

中学生英语高效课堂探究 2008年6期

曹 凌





例1. Ill come to see you if_______ .

A. youre convenient

B. it is convenient for you

C. you feel convenient

D. it is convenient with you

解析:答案为B,但易误选A或C,因为按汉语意思“如果你方便的话”,易直译为if you are convenient或if you feel convenient。但事实上,英语中表示“如果你方便的话”,通常说if it is convenient for (to) you。


1. I wont go there alone, and Ill take______________ wants to go.

A. anyoneB. who

C. whoeverD. what

2. Mary is very clever and_______worth teaching, but her brother isnt. Look, he is now_______asleep in class.

A. very; veryB. much; very

C. well; veryD. well; fast

3. —What do you think has caused the fearful_______ hurricane in America?

—_______ out too much warm gas.

A. People cut forest at will and let

B. Because people cut forest at will and let

C. When people cut forest at will and let

D. Peoples cutting forest at will and letting

4. —Who is making so much noise in the_____ garden?

—_______ the children.

A. There areB. They are

C. That isD. It is

5. There are some occasions_______you may be misunderstood by others.

A. whichB. when

C. thatD. Where



例2. —Did Jack come early last night?

—Yes. It was not yet eight oclock_______ he arrived home. (05福建卷)

A. beforeB. when

C. thatD. until

解析: 考生的思维定势有二:首先,认为是考查强调句型。同学们熟记了强调句型的基本模式:It be + 被强调部分 + that / who +其余部分。而判断一个句子是否为强调句型,只需将其中的It is / was和who / that去掉,如果句子结构完整通顺,则是强调句型,否则就可能是其他语法形式。如果选C项,去掉It was和所填的that后,时间状语前缺少介词,产生句法错误,因此该句不是强调句型,而是状语从句。其次,此题也易被认为是在考查It ... before ...句型。 It is + 时间段 + before句型的肯定式表示“过多久……才、就”;否定式表示“不久……才、就”。此题如用before则逻辑不符,故答案选B。


6. —Where did you get to know her?

—It was on the farm_______we worked. (07年山东卷)

A. thatB. there

C. whichD. where

7._______has got the first place will be announced at the meeting this afternoon.

A. WhoB. Whom

C. WhoeverD. Whomever

8. Last term our maths teacher set so difficult an examination problem_______none of us worked out.

A. thatB. asC. andD. which

9. Only those who have been to the Great Wall_______believe it is really a wonder.

A. will theyB. they will

C. do theyD. Will


例3: Who would you rather_______with him to go travelling this summer holiday?

A. have goneB. have been gone

C. have goD. have to go

解析:陷阱为have something done这一句型结构,易误选A项。如果把题干还原,则很容易看出句首的who做have的宾语,句型结构为have somebody do something,故应选C项。


10. —Did Jack come back early last night?

—Yes. It was not yet eight oclock_______ he arrived home.

A. beforeB. when

C. thatD. until

11. You can never imagine what great difficulty

I have_______your house.

A. foundB. finding

C. to findD. for finding

12. Every minute is made full use of_______our lessons.

A. to studyB. studying

C. studiedD. being studied

13. The day we look forward to_______ .

A. comeB. coming

C. has comeD. have come

14. Ways must be thought of_______the balance of nature.

A. keepB. keeping

C. to keepD. being kept

四、 搭配防“软肋”

英语中的固定搭配在高考中很重要,就拿一些词组的搭配来说,如look forward to, devote to, object to, be used to, stick to, make use of, lead to, belong to, refer to, thanks to等,其中的to / of均为介词,后面要跟名词或动名词。have后可接have sb. do / doing, have sth. done, 分别指让某人做或一直做某事或请人做某事。而命题者也常常会抓住考生这个思维的“软肋”来设置解题障碍,声东击西。

例4: He made up his mind to devote his life_______pollution_______happily.

A. to prevent; to live

B. to prevent; from living

C. to preventing; to live

D. to preventing; living

解析:答案为C,易误选B或D项。思维定势有二:其一是认为第一空为不定式,其实devote ... to ... (把……奉献给……) 中的to是介词,接-ing形式;其二是片面地认为是prevent ... (from) doing sth.这个固定搭配,其实第二空是不定式做目的状语,否则在逻辑上不通。


15. Im reading the article my son has just finished_______any spelling mistakes.

A. correctingB. correct

C. to correctD. having corrected

16. What is the way Mr. Smith thought of______________ enough money to buy the new _______house.

A. gettingB. having got

C. being gotD. to get

17. She cant help_______the windows because shes busy making a cake.

A. to cleanB. cleaning

C. cleanedD. being cleaned

18. He thought the child was more important than the job, and then he gave up_______after him.

A. to lookB. looking

C. lookedD. look

19. He ran as fast as he could_______to catch the bus.

A. hopeB. to hope

C. hopingD. hoped

20. In order not to be disturbed, I spent three hours_______in my study.

A. lockingB. locked

C. to lockD. to be locked

21. The reason_______he gave the teacher was that he hadnt caught the bus in time.

A. whyB. for

C. whichD. where

22. —Oh!This is the same book_______I_______am looking for!

—Where did you find it?

A. asB. that

C. whichD. where

23._______is reported in the newspaper that talks between the two countries are making progress.

