Unit 2 The United Kingdom


广东教育·高中 2009年8期




London 2012 Open Weekend is about enabling access to excellence in the arts, culture and sport and celebrating three years to go until the London 2012 Olympic Games. The number of___1___exceeds last years total of 655 events. Events contains all forms of arts, culture and sport, including opportunities to train with experts, see ___2___hidden treasures and go behind the scenes of arts and sporting venues.

Open Weekend___3___ everyone to share in the excitement of the Games, be inspired, get involved, unleash creativity(激发创造力)and try something___ 4 ___. The events provide a curtain raiser to the annual countdown celebrations to the Games. Open Weekend is part of the Cultural Olympiad and ___5 ___ by the Premier Partner of the Cultural Olympiad.

Fifty-seven events taking place as part of Open Weekend are___ 6___ with the London 2012 Inspire Mark. The London 2012 Inspire programme recognises ___7___ participation projects and events inspired by London 2012 and contributing to its wider legacy. The Inspire programme and Open Weekend are ___8___of how London 2012 is enabling people and communities right across the UK to ___9 ___from the Games, encouraging participation and recognising the contribution people, places and projects are making to the___10___ of the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

1. A. achievements B. incidents

C. activities D. events

2. A. previously B. newly

C. finely D. beautifully

3. A. requires B. forbids

C. enables D. allows

4. A. smart B. new

C. royal D. original

5. A. supported B. held

C. opposed D. inspired

6. A. arranged B. thrilled

C. organized D. recognised

7. A. complete B. individual

C. mass D. personal

8. A. examples B. businesses

C. attractions D. links

9. A. result B. come

C. benefit D. get

10. A. control B. success

C. failure D. defeat



Britain is and has always been a mixed race society. Early in our history we were invaded (侵入) ___11___Romans, Saxons , Vikings and Normans armies, and later Africans___ 12___ (bring) to Britain by force in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries as slaves or servants.

___13___ the years, thousands of people have arrived in Britain as refugees (难民) from France, Ireland, Russia, and other countries, escaping from persecution (迫害) or famine in___14 ___ own countries.

There are British people___15___ parents first came to Britain in the 1950s and 1960s from the Caribbean, India, Pakistan, Hong Kong and ___16___ places. Their homes are mainly in the big English cities like London, Birmingham and Manchester.

About 8% of the population of Britain today are people from other ___17___ (culture) and ethnicities. That is 4.6 million people. According to___18___ BBC report in September 2005, immigration made up more than half of Britains population___19___ (grow) from 1991 to 2001. The Guardian newspaper reported in 2007 that the ___20___ (late) government estimate for long-term net immigration to the UK is 145 000 a year.



The British usually expect one or two snowfalls each year but the amount of snow rarely affects everyday life. However, this week Britain has had the worst snow it has seen in around 18 years. Some places had more than 30cm in a day.

The bad weather caused severe disruption(严重干扰). More than 3000 schools had to close as teachers and pupils were unable to get to school. School children werent too unhappy about it though as they headed out to play in the snow, building snowmen, having snowball fights, sledging and some even snowboarding and skiing.

In London, bus services were withdrawn for a day and tubes and trains were cancelled. Major motorways in the country had to close. Many people were unable to get to work and it is thought the cost of this lost labour is around £1 billion (10 billion yuan) to businesses and the economy.

Anyone who wanted to leave the country had problems too. Runways were closed at all the UKs major airports because of the amount of snow. Hundreds of flights were cancelled leaving some passengers stranded at airports.

So why is the UK so ill-prepared for snow? The mayor of London, Boris Johnson, explained that there arent enough snow-ploughs (铲雪机)and gritters (撒沙机)and it doesnt make sense (不划算)to buy such equipment when it snows so infrequently.

The south-east of England was the hardest hit at the beginning of the week but the snow is now moving northwards where the chaos continues.

More ice and snow is forecast throughout the week and the advice from travel and weather organisations is to stay indoors unless you really need to venture out!

