1. 做好课堂会话小组的划分
我常把一个班的几十名学生分成若干个课堂会话小组。为了不打扰课堂教学秩序,我把每两桌4名学生定为一个小组,这样有利于他们在活动中讨论问题,而不会扰乱课堂秩序。划定小组后,在每个小组中又定出一名成绩较好的学生为小组长,我平时对每个小组长进行检查培训。要求每小组组长带好自己的组员,组织好小组会话活动。这样分组有利于扩大参与面,有效地促进学生间的互动,让学生帮助学生,学生督促学生进行语言学习和语言实践,呈现出“个人努力,同桌竞争,小组合作”的局面。如教授人教版英语必修5 Unit 2 “The United Kingdom PUZZLES IN GEOGRAPHY”时,我在课前布置作业:Ask the students to prepare the reading and collect the information about the UK.
Step Ⅰ: Teacher show the class a map of UK on the blackboard and ask the students:“How many countries make up the United Kingdom?”Then write down the answers on the blackboard.
Step Ⅱ: Students look at the blackboard ask and answer in pairs.
——Where are you from?——Im from England.
——Where is England?——Its to the south of Scotland/ in the south ofBritain.
——Where are you from?——Im from Wales.
——Where is Wales?——Its on the west of English/ to the south of Scotland.
Step Ⅲ: Divide the class into four groups to discuss the UK about its foundation and development based on geography history and culture, etc. Ask students to give a brief introduction about the UK in small groups, then select the winner.
T: The UK is made up of four countries: England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland. Group 1 please.
S1: England is the largest country in the UK and its rather flat.
S2: Wales has a lot of mountains and rivers.
S3: Scotland has many lakes and mountains, and it is famous for its beautiful countryside. Snow falls in Scotland every winter.
S4: Northern Ireland rains every month of the year. It hardly snows.
2. 做好英语会话的示范
要使学生在课堂上的英语会话得以顺利进行,收到好的教学效果,做好对话示范是关键。我在上课时尽可能多用学生听得懂、易理解的英语语句,少用或不用母语,使学生慢慢进入听说英语的状态。如教授必修1“Travel journal”时,我布置了这样一个任务:National Day is coming. You and your family are going out for a holiday. There are four routes for you to choose from.
A. From Shanghai to Hangzhou
B. From Beijing to Guangzhou
C. From Chaozhou to Guangzhou
D. From Dalian to Qingdao
我布置每小组构成一个家庭,要求每个家庭讨论决定哪一条旅游路线。在学生进行小组会话前,我通过替换旅游路线,与两三个学生进行示范对话:“Why do they choose it?When to go?How to go?...”然后引导小组尽可能把所学知识融进自己的对话中。
在课堂上,教师是主导,学生才是主体。所以,我时常在示范后把课堂交给学生,让学生在语言实践中领会并掌握所学语言知识。如必修3“Healthy eating”,我首先布置学生查找有关健康饮食的知识,查找日常食物的单词。上课时,我首先安排一胖一瘦两位同学走到讲台前。接着问那个较胖的男同学:“What do you eat most often?”他答:“Beef,chicken,pork and fried chips.”紧接着我提问那个较瘦的女同学,她回答:“I like vegetables,tomatoes,potatoes and tofo best.”我提问全体同学:“Boys and girls, I think there are some diet problems with them. Could you please give them some advice about how to keep a balanced diet?”然后,让各小组讨论各自家里的饮食是否属于健康饮食。我通过巡查督促,及时解答学生在会话中遇到的问题。这样以Reading 的内容为依据,尽量结合班里的典型事例,从中引出受学生关注的话题,学生便会纷纷各抒己见。接着,我另请一胖一瘦两个同学走上台前,分别扮演两家快餐店的胖经理Wang Pengwei和瘦经理Yong Hui来宣传各自的快餐店的优点。由于做了示范,学生就能在小组会话中造出类似示范对话内容的对话。小组会话之后,我进行检查,了解学生对所学内容的掌握程度,并对学生掌握不够的给予及时的补救。检查形式可以是提问小组,由小组自定两人就所学内容进行会话,这是一般情况的检查,是学生预先做好准备的常规检查。或由教师指定某一小组与另一小组会话,这是检查学生临场使用英语会话的情况。还可以由教师指定某一小组,再由这个小组选定与哪一个小组进行会话,这时就可把学生小组会话竞赛引进课堂,让学生自定竞赛对象,激发他们的求知欲和讲好英语的欲望。通过多样的检查形式,能了解到学生的具体学习情况,并可根据学生的实际增删学习内容,以实现教学目的。
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