

中学英语之友·高一版 2008年5期


1. close, closely

a. She listened ____ while Tom was reading a newspaper.

b. Come ____. I want to tell you something.

c. I am following the matter ____.

d. You hold a mirror ____ in front of your mouth.

e. This problem is ____ connected with that one.

答案及解析:a. closely b. close c. closely d. close e. closely。两者都可用作副词,但词义和用法有时不同。close表示“(位置上)靠近”,表示具体的概念;closely意为“仔细地,密切地”,常表达抽象的概念;close多用来修饰介词短语,而closely则多用来修饰动词和过去分词。

2. certain, some

a. I must have read that in ____ magazine.

b. Just now a ____ Mr Li came to see you.

c. ____ person at the door is asking to see you.

d. People who smoke cannot travel in ____ parts of the train.

答案及解析:a. some b. certain c. Some d. certain。certain意为“某个,某些,某种”,常指尚不明确具体情况或无须明确的某人或某事。certain用作定语,修饰单数可数名词时,前面要用不定冠词。some意为“某一,某某”,表示说话者未知的或不想特别加以说明的人、物、地点等,用在单数可数名词的前面。

3. laughter, laugh

a. His story raised a ____ in the whole class.

b. I heard sound of ____ in the next room.

c. Then she touched me lightly on the arm and made me burst into____.

d. We told many funny stories, and enjoyed as many hearty ____ over them.

答案及解析:a. laugh b. laughter c. laughter d. laughs。两者都可用作名词,laugh是可数名词,而laughter是抽象名词,不可数。

4. be famous for, be famous as

a. Napoleon ____ a great soldier.

b. The area ____ its green tea.

c. Einstein ____ his Theory of Relativity.

d. The area ____ a greet tea producing place.

答案及解析:a. was famous as b. is famous for c. was famous for d. is famous as。be famous for意为“因……而闻名”,for后面的介词宾语通常是主语本身所固有的东西;be famous as意为“作为……而著称”,as后的介词宾语通常与主语是同位语关系。

5. make fun of, make use of, make up for, make sense of

a. Can you ____ what he says?

b. Its wrong ____ others.

c. Well do all we can ____ the economic losses.

d. We must ____ full ____ time.

答案及解析:a. make sense of b. to make fun of c. to make up for d. make…use of。make fun of 表示“取笑;嘲笑;和……开玩笑”;make useof表示“利用”;make up for表示“弥补”;make sense of表示“理解”。

6. appreciate, enjoy

a. I ____ the meal very much.

b. It is really pleasant ____ that comedy.

c. The pet very much ____ being treated that way.

d. They all went ____ the cherry blossoms.

答案及解析:a. enjoy b. to appreciate c. appreciated d. to enjoy。这两个词都有“欣赏,喜欢”的意思。appreciate指由于较高的修养而对事物有深入的理解能力,并能鉴赏。enjoy仅指感官或智力上的乐趣和满足。后跟动词作宾语时,这两词都用动名词而不用不定式。

7. aloud, loud, loudly

a. Suddenly, the bell on the wall rang ____.

b. She has a good pronunciation when she reads ____.

c. Speak ____, or nobody can hear you.

答案及解析:a. loudly b. aloud c. louder。aloud往往与read, think连用,表示真的把话说出来而不只是在脑子里默默地“说”。只有修饰cry, shout时,才表示“大声”的意思。loud和loudly都意为“响亮地,大声地”,有时可互换,但比较级用louder,常与speak, talk, laugh, say, shout等连用,loud要置于动词之后,loudly放在动词前后均可,含有“喧闹”的意思。

8. try doing sth., try to do sth., manage to do sth.

a. We ____ to get what he wanted.

b. Youd better ____ doing the experiment in another way.

c. Father ____ to explain it to me but I just couldnt understand.

d. By helping each other, they ____ to overcome the difficulties.

e. He ____ to do the operation with very little help, but didnt


答案及解析:a. managed b. try c. tried d. managed e. tried。try doingsth.意为“(用某一办法)试着去做某事”;try to do sth.表示“尽力去做某事”,不包含是否成功的意思;manage to do sth.表示设法做成了某事,经过努力达到了目的。

9. emotion, feeling

a. He had lost all ____ in the left leg.

b. At the very first sight of that door he experienced a peculiar


c. He was chocked with ____.

d. By a masterful effort she controlled her ____.

e. Love, hatred, joy, fear and grief are ____.

