1. Draw three straight(直)lines to leave three different hats in each pair. How to draw them in the picture?
2. 认真观察并找出第一个表格中的数字排列规律,选出第二个表格中的空格所缺的正确数字。
A. one B. three C. four D. twelve
Answer: ________
3. What number comes next?
5, 8, 11, 14, 17, (), ()
Answer: ________
答案: 20, 23
解析:这是一道寻找规律题,本题数字5, 8, 11, 14, 17按照同一顺序排列,后一个数字都比前一个数字大3,因此接下来应该是17+3=20, 20+3 =23。
4. 文字游戏:阅读下面这首诗并说出Jenny的生日在哪一天。
My first letter is in what but not in when;
My second letter is in purple and also in pen;
My third letter is in red and robot, too;
My fourth letter is in I but not in you;
My fifth letter is in little and lovely and lion.
They spell the month.
Now here is the date: add(加)twelve and seven and nine and then look at the answer and take away(减)ten!
Answer: ____.
答案:April 18
解析:第一个字母在what里,不在when里,这样排除wh,剩下at。第二个字母在purple和pen里,这两个词共同拥有的字母是pe。第三个字母在red和robot里,这两个词共同拥有的字母是r。第四个字母在I 里而不在you里,只有字母i。第五个字母在little, lovely和lion里,只有l。又因月份没有以t开头的,这样月份就是April。由题意12+7+9=28 28-10=18, 这是日期,因此Jenny的生日是April 18。
5. ——Where's the john?
——Oh, over there. This way, please.
A. the boy B. the toilet C. the father D. the bathroom
Answer: ____.
解析:Where?蒺s the john?是在询问厕所在哪里,这是一种习惯说法,要牢记。
6. What letter is a part of the head?
Answer: ____.
7. Why is a river very rich?
Answer: ____.
答案:Because it has two banks.
解析:因为河有两个堤岸two banks,而bank又意为“银行”,河有两个“银行”,因此河非常富有。