[关键词]:作文 教学方法 体会 反思
在看了《教师阅读教育论文60篇》以后,笔者又反思了自己最近一次的作文教学。本月20日是每周一次的作文课,以前笔者总是为了节省时间,让同学们回家完成作文内容,结果自然是同学之间有相互借鉴的,有翻找资料和书籍查写的,套用一些现成的话语,未能达到提高学生写作能力的目的,所以,笔者决定“改革”一次——利用上课20分钟时间(按高考标准)完成一篇作文,内容是My school life。
我们高二英语Module2的几篇阅读内容分别是Highlights of My senior year, After-school activities, My schooldays.所以,针对课堂的教学内容和学生的生活实际,笔者给学生确立了题目My school life,要求分3段写。第一部要求写目前学校的情况及课外活动,第二部分主要写your ideal school包括your favorite activities and explain the reason。第三部分主要写your highlights at school.作为高二学生,他们的认识能力比初中阶段有进一步的发展。形成获取信息,处理信息,分析问题和解决问题的能力。因此,培养提高学生的语言输出能力就特别重要。他们的学习也应由死记硬背转向理解型,应用型,学会把语言学习与现实生活联系起来,不再认为英语课堂学习很枯燥,同时传达学生一种积极向上的乐观的生活态度。
1.在批改的过程中,笔者发现多数同学能学会学以至用,把我们平时复述课文中的句子运用到作文中去。但让我出乎意料的是,有些学生的语言输出能力几乎为零。这也让我不禁反思我在阅读教学中的语言输入问题,尤其是对这些“问题”同学的教学,应多给予他们一些关注,从一点一滴做起,哪怕是一点点进步也应给予他们肯定、鼓励和表扬,所以,我欣然的在他们的作文本上写上:Its really better than before. congratulations.课后还有几个同学竟然主动问我如何改正文章中的错句,他们欣喜的同时,我也感到了一丝的欣慰。
2.学生在作文中提到了对学校regulations的一些个人见解,文中是这样写的:But our school regulations are strict. Being punctual for classes was essential. Still there are so many silly rules for us to follow, which irritate or upset me. We have lots of homework to do and have limited time to relax ourselves. So I would like to see a new shorter timetable introduced in the future.对于学生这样的个人见解,作为老师的我也很同情他们,但是在情感教育方面,还是应该给学生以正确的引导,让学生以一种积极的(positive)心态来学习,参加学校的各项活动,遵守学校的各项规章制度,充分做好迎接挑战的准备。
(1)I have fun studying all kinds of subjects.
(2)Believe it or not, I think my school will have a beautiful playground and a basketball court.
(3)We are keen on the after-class activities.
(4)I like my school life. I think many years later when I find myself recalling the life, I will be happy.
(5)This is the first time that I have written my school life.
(6)Because it not only encourages me how to face the life, but also it teaches me how to share feelings and ideas with each other.
(7)Though it maybe not come true, I wish it could.
(8)At school the highlight is the sports meeting. Everyone made contributions to their class. And we shared much delicious food.
(9)I have a lot of things to do and a lot of problems to solve. So I have little time to play with each other.
(10)We have lots of homework and have limited time to relax ourselves. So I would like to see a new shorter timetable introduced in the future.
(11)The school life is very meaningful. In other words the school had better offered the students more chances to know the society with a heated competition.
(12)It offers us some places where we can play.
(13)But our school regulations are strict. Being punctual for classes was essential. But there are also so many silly rules for us to follow which irritate or upset me.
Compared with the life in the film, my school life seems very simple. Many days is just like a day. I'm bored with biology. Everyone believes that the school will be more beautiful in the future. Me too.
My ideal school should have many after-class activities to help students develop their social skills, Which are very important. By taking part in the activities, students can show their own abilities and get on well with others. As a student in 21th century social skills are very essential.
The highlight of the year was the Christmas party. That day everyone dressed up and presented themselves.
All in all, no matter what the school life seems, I think it will be more colourful.