1. Which of the following facts is False according to the passage?

A. More than 3000 schools had to close for the heavy snow.

B. Major motorways in the country had to close for the bad weather.

C. Runways were closed at all the UKs major airports for the amount of snow.

D. The government organized to clear the snow away with snow-ploughs and gritters.

2. What does the underlined phrase venture out probably mean in last paragraph?

A. go out B. search out

C. take no risks D. stay indoors

3. What can we learn from the text?

A. School children seemed happy to head out to play in the snow though schools had to close.

B. The cost of the lost labour reached around 10 billion yuan to businesses and the economy.

C. Hundreds of flights couldnt land because the runways were closed at major British airports.

D. Tubes and trains in London were cancelled, but drivers were still driving in main motorways.

4. What can we infer from the passage?

A. The heavy snow is what the British have been expecting for 18 years.

B. The heavy snow has been a very rare heavy one in the UK for 18 years

C. The heavy snow doesnt please school children at all.

D. The government isnt ill-prepared for snow.

5. Which of the following would be best title for the passage?

A. Harsh Winters Visit Britain.

B. Heavy Snow Hits the UK.

C. Bad Weather Causes Chaos Just in London.

D. Heavy Snow Causes Disruption Only in Motorways.





1. 英国的首都和地理位置;

2. 英国的人口、面积和气候;

3. 英国的国情状况。







本文主要介绍举办“伦敦2012奥运开放周末(London 2012 Open Weekend)”来迎接3年后奥运所举办的活动项目、方式和目标。

1. D。从“last years total of 655 events”中的events所表达的涵义中得到答案。

2. A。从hidden 修饰的treasures的逻辑推理中获取previously(以前)答案。

3. C。从首句London 2012 Open Weekend is about enabling access to excellence in the arts ...中得知,表示肯定。enable sb. to do sth.“使得某人做某事”。

4. B。句意:伦敦2012奥运开放周末让人人分享奥运的激动,启迪、参与、发挥创造力和尝试新事物。

5. A。从Open Weekend is part of the Cultural Olympiad推断,奥运开放周末得到the Premier Partner of the Cultural Olympiad的支持supported,符合生活常识。

6. D。句意:作为伦敦2012奥运开放周末的57个举办项目得到2012伦敦奥运激励方案的承认。

7. C。从Fifty-seven events和Open Weekend所反映的信息看是群众性mass参与的项目和活动。

8. A。examples榜样,businesses商业,attractions吸引力,links链接。

9. C。benefit from得益于。

10. B。句意:激励方案和开放周末成为如何使全英人民和社区直接受益于奥运会的典范,它们鼓励参与,承认人民和地方及其工程为2012年伦敦奥运会和残奥会成功举办所做的贡献。



11. by。在被动语态中引导动作的执行者,用by。

12. were brought。主语Africans与bring是被动关系,用被动语态。

13. Over。句中over the years表示“多年以来”,介词over表示“在……期间”。

14. their。指“数以千计难民的”,用形容词性物主代词作定语。

15. whose。引导定语从句并在从句中作定语。

16. other。指“其它的”地方。

17. cultures。考查名词的复数。

18. a。指“一份”报告或“一篇”报道。

19. growth。作made up的宾语,用名词。

20. latest。在冠词the与名词之间应当用形容词作定语,latest表示“最新的,最近的”。



1. D。正误判断题。由倒数第三段中的The mayor of London, …here arent enough snow-ploughs and gritters and it doesnt make sense to buy such equipment …可知,政府并没有组织清雪。

2. A。词义猜测题。由最后一句“the advice from travel and weather organisations is to stay indoors”的建议stay indoors “呆在家里, 不外出”,和从unless所表达“除非”的条件可知A项正确。

3. A。细节理解题。由第二段“School children werent too unhappy about it though as they headed out to play in the snow, … skiing”可知,学童对雪没有太多不满意的,似乎他们直接冲出去在雪地里玩……所以A项正确。

4. B。推理判断题。由文章第一段的“this week Britain has had the worst snow it has seen in around 18 years”可推知B项正确。

5. B。主旨大意题。本文主要讲大雪袭击了整个英国。

四、基础写作(One possible version)

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom, the UK, or Britain, consists of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, with a total area of 244,820 sq km. The United Kingdom, whose capital is in London, lies in the North Atlantic Ocean off the northwest of mainland Europe, with a total population of 161,110,000. Britain enjoys warm winters and cool summer with a lot of rainfall throughout the year.

The UK has a long history with many famous places of interest, such as Big Ben, the Tower of London and Greenwich. Besides, Britain is among highly industrialized countries in the world and has made a great contribution to human industrialization.

责任编校 蒋小青


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