

中学英语之友·中 2008年4期

严 励


1. ____ you mind ____ me the way?

A. Would; to tell B. Would; telling

C. Will; tell D. Will; to tell

2. ——Would you mind if I smoke?


A. Yes, please do B. Not at all

C. All right D. Thats OK

3. Ill do it ____.

A. just now B. right away

C. after a few minute D. just then

4. Ill be ready ____ a minute.

A. on B. at C. for D. in

5. He is ____ a meeting.

A. have B. has C. at D. on

6. ——Can you get me a ticket for the match?


A. Sorry, no problem B. Certainly, no problem

C. Excuse me, I cant D. Certainly, not problem

7. The watch was ____ well.

A. work B. working C. doing D. playing

8. The passengers were ____ in line to get on the train.

A. waiting B. cross C. in D. going

9. Your questions ____ me very much.

A. bother B. vex C. annoy D. irritate

10. Games are ____ for health.

A. good B. well C. better D. best

11. The beggars story ____ my pity.

A. exciting B. excited C. excite D. excitement

12. The master got ____ with your answer.

A. anger B. angrily C. angry D. the anger

13. I paid a ____ because my library book was overdue.

A. fine B. good C. much D. well

14. You should throw ____ these chairs and buy new ____.

A. off; ones B. away; one C. away; ones D. out; one

15. Im ____ sorry about it.

A. truly B. truely C. true D. real



1. Okay. Im sorry.

2. Its too loud.

3. Yes, I should.

4. No. Id love to.

5. No problem.


(a) Thanks for helping!

(b) Youd better see a doctor.

(c) Could you please turn off the radio?

(d) Why dont you like heavy metal music?

(e) Would you mind going with me?


1. To turn down means to make smaller.

2. To turn down means to reduce.

3. Would means must.

4. To annoy means to make somebody sad.

5. You must have scissors to cut in line.

Ⅳ.Form sentences.组句 (注意大小写和标点符号)

1. your room, mind, clean, would, you


2. get annoyed, I, when, talk to me, someone, reading, I am, while


3. to get a Snoopy doll, for two hours, in line, stood, we


4. students, so badly, wanted, the dolls, they, their studies, thinking

about, were, not


5. pay a big fine, the Guangzhou government, wanted, Mc Donalds, to



The Strangest Friday

Have you e____ imagined changing places with your mum or dad? What would it be like if you were inside someone elses body?

It may never h____ in real life, but it does come t____ in the Disney (迪斯尼) movie “Freaky Friday”(怪诞星期五).

Ann, a 15-year-old girl, and her mother, Tess, a single-parent, always a____. Tess doesnt u____ why Ann loves rocknroll(摇滚) so much, while Ann is u____ about her mothers new marriage.

One Thursday, they have some m____ cookies at a Chinese restaurant. Strange things start to happen. The next morning, they find themselves i____ each others body. The mother and daughter have changed roles! But they have to c____ back before the mothers wedding(婚礼) on Saturday. Many funny things happen on Friday…

This funny film teaches us to see the world t____ the others eyes.



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