“Youre all wrong,”said Bao-yu,who had been grinning silently to himself while the others guessed,“Ive thought of the answer.Its ‘a performing monkey.”(霍克斯译文)
“Youre all wrong,”declared Baoyu,who had been chuckling to himself for a while. “Ive got it. It must be a monkey in a circus.”(杨、戴译文)
【点评】这里的“猴”在两个译文里都是直译。不过,表示杂耍的猴子,好像a performing monkey更好, performing 作形容词,就是表示“会演出的”,比如a performing bear等。把“耍的猴儿”译作参加马戏演出的猴子,似乎抬举了那些街边卖艺的家伙们。
You-shi and Lou-shi turned towards Li Wan, laughing:“I wonder who she thinks shes fooling. Its very clear which of us in this room is the one who drank monkeys piddle!”(霍克斯译文)
Madam You and Madam Lou joked to Li Wan,“The one whos drunk monkeys piss is playing innocent!”(杨、戴译文)
【点评】这里的“猴”也是直译,不过有上下文的情况下,似乎可以考虑Monkey King或者大写monkey,因为此猴非凡猴,乃齐天大圣也。
“Naughty monkey!” she said. “Make fun of me,would you? Id like to tear that wicked mouth of yours!”(霍克斯译文)
“This monkeys so dreadfully spoilt, she even makes fun of me,”declared the old lady.“I ought to tear out that glib tongue of yours.”(杨、戴译文)
【点评】王熙凤最得心应手的就是奉迎贾母,贾母小时候头上不慎跌破,留下了鬓角上一个坑,她就说这个坑儿好,将来好盛福寿。贾母闻听,肯定是心花怒放的,当着众人的面,少不得和颜悦色地数落几句。杨、戴译文对原文基本是直译,“猴儿”“惯”分别对应monkey、spoilt,霍克斯没有翻译“惯”,不过naughty monkey一句也是相当到位的:如果不惯,怎么会淘气呢。倒是“油嘴”的翻译,霍克斯有些受到原文的限制,glib tongue更符合英语的习惯。
“Monkey! Monkey!” said Grandmother Jia. “Arent you afraid of going to the Hell of Scoffers when you die and having your tongue cut out?” (霍克斯译文)
“What a monkey you are!”cried the Lady Dowager turning to Xifeng. “Arent you afraid of going to the Tongue-Cutting Hell?”(杨、戴译文)
【点评】在清虚观里,王熙凤拿张道人取笑,贾母觉得过分,才说了上面的话。原文是叠加的“猴儿”,杨、戴译文用了感叹句,显然比Monkey! Monkey!自然。霍克斯在译文里制造了一个“嘲笑者的地狱”(Hell of Scoffers),用曲笔交代了凤姐下割舌地狱的缘故。
Er-jie pretended to grind her teeth angrily, though she was trying not to laugh.
“Glib-tongued little ape!” she said. “Were to be kept around here as second strings for your father, I suppose?” (霍克斯译文)
【点评】glib-tongued little ape对译“嚼舌头的猴儿崽子”,所谓“嚼舌头”就是指油嘴滑舌的意思。second string to one's bow 指“第二手准备”“后备方案”,这里的second strings就所谓“给你爹做娘”。
Xi-feng bowed her head for some moments, reflecting. Eventually she looked up again and pointed her finger at him.
“You are a wicked little wretch and I ought by rights to kill you for imagining that you could deceive me. I suppose you thought that by deceiving me you would do that stupid master of yours a favour and your new mistress would love you for it. If it werent that I thought you were too frightened just now to have lied to me, I should have broken both your legs.” Her voice rose to a shout. “Get up!”(霍克斯译文)
Just then another old woman inside called out,
“Hurry up,you young rascals,and go and fetch your Aunt Liu before it's too late.”(杨、戴译文)
As soon as he heard this, Bao-yu twined himself round Xi-feng and began coaxing and wheedling her to ...(霍克斯译文)
Bao-yu cuddled up to her at that and coaxed, ...(杨、戴译文)
With an impulse chuckle he threw himself upon her and clung like sticky toffee about her person:“Come on,Faithful darling, give us a taste of your lipstick!”(霍克斯译文)
He mischievously nestled close to her.
“Good sister, let me taste the rouge on your lips!”
With this smiling appeal he clung to her like sticky toffee. (杨、戴译文)
【点评】“猴”作动词,用在宝玉身上,刻画出他屈身倚靠、天真活泼的生动形象,活现出他那娇生惯养、好和异性厮混的情态。“猴”的这种用法,至今在江浙一带的口语中依然常用。虽然monkey这个词也可以作动词,但是和汉语的“猴”意思上区别较大,或者表示to play foolishly,或者指to handle carelessly or irresponsibly,例如The boys were monkeying about in the playground, and one of them got hurt,又如Youll break the TV if you dont stop monkeying about with it.因此,翻译时不能把monkey和“猴”画等号。再比照我们的红楼梦翻译范例,诸如twined(使缠绕)himself round、cuddled(依偎)up to her、threw himself upon her、nestled(偎依)close to her都是比较准确的译文,不拘泥于原文字句,却出自名手,皆臻化境。