

中学英语之友·中 2008年4期



Animals—Ten Fantastic Facts


(1) Bats(蝙蝠) always turn left when they fly out of their home at night. Nobody knows why.

(2) When your left eye moves, your right eye moves with it. But chameleons(变色龙) can move one eye up and the other eye down, or one eye left and the other eye right.

(3) An archerfish (射手鱼) uses its mouth like a water gun. It shoots water at an insect. The insect falls, and the fish eats it.

(4)Albatrosses(信天翁) can sleep and fly at the same time. This is useful because they sometimes fly for many days over water.

(5)A hummingbird(蜂鸟) is the only bird that can fly backwards.

(6) Mosquitoes(蚊子) are dangerous insects because they bite us. But did you know that only the females bite?

(7) Some chimpanzees(黑猩猩) can learn to understand 3,000 words.

(8) Sand tiger sharks (沙虎鲨) never have more than two baby sharks at one time. Why? Because the two strongest baby sharks eat their brothers and sisters inside their mother before they are born.

(9) Bees(蜜蜂) have a language. It is not a language of words but a language of dances. When a bee finds food, it flies back to the other bees and does a dance. The dance makes a shape like an “8”. The size and direction of the “8” shows the distance and direction of the food.

(10) A cockroach(蟑螂) can live for a week without a head.

1. Bats never turn right ____.

A. at night

B. when they leave their home

C. when they fly

2. Chameleons ____ in two different directions at the same time.

A. always move B. can look C. can go

3. The insect falls when ____.

A. the archerfish shoots water to it

B. the fish bites it

C. it sees the fish

4. An albatross ____ stop flying when it sleeps.

A. cant

B. does not always

C. has to

5. ____ bird can fly backwards.

A. No B. Only one C. Every

6. Male mosquitoes ____.

A. do not bite us

B. are dangerous

C. bit only females

7. Some chimpanzees ____.

A. can speak English

B. can read stories

C. can learn words

8. Sand tiger sharks ____ before they come into the world.

A. all die B. can kill C. cant eat

9. A dance like a small “8” means the food is ____.

A. near B. in the east C. very small

10. A cockroach without a head dies after ____.

A. a few seconds B. a few minutes C. a few days



France is like a hexagon(六边形) in shape. Its east are Germany, Switzerland and Italy. On the southeast are Monaco and the Mediterranean; on the south are Spain and Andorra, with the Bay of Biscay on the west and the English Channel on the north as natural borders.

The Alps are between France and Italy, and the Jura Mountains decide the France-Swiss border. The Rhine River, at the northeast corner of France forms the France-German boundary(边界).

There are a lot of rivers in France, and the Rhine River is the largest in terms of discharge volume (就发电量来说).

Paris is the capital and largest city in France. It is called “the capital of romance”. It attracts many visitors from all over the world every year. Marseilles is a chief port and Lyons is an industrial center famous for its textiles(纺织品). French perfume(香水) and champagne(香槟) are very famous in the world.

1. What countries are on the east of France? ____.

A. Germany, Switzerland and Italy

B. Germany, Monaco and Italy

C. Spain and Andorra

D. Monaco and the Mediterranean

2. What mountain is between France and Swiss? ____.

A. The Alps B. The Jura Mountains

C. The Pyrenees Mountains D. The Bay of Biscay

3. ____ is the biggest in terms of discharge volume in France.

A. The Bay of Biscay B. The Rhine River

C. The Mediterranean D. The English Channel

4. ____ are famous in the world in France.

A. Textiles

B. Perfume and champagne

C. The Rhine River

D. The Alps

5. Which city is called “the capital of romance”? ____.

A. Marseilles B. Lyons C. Paris D. Toulouse


Scotland is a unique(独特的) place. It has a long history and proud past. You can find beautiful palaces and castles(城堡); it has some of the most beautiful cities in Europe.

In order to see and discover the true Scotland today, you have to go towards the northern regions, to the Grampian Mountains. You are able to get a feel of the typical countryside of the past. Beautiful and unspoiled(未开垦的), it was difficult to farm. The Scots subdued(征服) the environment with simple spades and strong arms.

Glamis Castle is famous, because it was once the living place of King Macbeth and Queen Elizabeth in her childhood.

The true flag of Scotland, tartan, is brightly colorful with plaid patterns(格子图案). It is part of the daily life of this country.

Scottish people play the Great Highland bagpipes(风笛), especially when they march in parades(游行).

1. Scotland has a ____ history and ____ past.

A. short; beautiful B. long; beautiful

C. long; proud D. short; proud

2. What do you have to do in order to discover the true Scotland? ____.

A. Go towards the northern regions

B. Go to the Grampian Mountains

C. Go to the beautiful cities

D. Both A and B

3. Where did Queen Elizabeth live in her childhood? ____.

A. In the farm B. In the Glamis Castle

C. In the countryside D. In the big city

4. What do Scottish people do when they march in parades? ____.

A. Play the guitar B. Play the violin

C. Play the piano D. Play the bagpipes



Albatrosses: The Biggest Flying Birds 信天翁:世界上最大的飞鸟