答案及解析:a. feeling b. emotion c. emotion d. feelings (emotion) e. emotions。emotion意为“情绪、感情”,常指由于喜、怒、哀、乐等而使感情变化的强烈心情,多指精神上的反应。feeling指人生理上受到刺激产生的某种感觉,如痛苦、饥饿等。此外还可引申为“同情”。feeling泛指“感情”时,要用复数形式,有时也与emotion混用。

10. tear down, tear up, tear off, tear at

a. He ____ the wrapping of the parcel.

b. Yuan Shikai openly ____ the constitution.

c. The angry workers ____ the notice from the notice board.

d. Youd better ____ the wall ____; it is dangerous here.

e. He ____ his clothes and jumped into the water to save the boy.

答案及解析:a. tore at b. tore up c. tore down d. tear…down e. tore off。tear down表示“弄倒;拆除;拆毁;扯下”,如代词作宾语,必须放在tear和down之间;tear up意为“撕毁”,如代词作宾语,必须放在tear和up之间;tear off意为“急速脱掉,一把扯掉”;tear at意为“用力撕开”。

11. crazy, mad

a. He found a young and beautiful girl obviously ____.

b. Be careful of the ____ dog.

c. It was ____ of you to go skating on such thin ice.

d. He was ____ with drink.

答案及解析:a. mad b. mad c. crazy d. crazy。mad意为“狂,疯狂,狂热”,指人完全失去理智而不能自制的疯子般的状态。有时也指人的愚蠢。crazy意为“发狂,狂热”,程度要比mad要轻,指正常人以奇想、忧虑或恐惧等激烈情绪而造成的近乎疯狂的状态。

12. certain, sure

a. I am ____ of his success.

b. It is ____ to rain.

c. He is ____ to come.

d. Im not quite ____ how to do it.

e. Im not ____ whether to go to the party.

f. Im ____ that he will come.

g. It is ____ that your team will win.

h. ——Are you going? ——____.

答案及解析:a. sure/certain b. sure/certain c. sure/certain d. sure/ certain e. sure/certain f. sure/certain g. certain h. Sure。两个词都有“相信,一定,肯定”的意思。相同点:可用于be sure/certain of, be sure/certain to do sth.,be sure/certain+疑问词或whether+不定式(用人作主语)和be sure/ certain后接从句。不同点:certain可用于It is certain that…结构,而sure不能;sure可作副词,相当于certainly。

13. separate, divide

a. A year ____ into four seasons.

b. He went over and ____ the two boys who were fighting.

c. The Suez Canal ____ Africa from Asia.

d. You can ____ this between (among) you.

e. The two islands ____ by the Irish Sea.

f. They chatted together till midnight and then ____.

答案及解析:a. is divided b. separated c. separates d. divide e. are separated f. separated。动词separate和divide都有“分开”的意思。separate侧重把原来连在一起或靠近的人或物分开,使之隔一段距离。separate与from连用时,意为“把……和……分隔开来”,separate还可作“分手,离开”解。divide侧重于把一个整体分成若干部分,其后常有介词into, among, between等与之搭配。

14. chance, opportunity

a. What a wonderful ____!

b. They had no ____ to escape.

c. I never miss a ____ of playing football.

d. ____ plays an important part in many card games.

e. The ____ are ten to one that we will win.

f. I take this ____ of thanking you.

g. Dont take ____!

答案及解析:a. opportunity b. chance/opportunity c. chance/opportunity d. Chance e. chances f. opportunity g. chances。chance指侥幸的或偶然的机会,或无法解释的“天意”或“命运”所安排的时机,意为“运气,机会”。opportunity指符合人们意向或目的的一般机会,或指某一特定时机,有利于做某一件事以实现某种抱负与愿望,意为“良机,机会”。二者常可交换使用。表示偶然性,强调“命运”的安排时,用chance比opportunity更好。chance还可表示“可能性”,opportunity则不能。另外,take this opportunity是“趁此机会”的意思;take a chance是“冒险,投机”的意思,不可混淆。

15. dark, darkness

a. It was the goats eyes that he had seen in the ____.

b. The ____ came early.

c. ____ was falling fast.

d. I could see nothing because of the ____.

e. Some girls are afraid of the ____.

答案及解析:a. darkness b. dark c. Darkness d. darkness e. dark。dark作名词时与darkness没有绝对区别。dark常与the连用。dark指经常情况,darkness指一时情况,但in the dark也常指一时的情况。在一些短语中,只能用dark。如:after/before dark天黑以后/前,at dark在傍晚,be(keep, leave sb.)in the dark (about sth.)被(使某人)蒙在鼓里,不告诉别人。

