欧洲企业社会责任协会(CSR EUROPE)
联系人(Contact Us):
Nathalie Suvee 电话(Tel):+32 2 541 1610 nathalie.suvee@csreurope.org
崔征 电话(Tel):+86 10 62137913 editor@csr-china.net
安赛乐米塔尔公司日前出版了介绍其在巴西开展的与当地供应商共同承担社会责任议题的案例研究。2004年安赛乐米塔尔巴西公司开展了该项目,已取得以下成果:73%的供应商已开始对其废物进行分类; 67%的供应商在减少其对环境影响的领域有新的进展;53%的供应商针对特定的社会或环境需求开发出新的产品或服务;67%的供应商对员工开展有关可持续发展议题的培训。
惠普全球活力供应链项目的经理Jay Celorie表示,惠普将通过一定的工具来保证供应链的透明度。已发布的一份针对供应商公司二氧化碳排放的报告是这一长期项目初步探索。惠普正在努力建立一个更好的标准化的工具和方法,来促进报告的一致性和可靠性,从而促进整个供应链的实施。
Crisis as guest star at the European Multistakeholder Forum on CSR in Brussels
On 10 February, over 300 (and far more through online broadcast) European and international stakeholders from business, finance, civil society, policy and academia gathered at the Multistakeholder Forum hosted by the European Commission to diagnose Europes ambition to become a global pole of excellence on CSR – an ambition which the current economic and financial crisis is putting into a radically different perspective. All stakeholders agreed that far from signaling the end of CSR, the crisis is the moment for CSR to prove its worth once and for all. Vice-President Günter Verheugen in his speech announced some follow-up initiatives, such as: ensuring that Europes view on CSR is embedded in the EUs relations with third countries; and a new Alliance Laboratory to examine how teaching institutions could better equip future managers and entrepreneurs with a new set of values.
LOréal launches business games to encourage students develop professional skills
LOréal has announced the kick‐off of its 2009 Business Games season, featuring a portfolio of games that encourage young people to develop their professional skills and discover career opportunities. The 2009 Business Games series has a double objective: a proactive solution for LOréal to meet the best young talent from around the world and a chance for international students to gain a multicultural experience with the worlds largest cosmetics company.
IBM reveals five innovations that will change our lives in the next five years
IBM has revealed the third annual “IBM Next Five in Five”, a list of innovations that have the potential to change the way people work, live and play over the next five years. This years list includes the following themes: “Energy saving solar technology will be built into asphalt, paint and windows”; “You will have a crystal ball for your health”; “You will talk to the Web… and the Web will talk back”; “You will have your own digital shopping assistants”; “Forgetting will become a distant memory”.
More sustainability in fruit and vegetable retailing with BASF eco-efficiency analysis
Is it ecologically responsible to buy an apple from overseas? Such questions play an every greater role in consumers buying decisions. Approaches such as BASFs eco-efficiency analysis make it possible to carry out an objective assessment. The method developed by BASF and certified by TuV technical standards tests measures the economic and ecological impact of a product across its entire lifecycle.
ArcelorMittal - Building sustainable supply chains
ArcelorMittal has published a case study on its efforts in Brazil to engage local suppliers on corporate responsibility issues. ArcelorMittal Brazil has had a supplier engagement programme since 2004. Some of the results of the initiative include: 73% of the suppliers involved have started separating their waste, 67% have new processes to reduce their environmental impact, and 67% now train their employees on sustainability issues.
Volkswagen hosts CSR briefing on “Active Ageing” at the European Parliament
On 20 January, Volkswagen informed EU decision makers and representatives of associations and industry in Brussels about its “Active Ageing” activities. The debate was chaired by the Portuguese Member of European Parliament and Member of the Employment and Social Affairs Committee, Joel Hasse Ferreira.
HP Podcast: Transparency in environmental standards
In the latest interview of the HP CSR podcast series, Jay Celorie, HP Global Program Manager for Supply Chain Energy, talks about HPs approach to transparency in its supply chain. The reporting on CO2 emissions in the companys supply chain represents an initial step in a long-term programme.
Latest News from the EU
EU launches ‘new skills for new jobs initiative
As Europe moves towards a more services‐oriented economy focused on ICT and ‘green technologies, its workforce needs to adapt to new requirements and develop new skills, the European Commission argues. Around 20 million new jobs could be created in the EU 25 by 2020, according to a study presented by the Commission.
