — the city where Indias film industry popularly known as Bollywood is based.

What is the exact meaning of the word “sweep” in the title?

A. win an overwhelming victory

B. to cover or extend over an area

C. force into some kind of situation

D. clean by sweeping


Chapter 9: He was a coward.

Reason: When Coke questioned him in the beginning, Masters denied with some simple words “I know nothing”. But when Coke raised the pistol, Masters gave in at onceand told Coke everything he wanted to know.

India Celebrates its Oscar Sweep: A

The Most Important Body Part

My mother used to ask me what is the most important part of the body.

When I was younger, I thought sound was very important, so I said, “My ears, Mommy.”

“No. Many people are deaf.”

Several years passed before she asked me again.

This time I told her, “Mommy, sight is very important, so it must be our eyes.”

“You are learning fast, but there are many people who are blind.”

Over the years, Mother asked me a couple more times and always her answer was “No”.

Then last year, my Grandpa died. Everybody was crying. “Do you know the most important body part yet, my dear?”

I was shocked when she asked me this now. She saw the confusion on my face and told me, “My dear, the most important body part is your shoulder. Everybody needs a shoulder to cry on sometimes in life.”


They Are Directly from America

An old Chinese woman came back to China from her visit to her daughter in the United States.She went to a city bank to deposit the US dollars her daughter gave her. At the bank counter, the clerk checked each note carefully. It made the old lady out of patience.

At last she could not hold any more, “Trust me, sir, and trust the money. They are real US dollars. They are directly from America.”

The Tower of Pisa

Is No Longer Leaning

InItaly, there are many magnificent architectures with a long history. The most famous of these is the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Building of Pisas tower was begun in 1173. Five years later, because of its flimsy foundation in unstable soil, the tower began to sink. Although finally installed in 1372, it continued to sink about 1.2 mm yearly. In 1964, the Italian government declared they would organize some experts to prevent the tower of Pisa from toppling. It was eventually closed to the public in 1990. After a series of stabilization and reconstruction, in 2008, engineers stated that the tower had not moved for the first time in its history, and it could be reopened to visitors from all countries around the world.



sprawl (建筑物等)无计划地延伸 grind 苦力,苦差

lusty 充满活力的 rags穷人 trigger 激发,引起

Bollywood 宝莱坞(印度电影城) confusion疑惑

leaning倾斜的 flimsy 脆弱的,无力的

install 安装 topple摇摇欲坠


