误译:Police warns the drivers not to drive after drinking wine.
正译:Police warns the drivers not to drive after drinking.
解释:在汉语中,“饮酒”或“喝酒”是一个典型的动宾结构,但是在英语中却不需要译成 drinking wine这样的动宾结构,而是依据一定的语境译为drinking就可以了。
同样地,汉语说“读书”,英语只要译成reading就可以,而不必说reading books。例如,“我喜欢读书”译为I am fond of reading就可以了,而不必译为 I am fond of reading books。
“酒后驾车”指“在酒精影响下驾车”,我国法律规定“驾驶员每百毫升血液或呼吸中,酒精含量大于20毫克而小于80毫克为酒后驾车”。 英语可以译为to drink and drive, to drive after drinking, to drive under the influence of alcohol, to drive under influence,或者简称 为DUI。例如:
1. 警察因这名司机酒后驾车而拘留了他。The policeman detained the driver for drinking and driving.
2. 唯一可以阻止酒后驾车的方法是给违法者更加严厉的处罚。The only way to prevent driving under the influence is to mete out stiffer penalties to violators.
3. 这个人因被怀疑酒后驾车而被拘留。The man was detained by the police for suspicion of DUI.
“醉酒驾驶”指“在醉酒状态下驾车”,我国法律规定“驾驶员每百毫升血液或呼吸中,酒精含量大于或等于80毫克为醉酒驾驶”。英语名词可以译为drunk driving, drunken driving, intoxicated driving,动词可以译为to drive while drunk, to drive while intoxicated,或简称 DWI。例如:
4. 醉酒驾车容易导致交通事故。Drunk driving can easily cause traffic accidents.
5. 他因醉酒驾驶被罚款500元。He was fined 500 yuan for driving when intoxicated.
6. 这名男子因被怀疑醉酒驾车而被拘留。The man was taken into custody on suspicion of DWI.▲