联系人(Contact Us):
黄宜玲 电话(Tel):+86 20 38910690yhuang@bsr.org
崔征 电话(Tel):+86 10 62137913 editor@csr-china.net
Greenbiz(致力于绿色世界的媒体网络平台)在其发布的“2009年绿色商业状况”报告中描述了美国企业在寻求使他们的行动更环保时所采取的措施和取得的进展。报告汇集了2008年十大最绿色故事,并更新了GreenBiz指数:这是一套由20多项指标构成的描述进展情况的指标,它将跟踪美国企业的资源使用情况、各类排放情况和其他商业实践。以下网址可下载报告全文: www.stateofgreenbusiness.com 。
参加欧洲最大的可持续发展会议和博览会之一,7000多专业人士将汇聚于此。在这个为期两天的活动中,来自各地和各个行业的领导者和创新者将通过辩论、研讨班,介绍和陈述他们在各方面的可持续发展和企业社会责任(CSR)实践和观点 。论坛主题题目是“CSR欧洲之路:做其他地区的榜样,全球市场上的一种竞争优势,欧洲的一个机会。”这场对话将由BSR欧洲总监Farid Baddache主持。
This Week's Top Headlines
Drive to Promote Cost-Effective Energy Resources Grows in China
Joining the California-based China-U.S. Energy Efficiency Alliance, U.S. energy provider Ecos has joined the effort to save carbon emissions and reduce the number of power plants required to meet Chinas growing electricity consumption. Such efforts have the potential to meet up to 50 percent of Chinas expected electric load growth by 2014—saving enough energy to avoid the construction of more than 500 new power plants over the next 10 years.
Corporate Giants Ask EU to Help Finance Products for the Poor
Consumer goods giants Groupe Danone and Unilever N.V.—along with other multinationals including Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft Corporation, Nestlé S.A., Novartis AG, The Procter & Gamble Company, and Vodaphone Group Plc—have asked the EU to help businesses sell affordable products to the worlds “base-of-the-pyramid” consumers—the 3.1 billion people who live on less than US$2.50 per day. To date, the EU has not directed any of its £46 billion aid budget to development through for-profit means. The companies stressed that bottom-of-the-pyramid business requires a new business model that involves partnerships with local NGO expertise. International development campaigners are skeptical of the plan.
Denmark to Require CSR Reporting for Big Companies
The Danish Parliament passed the “Social Responsibility for Large Businesses” law, requiring about 1,100 of the largest private and state-owned companies and institutional investors to include information on their corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies, practices, and achievements beginning in 2010. Reporting can be part of a management review, an annual report, or on the companys website, as long as it is publicly accessible.
Obama Calls for Tougher State Emissions Requirements, Upsets Automakers
U.S. President Obama has cleared the way for California, and up to 18 other states, to consider setting limits on vehicle carbon dioxide emissions that are tougher than federal requirements. He also directed the Department of Transportation to set vehicle fuel efficiency standards for 2011 by March—both clear steps away from the Bush administrations climate policy. But given the auto industrys financial troubles—automakers warned that stricter standards would add to their financial woes.
Report Corner
State of Green Business 2009
Greenbizs “State of Green Business 2009” report measures the progress U.S. businesses have made in their quest to make their operations more environmentally friendly. The report highlights the top green stories of 2008 and updates the GreenBiz Index: a set of more than 20 indicators of progress, tracking the resource use, emissions, and business practices of U.S. companies. Download the full report here: www.stateofgreenbusiness.com.
Building a Low-Carbon Economy
McKinsey & Company—with support from 10 leading companies and organizations—released “Pathways to a Low-Carbon Economy,” an assessment of more than 200 greenhouse gas abatement opportunities across 10 major sectors and 21 world regions between now and 2030. The results evaluate the potential, costs, and investment required for each measure. The full report is available at http://globalghgcostcurve.bymckinsey.com
March 25-26, 2009
Join more than 7,000 professionals at one of Europe's largest sustainability conferences and expos. In this two-day event, connect with leaders and innovators across every industry through debates, workshops, and presentations on all aspects of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Don't miss the plenary debate on “The ‘European Way of CSR: A Model for Others, a Competitive Advantage in the Global Marketplace, an Opportunity for Europe" moderated by BSR's Europe Director Farid Baddache.