Unit3 Going places课本要点精练


中学生英语高中综合天地 2008年7期




1.Every passenger on b________was worried and didnt know what had happened to the plane.

2.I bought the house s________because it was large,no other special reasons.

3.The quickest means of t________to get there is by railroad.

4.This medicine is p________ to children if it is taken in large quantities.

5.Comparing different cultures,we tend to notice their differences rather than their s________ .

6.Our school has been given some new________ (设备).

7.He is a man full of________(冒险).

8.Those terrible________(经历) made me realize the importance of friends.

9.The driver in the blue car should be________(负责) for this accident.

10.Some people go climbing only to look for new ________(兴奋).



1.Im surprised that you should have been fooled by such a(n)________trick.



2.I have no plan for doing that.________,I dont think I have the ability.


C.Besides D.On one hand

3.We looked forward to the day when the motorcar has been replaced by some less dangerous________of transport.

A.means B.methods

C.manners D.ways

4.Tom was unhappy at school.At age 12,he________ refused to go to school any more.

A.simply B.happily C.exactly D.only

5.Please________the plane immediately.It takes off soon.

A.take B.board C.go D.climb

6.If you take my________youll make a lot of money.

A.benefit C.tip D.service

7.A persons________body temperature is about 37℃.

A.ordinary B.common

C.normal D.usual

8.The two countries________ against their common enemy.

A.handled B.protected

C.equaled D.combined

9.— Have you got your test result?

— Not yet.The papers________ .

A.are corrected________

B.have not corrected

C.are being corrected

D.have been corrected

10.We cant work together any more;I think its time we went our________ways.

A.own B.different

C.separate D.proper

11.He was wearing a lot of clothes to________himself from the cold.

A.stop B.keep C.prevent D.protect

12.I do every single bit of housework________

my husband just does the dishes now and then.

A.when C.while D.since

13.Youd better put on more clothes to________ yourself________ the cold weather.

A.protect;by B.protect;from

C.prevent;from D.protect;in

14.Make sure that young children can not________ pools,lakes and rivers by themselves.

A.get closed B.get close to

C.close to D.get close

15.— Ill travel to Switzerland this summer.

— ________.

A.Have a good time

B.Its beautiful.

C.Remember me to your family

D.Of course



1.The volleyball match will be put off if it________.

A.will rain B.rains

C.rained raining

2.I dont really work here.I ________ until the new secretary arrives.

A.just help out

B.have just helped out just helping out

D.will just help out

3.Dear mother,I ________ to hear from you soon.

A.hope hoping

C.hoping D.have hoped

4.Ill call on some of my old teachers while I ________ in Guiyang.

A.stay B.will stay

C.would stay staying

5.Every time I come into his room,he ________ the same book. B.was reading reading

6.— Im going to the states.

— How long ________ you ________in the states?

A.are;stayed B.are;staying

C.have;stayed D.did;stay

7.— Hey,look where you are going?

— Oh,Im terribly sorry.________.

A.Im not noticingB.I wasnt noticing

C.I havent noticedD.I dont notice

8.Ive won a holiday for two to Florida.I________ my mum. takingB.have taken

C.takeD.will have taken

9.— Im taking my driving test tomorrow.


A.Cheers B.Good luck

C.Come onD.Congratulation

10.— Excuse me,sir,Would you do me a________ favor?

— Of course,What is it?

—I ________ if you could tell me how to fill out this form.

A.had wondered B.was wondering

C.would wonder D.did wonder



1.I ________(不能脱身) cooking the dinner for the moment,could you please go and buy some salt for me? (get)

2.________(留神) your handbags when you are in a crowded bus,because there are a lot of pickpockets there.(watch)

3.We________(正在考虑体验) rockclimbing in the mountains this weekend.(consider,experience)

4.Have you ever________(想像旅行) in a spaceship to the Mars? (imagine)

5.There are many reasons ________(人们为什么会长胖).(put)

6.She could not speak,but she made her wishes known________(通过) signs.(means)

7.People wear sunglasses in summer to ________(保护眼睛不受伤害) the sun.


8.Are you coming to ________(为我们送行)at the airport this Friday? (see)

9.You should not go rafting ________(除非你会游泳).(unless)

10.Hiking is fun and exciting,but ________(另一方面),it is tiring.(hand)


Many people travel because they want to see other countries and places __1__ are famous,interesting or beautiful.Yet there are__2__ reasons why people travel.For example,some travelers are looking for an unusual experience or adventure.Adventure travel is becoming more and more __3__ .Hiking is an adventure.It is easy to __4__ and doesnt have to be expensive.The basic __5__ you need for hiking is simple.You can hike in the mountains,in a forest or along a river.Hiking is __6__ and exciting.Another adventure is __7__ .A raft is a small __8__ that you can use to paddle down rivers and streams.Rafting is a good way to __9__ nature.While rafting,you have to be __10__ not to hit rocks,trees and other dangers.★


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