The Almost Excellent ASEAN Summits in Pattaya
Cao Na
For the Royal Cliff Beach Resort in Pattaya, venue of therecent ASEAN+3 and ASEAN+6summit, the anti-governmentprotests that led to the cancellationof this gathering of regional leaderson April 11 did a great disserviceto this important forum organizedto help overcome the economicdifficulties facing Asia and preventedthe resort from showing just howgood it is at putting on successfulevents of the highest level.
The summit from 10-12 April2009 involving leaders of ASEAN,plus China, Japan and South Korea,was expected to discuss plans forthe region to cope with the globaleconomic crisis as well as signimportant financial and investmentinitiatives that would benefitASEAN's 570 million people.
A pre-summit meeting offinance ministers on April 9 wassuccessfully concluded, while thefirst day of the summit on April 10and a working dinner that eveningfor the leaders of ASEAN and itsdialogue partners, all creativelyarranged by the Royal Cliff, set avery promising tone for a successfulconclusion of the ASEAN summit.Unfortunately the summit'santicipated high points and galadinner did not happen despite thebest efforts of the Thai government,Pattaya administration and theRoyal Cliff staff.
Thailand as Chair of ASEAN for2009 wanted to impress the leadersof its friendly neighbours with anoutstanding meeting that would setthe scene for important decisionsto benefit the region and its peopleduring these difficult economictimes. The Royal Cliff respondedwith impeccable arrangementswithin its event venue, PattayaExhibition and Convention Hall(PEACH), and throughout the resortfor the three-day gathering.
Former Senator SomkiatOnvimol wrote a press articlecongratulating the Royal Cliff and itsstaff for outstanding arrangements,set-ups and facilities. In the articlehe noted that the Thai peopleshould be proud that the RoyalCliff had done such a fine job inits preparations and in creating anoutstanding atmosphere for thisimportant gathering.
The Cambodian delegationwas quite emotional about thevenue, which 20 years ago wasthe setting for historic peace talksinvolving the leaders of variouspolitical factions in Cambodia,including Hun Sen - now thecountry's Prime Minister, and HRHPrince Norodom Sihanouk. SeniorMinister and Minister of CommerceCham Prasidh noted that the RoyalCliff represented an importantmilestone and venue for bringingtogether the various factions toform a Supreme National Councilthat eventually brought peace anddemocracy to Cambodia.
Sadly the protests ensuredthere would be no historicresolutions for the ASEAN+3 andASEAN+6 Summit. When it becameobvious that the meeting could notcontinue, Prime Minister Abhisitcancelled the summit, at which pointthe protesters left the Royal Cliff.Delegation leaders took time to bidfarewell to Thai team and Royal Cliffexecutives in appreciation of theirwork before departing, by helicopter,to catch flights at nearby U-tapaoairport.
Many hotel guests wereintrigued by the protests, watchingfrom a distance and takingphotographs. "At no time were ourvisitors, guests and staff in anydanger. The protesters merelywanted to halt the summit. Whenthat was achieved, they left theRoyal Cliff," Mrs. Panga explained.The next day, the resort was onceagain a picture of peace, its gardensbathed in sunlight, with an air ofexpectancy about the impendingSongkran celebrations.
"1 want to inform everyonethat Pattaya and the Royal Cliffare back to normal. Tourists arecoming in and we are giving thema very friendly welcome. Our resortis also ready to host meetingsand conferences, delivering highquality facilities and arrangementsthat we can assure will exceedexpectations," she added.