

现代教育教学探索杂志 2009年2期



我先让学生合上书,认真听录音,根据录音说出第十二单元的课题“My favorite subject is science.”然后模仿课题,让学生用 My favorite…is….造句,收到了较好的效果,其整个教学情境的创设是这样的:

T: Now let's have our lesson. From this class ,we will lean Unit12.Now please listen to the recording ,and tell me the title of Unit12.

( Play the recording)

Ss: My favorite subject is science.

T: Please read this title again.

Ss: My favorite subject is science.

T: Who can translate this sentence into Chinese?


T: Very good .Now using “My favorite…is….”make sentences. Who can try it first?

S2: My favorite color is red.

S3: My favorite movie is comedies.

S4: My favorite fruit is bananas.

S5: My favorite sport is basketball.

S6: My favorite thing is reading books.

S7: My favorite meat is chicken.

S8: My favorite teacher is Mrs Zhang.

S9: My favorite vegetable is tomato.

S10: My favorite basketball player is Yao Ming.



T: Very verygood. You are very clever. Now who can say the similar sentence of “ What's your favorite subject?”

(Ss think it over. But no one can answer it correctly.)

T:Here “favorite” means “like …best….” What'syour favorite subject? We can say it in this way “What subject do you like best?” Now please read this sentence again.

Ss: ( read ) What subject do you like best?

T:Now I say the first sentence. You say it in another way,OK?


T:What's your favorite color?

Ss: What color do you like best?

T:What's your favorite movie?

Ss: What movie do you like best?

T:What's your favorite book?

Ss: What book do you like best?

T:What's your favorite teacher?

Ss: What teacher do you like best?

T:What's your favorite sport?

Ss: What sport do you like best?


T: Please remember these two sentences. Now let's lean Section A of Unit 12 ,1a—— 1c. First please answer my question: What subjects do you study at school?

Ss: We study Chinese, English, math, geography, biology and so on.






Funny Phonics
funny phonics
Listen and Choose
Listen and Color
第十单元 课题1常见的酸和碱(第二课时)