李 平
056)希 057)言 058)公 059)彦 060)承 061)宏 062)闻 063)贞 064)尚 065)衍
066)兴 067)毓 068)传 069)继 070)广 071)昭 072)宪 073)庆 074)繁 075)祥
076)令 077)德 078)维 079)垂 080)佑 081)钦 082)绍 083)念 084)显 085)扬
086)建 087)道 088)敦 089)安 090)定 091)懋 092)修 093)肇 094)彝 095)常
096)裕 097)文 098)焕 099)景 100)瑞 101)永 102)锡 103)世 104)绪 105)昌
五十八代孔公鉴于洪武三十三年(公元1400年)袭封衍圣公时赐孔氏八个辈字:公、彦、承、弘、闻、贞、尚、胤(五十八代至六十五代)。行辈初赐于洪武三十三年,后人误认为是明太祖朱元璋所赐,实际朱元璋崩于洪武三十一年,因太子早卒,太孙朱允嗣位,次年改元“建文”,为惠帝。惠帝于建文二年( 1400年)命孔公鉴袭封时钦赐八字行辈。(孔林内孔公鉴“神道铭碑”中有明确记载),但为什么赐行辈之年作“洪武三十三年”呢?原来惠帝以太孙登基后,太祖四皇子燕王朱棣不服,誓师抗命,南下“清君侧”,至建文四年攻下南京。取代惠帝,自立为君,削“建文”年号,将惠帝在位四年的年号,一律改按“洪武”年号顺沿,次年方改元“永乐”,所以建文二年恰为“洪武三十三年”。成书于永乐年间的《孔庭摘要》不敢不以此例书写纪年,以致导致后人以为孔氏行辈是朱元璋所赐。
Confucius Family Tree
The Largest Human Family Tree
In retrospect, when traveling far and wide to many small states at the end of the Spring and Autumn period (770 B.C.-476 B.C.) to popularize his own suggestions on how to govern a country, Confucius was often rejected. However, he perhaps had never anticipated that more than 2500 years after he passed away, his thinking has been extensively esteemed by people all over the world.
That is a world miracle!
In October 2008, the Confucius Family Tree, which took more than ten years to compile and has been revised five times, collecting more than two million Confucius family members, was confirmed as a Guinness world record.
This is naturally another world miracle!
Experts on the subject are of the opinion that after the edition of Confucius Family Tree is completed, if each 60 pages is bound into one volume, it is estimated that in total 50 to 60 volumes would be bound. This large family tree is a record of the historical legacy of the Confucius family.
A family tree is an important part of the traditional Chinese culture. Like national history and local history, family history is an important branch of history. Kong Deyong, the 77th lineal descendant of Confucius, who is head of the working association responsible for the revision of the Confucius Family Tree, was quoted as saying that the Confucius Family Tree is in fact the history of the Confucius family. The Confucius family, with a time-honored history, occupies an important position in Chinese history. So without a written record, the inheritance can not be continued. The compilation of the Confucius Family Tree is useful for the studies of Confucianism, demography, sociology, and genealogy.
According to historic records, since the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), a custom has been formed that every six decades a major revision should be made of the Confucius Family Tree and every three decades a minor revision should be done. However, from the Ming Dynasty to the present, only four major revisions have been made. Nowadays, the Confucius Family Tree as revised during the Ming Dynasty is no longer in existence. When the Confucius Family Tree was revised for the first time during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), 20,000 descendants of Confucius were recorded. When it was revised for the second time, more than 100,000 descendants of Confucius were recorded. When it was revised in the 1940s, 560,000 descendants of Confucius were recorded.
Radiating from Qufu, Shandong Province, China, the descendants of Confucius are now distributed all over the world, and amount to three million people. About 2.6 million descendants of Confucius are still living in the mainland of China. Among the overseas descendants of Confucius, most live in South Korea, amounting to 80,000 people. Next are the United States, Malaysia, and Singapore. In Taiwan, there are more than 2,000 descendants of Confucius.
In China, the lowest generation of the Confucius family is the “Nian” generation—a ten-year-old little girl living in Liaoning Province, who is the 83rd lineal descendant of Confucius.
The descendants of Confucius feel proud for Confucius far-reaching influence. Nowadays, the glory of Confucius not only belongs to the Confucius family. It belongs to China and even the whole world. Confucius thinking not only exerts influence on China, but also on the world. Confucius, therefore, not only belongs to China, but also belongs to the world.