Foresight: development of the future society
In Europe, Denmark is an oldKingdom with Millennia of history.It's a land of charm, beauty, andfairy tales that make it one of theworld's most attractive and excitingcountries.
We have recently interviewedAmbassador Jeppe Tranholm-Mikkelsen at the Danish Embassy inBeijing, who has given details aboutthe Danish economic developmentand cooperation with China.
In recent years Denmarkhas been paying much attentionto the future of the world in termsof sustainable development andenvironment protection. The countryhas been keeping a sense ofmission for those commitments.
The cooperation with China isexcellent in various fields, especiallyin exchanging technology forenergy efficiencY improvements,sustainable development and co-operation for renewable energyresearch.
At present China is focusingon energy efficiency, then onalternative sources of energy.Denmark sets a good example inimproving energy efficiency andusing renewable energies. TheUN Climate Change Conference(COP15) will be held in Copenhagenin December this year. Denmarkwill use this opportunity to show tothe world that a nation can actuallyreduce its emission while keepingits economic growth. Denmark, ashost of COP15, is working hard topush for the negotiation processin order to reach an ambitious,comprehensive and effective globalagreement, which will apply to inthe post-Kyoto Protocol period.The Danish government's ambitionis for the agreement to engageas many countries as possible inGHG reduction actions. Chineseenterprises have great opportunitiesto develop and to produce productsrelated to renewable energy.
Denmark is the biggestproducer of wind turbines, butChinese companies are catching upquite rapidly. Now they produce andsell in China, but in the future theywould be able to sell wind turbines,all over the world.
Denmark is delivering manydifferent products to China: a widerange of product directly to theconsumers and energy savingoriented technology to the Chinesemanufacturers.
Since last year, due to theeconomic crisis, Denmark hacseen a rapid drop in import.export. According to the DanisthCentral Bank a GDP drop of-1.1% is expected, but Denmark isfacing the crisis with a position ofstrength. Thanks to the sustainedeconomic development in the laslyeats, the country does not haveunemployment.
As China is not asmuch as other countries from theeconomical crisis, AmbassadolJeppe Tranholm-Mikkelsen said thalthe good cooperation with Chinais helping Denmark to lessen theeffects of the vrisis.
When asked about theexhibition industry in Denmark,Jeppe Tranholm-Mikkelsenintroduced the many differentfairs held in the Bella Center inCopenhagen.
The Bella Center inCopenhagen is a multifunctionvenue for exhibitions andinternational conferences. Apartfrom various product exhibitions
held here every year, exhibitionsand conferences featuring futuresustainable development are heldin the Bella Center. For example,the World Business Summit onClimate Change will be held in theBella Center from May 24 to May26, 2009, when more than 1,000business leaders will gather at thisevent to discuss how their firms canhelp solve the climate crisis throughinnovative business models, newpartnerships, and the developmentof low-carbon technologies, becausethe future of their business will alsobe decided by the new climatechange agreement.
Every year several Danishcompanies attend Chineseexhibitions. Now they are lookingforward to the Expo 2010 inShanghai. The Danish pavilion wilbe focused on sustainable economyand renewable energies. In themiddle of it there will be the "littlemermaid" statue and some seawater from the Copenhagen harbour- before it was dirty now it is veryclean.
Denmark's cooperation withChina in energy and environmentaprotection has also penetratedinto cooperation in education. Onthe occasion of the visit by DanishPrime Minister last November, aMoU was signed on establishmentof a joint Sino-Danish Centre forResearch and Higher Education,by which Danish technologies wilbe introduced into China throughcooperation with its partner theGraduate University of ChineseAcademy of Science.