A. ItB. As

C. ThatD. What


1. 解析:答案为C,但考生易误选A 或B项,误选的原因主要是直接按中文意思套译,即将其译为“我不会一个人去,谁想去我就带谁去”。 当然若将 A、B两项合起来,即 anyone who,则也正确。选项 C (whoever)引导一个宾语从句,用做动词 take 的宾语。

2. 解析:答案为D,但易误选A,因为许多同学往往将汉语中的“很”与英语中的very相对应。但是许多汉语中的“很”是不能用英语中的very来直译的。如汉语“我很喜欢英语”,在英语中就不能说成I very like English.,而应说成I like English very much.因为副词very在英语中习惯上不用来修饰动词。上题不能选A,因为形容词worth和asleep习惯上不能用副词very来修饰,而是分别用well和fast修饰,即说成be well worth doing sth.(很值得做某事),be fast / sound asleep(熟睡),所以此题的最佳答案应选D。

3. 解析:此题易误选B项。题干中问“什么引起美国可怕的飓风”,应该回答“人们乱砍森林并且释放大量热气引起……”,回答主语,应用名词性成分,此短语后面省略了has caused the fearful hurricane in America,故选D项。

4. 解析:受汉语思维的影响,此题易误选B项。题干中问的是谁,回答的主语应该是孩子们。句中的答语采用强调句型的省略形式,完整句子为It is the children that are making so much noise in the garden.,故选D项。

5. 解析:很多同学易误选D项。但如果知道occasion表示时间,译为“时间,场合”,就应该知道此题选B项,句中when引导一个定语从句。

6. 解析:答案为D。考生一看到这个句子,立即就想到了强调句型,而误选为A项,殊不知这是一个带有定语从句的强调句的省略形式。空中需要填入的是定语从句的关系副词where,完整的句子是It was on the farm where we worked that I got to know her.因为是口语交际,所以把后面部分that I got to know her 省略了。

7. 解析:答案为A。老师经常对同学们强调,遇到没有标点的句子,尤其是考查主语从句时,应优先考虑whoever,不过,这一固定思维用在此处是行不通的,因为句义不通。因为只能说谁将获胜,而非无论谁获胜。

8. 解析:粗心大意的同学一看到so,就易想到了that并选答案这A,他们总以为 “so ... that”搭配“天经地义”,其实不然。 此题中的worked out 后无宾语,因此空后句子应理解为定语从句,定语从句用什么样的关系代词呢?原来so difficult an examination problem也可改写为such a difficult examination problem, as正是定语从句,故选B。

9. 解析:陷阱为only开头的句子要用倒装结构,易误选A、C项。only放在句首后接状语时,通常用倒装结构,但only加主语的句子不倒装。题干中those是句子的主语,后面带有who引导的定语从句,故答案为D项。

10. 解析:此题易误选A项。如果是强调句型,去掉it was和that后,句子应依然完整。此句中it指时间,when引导时间状语从句,故选B项。

11. 解析:本题中含有一个句型“have some / much / great difficulty (in) doing something”,只不过这个句型不是以普通形式出现的。此句相当于“I have great difficulty finding your house. You can never imagine that.”所以答案应为B。不要误以为是完成时从而误选A。

12. 解析:本题考查固定词组make full use of something的用法。可是这里用了该词组的被动语态形式,故排除B、D两项。而A项为不定式,可作状语,所以此题答案应该为A项。

13. 解析: 若按“思维定势”解答此题,答案是B。因为动词短语look forward to(盼望)中的to 为介词,后接动名词作宾语。若稍微细心一点,不难发现此句中缺少谓语,因而要选C。试分析:the day 为先行词,we look forward to 是定语从句,其实to 的宾语就是先行词the day。

14. 解析:答案为C。由于受介词of的影响,容易误选B。其实这是一个被动句,其主动结构是think of ways to do something。

15. 解析: 答案为C,其实本句考查的是带定语从句的目的状语,my son has just finished 是定语从句,它修饰前面的article, finish的宾语是article,而非correcting, to correct 做Im reading the article的目的状语。

16. 解析: 同理,学生们受到thought of的影响,会误选A,而没有分清Mr. Smith thought of是前面the way的定语从句,the way后接了to buy the new house来做定语,故答案为D。

17. 解析:大部分同学读完题目,不假思索地想到“cant help doing sth.(情不自禁地做某事)”的结构而误选B项。其实只要正确理解题意“因为她忙于做蛋糕,不能帮助擦窗户”,就不难得出答案是A,此处的“cant help”意为“不能帮助”,后接不定式作宾语。

18. 解析:错误的解题思路为判断give up为一个只能接动名词作宾语的短语动词而选答案为B,而正确答案是A,何故?只要翻译原题,便会豁然开朗。题意为“他认为孩子比工作重要,然后他放弃(工作)来照顾孩子。”此处选不定式做目的状语。

19. 解析:答案为C,但考生易误选B,其中的现在分词短语hoping to catch the bus用做伴随状语,即一边跑一边希望能赶上汽车。跑和希望同时所以用现在分词形式hoping。而不定式通常表示其动作或意识后于谓语,所以此处不宜选to hope。

20. 解析:答案为B,但考生易误选A,以为是考查spend ... (in) doing sth.结构。其实不是“锁门”花去了三小时,而是“将自己锁在书房里度过了三小时”,句中过去分词短语做伴随状语。

21. 解析: 受the reason why ... is that ... 的影响易误选A项。题干中的gave应该带有双宾语,why在定语从句中只能做状语。此句只能用which做gave的间接宾语,故正确答案C项。

22. 解析: 此题陷阱为the same ... as ... 这一习惯搭配,易误选A项。the same ... as ...译为“和……一样”,而the same ... that ...指“就是同一个”。根据语意和it可知应选B项。

23. 解析: 此题陷阱为As is reported这一结构,易误选B项。 但仔细分析后不难看出,此题中it做形式主语,that引导真正的主语从句,因此正确答案为A项。

