误译:The steady development of Chinas stock market requires that we should not flip-flop.
正译:The steady development of Chinas stock market requires that we should not get sidetracked.
解释:to flip-flop的意思是to suddenly change ones position or opinion on a political issue,指“突然改变政治立场或观点”,与股市无关。例如:这个政客被指责在若干重大问题上出尔反尔。The politician was accused of flip-flopping on several major issues.
“不折腾”的意思很微妙,有“不乱做,不瞎搞,不翻来覆去,不做无用之功,不没事找事,不走岔路”等含义,很难在英语中找到对应词。这里姑且利用《中国日报》的译法 not to get sidetracked。例如:我们必须不动摇、不懈怠、不折腾,坚定不移地推进改革开放,坚定不移地走中国特色社会主义道路。We must not sway back and forth, relax our efforts or get sidetracked, but firmly push forward the reform and opening-up as well as adhere to socialism with Chinese characteristics.
to get sidetracked 的意思为to get off track,即“脱离正常的路径”,有“折腾”的含义。在下面的原文中,to get sidetracked 可以译为“折腾”: The boys get sidetracked more while the girls are more confident. 男孩子们比较爱折腾,而女孩子们比较自信。
He does not let himself get sidetracked by fads and trends.他不让自己受时髦和时尚东西的折腾。▲